Me Verses Every Guy


"Nice cast," Zack smirked down at Brian's hand. "Just as Sam's getting hers off, you get yours on."

"Shut up," he sneered. "Why are you here? I'm grounded."

"You dad said it was okay if I stopped by a bit." Zack replied. "How's your hand?"

"Could be better," Brian shrugged.

"How's Sam?" Zack asked as he sat down.

"Could be a lot better," he sighed. "She won't even talk to me! It's like she's embarrassed or something. She's only talking to Riley, it's so unfair!"

"Did you see what her brothers did to Matt?" Zack asked, changing the subject.

"No, what did they do?"

"He's so beat up, he can't walk or talk. His parents don't know if they should yell at her brothers for beating Matt up. Or to thank them because he's been such an ass lately." He chuckled.

"He deserves it," Brian shrugged.

Zack sat there awkwardly as Brian kept thinking about what an ass Matt was. They use to be best friends, now Brian can't stand him after what he did. No one, not even Val, could understand why he stooped so low. Matt changed over the year, and it's definitely not for the better.

"Just go see Sam or something. You never really listen to you parents anyway," Zack shrugged. "Their at work, go see how she is."

"I should, shouldn't I?" Brian sighed.

"You are her boyfriend after all," Zack chuckled. "See you when your ungrounded."

Zack patted Brian's shoulder before he headed out the door. Brian knew Zack was right. It was never a good thing when he was right either. Brian slowly stood up from his seat then headed out his basement door. He knew Sam would be home from school today since he didn't see her leave with Josh this morning.

Brian walked up the steps and knocked on the door. He kept ringing the doorbell until he finally heard footsteps.

"Jeez, what the hell do you- Brian? God, I thought you were someone else," she sighed, letting him in. "The door was open, you could of just came in."

"How are you?" He asked pulling her in a hug.

"Okay, I guess. How about you?" She asked.

"I'm fine," he said before kissing her forehead. "I'm just worried about you."

"I'm fine now," she shrugged slightly.

He held her hand as the walked up to her room. When he walked in, he saw text books on her desk, along with a whole bunch of notebooks, pens, pencils, all the school supplies you can think of.

"I sort of dropped out," she explained before he could question her. "But my aunt on my Dad's side is a home school teacher. So I'm kinda doing that three times a week. I have more then enough credits to pass."

"Your leaving me? What if I need your help on a test?" He whined, as he laid on her bed.

"You know where I live, Brian." She laughed slightly, laying next to him. "I'll always help you study and what not."

"You think you'll be able to turn invisible or something? That way you can whisper the answers in my ear or something."

"I can help you study," she repeated.

He groaned as he tossed his head back. She rolled her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him tightly.

"I'm gonna miss you," he mumbled.

"Brian, were next door neighbors," she chuckled slightly.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah, this is just a filler.
I have a quick question, why does it always say that no one read my stuff?
It's like, 10 chapters where it says no one reads it.
But I'm just being paranoid!

Don't forget the feedback<3