Me Verses Every Guy

The Bet

"God, she is such a dork," Matt mumbled lowly as Sam continued to read.

"Shut up," Riley hissed hitting him.

Matt, Brian, and Riley were both sitting at her kitchen table as Sam sat in the dining room. She was currently in the middle of a good book.

"I don't get why you hang out with her," Matt sighed. "Your hot...She's not."

"Shut up," Riley hissed again. "Why do you have to be so ignorant? And for your information, if she did wear clothes that actually fit her, she would be hot."

"Yeah, dude. I actually saw her in a towel last year thanks to her brothers," Brian mumbled.

"I bet you were dreaming," he scoffed.

"I bet I wasn't," he taunted.

"You really want to bet that Brian?" Matt smirked.

He sighed and looked and Riley. They both knew that who ever made bets with Matt, he would lose. No matter what it was, it just happened. But for once, Brian felt different about the bet.

"Yeah, I do," Brian replied.

"Oh god. Brian, don't," Riley sighed.

"I bet you can't turn Sam into that chick you say you can. I've seen her in class, she gets freaked out when I sit next to her. No guy is ever going to fall for her," he said as he finished up the soda. "You need to change that. I need to hear all the guys in school talkin' about her."

"Your such a fucking asshole," Riley spat. "Why do you have to be so ignorant?"

"Deal," Brian said ignoring whatever Riley had just said.

"Ugh. Do you guys not listen to me?" She glared.

"Nope," Matt smirked. "See you later Haner. We'll talk more later."

Riley glared at Brian as he watched Matt leave. Once the door was shut, he looked down at Sam, she had put her book down and walked over to to them. She stared at them awkwardly for a moment then sat on the opposite side of them.

"So," she said quietly. "You guys didn't have to make the bet."

"You heard?"

"Of course I did. I was in the next room. But you should quit while your ahead. Your going to lose that bet, it's never going to happen." Sam sighed and Riley grabbed her hand.

"Stop bringing yourself down. You know that you have a hot body, show it off," she smirked slightly.

"Stop lying Riley, it's not going to happen. Stop saying that it is," Sam said seriously. "And you, I can't believe you bought that towel thing up."

"I had to. You know you hate it when he makes fun of you like that. Especially when it comes to Matt," he said.

"Come on Sam, let's go and prove Matt wrong. Let us be the first ones to beat Matt at a bet. You know you want to kick his sorry ass," she smirked slightly.

"God, I wish you didn't know me so well," she mumbled burying her face in her arms.

"What do you say, are you in?" Riley asked hopefully.

"I'm not wearing pink though," she sighed slightly.

Riley shot up from her seat and went to go and hug Sam tightly. They both laughed as they almost fell over; Brian smiled.


"Okay, what do we start with?" Brian yawned as he laid on Riley's bed.

"I don't know. Hair? Make up? Clothes?" Riley questioned Sam.

Sam shrugged and rubbed her eyes. Riley noticed that she was wearing her glasses, she took them off and Sam tried to snatch them back.

"Your nearsighted, idiot. You don't need it all the time," Riley sighed. "You look so much better with out them. Right Brian?" She questioned, but he started to doze off. She threw a book at him and he shot right up. "Right?" She hissed.

"Right," he nodded, not having any clue what she had just said.

"I wanna go home, my show is on," Sam whined.

"Let's try walking in heels at least," Riley said as she dug through her closet.

"Can I at least have my glasses? I need them," she questioned.

Brian handed her the glasses anyway, he looked a lot clearer once she put them on. Riley handed Sam the shoes and ordered her to put it on. Once she took one step, she fell right on top if Brian.

"God, were gonna need a lot of work," Brian sighed as he helped her up.

"I told you so," Sam grumbled.

"Just walk around the house a bit. Brian, will you catch her when she falls?"

"Sure," he laughed as Sam threw something at Riley.

Brian had to hold Sam's hand while she walked in the hallway. She took two or three steps the most before falling. But once she got to the end of the hall, she leaned her back against the wall and slid down. Brian looked down at her as she took the shoes off and tossed it aside.

"What are you doing?"

"I should be asking you that," she said quietly. "What are you doing, Brian? I know you don't really care about me. You probably just want to win a bet with Matt. It's never going to work."

"Your nuts, Sam. Why are you thinking that? I mean, I know that I don't talk to you much in school. But that's mostly because you ignore everyone. You know that you have a body that would make the guys talk about you, why don't you show it off a bit?"

"What if I want to keep it all to myself? Riley did say I was selfish at times. I don't want to show anything off," she mumbled.

"Listen to me," he said sitting closer to her. "When I saw you in that towel last year, I freaked. It took all my strength to not pounce on you. I thanked your brother for chasing you out the bathroom, you know what he did? He threw a rock," he smiled. She laughed as he went to go pick a shoe up. "So why don't we make everyone else think the same?"

"I don't want every guy after me. I'll get raped eventually." She laughed.

She grabbed the shoe from him and put it on. He stood up so he could help her up; he looked over and saw Riley spying on them. He smirked at her as she mouthed, "Thank you" to him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's not the best chapter.
But bare with me, it'll take some time.
I swear on Tommy Lee that it'll get more interesting!