Me Verses Every Guy

Boobs and Birthdays

"You know, I still don't get why I had to do that thing with JT," Sam sighed as she and Brian helped Riley and here Mother bring the groceries in.

"Because, I wanted to see what you can do with guys you actually know," Riley explained as she took the food out of the bags.

"You know, you make it sound like she's a whore," Brian commented.

"Yeah, you do," Sam agreed. "But I'm not."

"You are only for Troy," she smiled. "We got this Mom, go out or something."

"Alright, call if you need anything. Tell your brother that dinner is going to be at seven."

Riley slightly grunted to herself. Brian raised an eyebrow at her as he opened the can of soda. Sam chuckled slightly as Riley kept that grungy look on her face.

"What's wrong with you?" Brian wondered.

"Since it's JT's birthday, he gets to pick where we go for dinner. He always pick some place that hardly has any veggie dishes," she complained.

Riley was currently trying to cut down on meat. Chicken and fish once and a while, but no burgers or anything. Brian rolled his eyes at her as Sam folded the last bag. Now, Sam has been doing much better with the whole, wearing clothes that fit you thing. She didn't always wear the clothes that Riley picked out a few weeks ago, but now she doesn't have any frumpy clothes. Brian loved learning something new about Sam each time, he thought she was a Saint, kids at school even called her the Virgin Mary.

"So, what did you get him?" Sam asked.

"Some gift card to a video game store," Riley shrugged.

Brian even got him something, it was only a shirt, but it was still nice even though they hardly knew each other. Sam on the other hand, had two parts for his gift.

"JT and his friends are still upstairs, right?" Sam questioned. Riley nodded as Brian burped in her face. She grimaced and punched his arm. "Where's that tank top of yours?"

"Which one?" She asked before drinking Brian's soda.

"The black one that makes your boobs look huge," Sam responded.

"On my bed, why?" She questioned.

"I'm about to give JT is present," she smiled.

"Oh, that's why you asked me to put- Hurry up and tell me how it goes!" She smiled.

Sam hopped off the chair as Brian began questioning what was going on. Riley laughed at him as he was growing impatient. She watched Sam skip up the stairs, and enter her room. Sam locked the door and took the shirt she had one and put the tank top on. She went to Riley's bathroom and quickly fixed her make up and hair. One she was happy with her appearance, she left Riley's room and left to go see JT.

She knocked on the door and she heard JT's voice letting her in very shortly. She quietly walked in and shut the door; she saw a bunch of 15 year old boys sitting around playing video games. One of them looked up, he whispered to another guy, and he looked up. This went on for a while until JT finally looked up.

"Hey Sam," he smiled brightly.

"Hey, happy birthday," she smiled.

He squeezed through his friends and went to go give her a hug. He smiled to himself as he felt her boobs press against his chest. When they broke apart, she kissed him on the lips.

"So, why are you here?" he questioned after controlling himself.

"What, I can't wish you a Happy Birthday?" She questioned with her arms still around his neck. "Besides, I needed to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"I think I left my underwear here, have you seen it?" She asked innocently, yet quiet enough just for everyone in the room to hear.

"Uh, n-no," he stammered.

"Have you guys seen it?" She asked his friends.

It was quiet for a moment. Until a boy in a green shirt dug through his pockets and tossed it over to JT. JT glared at him, then handed it over to Sam.

"Thanks," she smiled at the boy. "Now, don't forget to come by my house later tonight, okay? You'll get your present later tonight," she smirked up at JT.

"Okay, I'll be there," he smiled. "I'll be back in a second, guys," he smiled as he walked Sam out.

They both walked out as he shut the door. He smiled down at her, then she gave him a real hug.

"So, do I really need to go over to your house later?" He smiled wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yes, but not for the reasons you think," she smiled back. "I got you tickets for a show."

"To see who?" He eagerly questioned.

"You'll see. Now I need to get out of this top," she said adjusting her bra. "I don't get how she can wear this."

He laughed slightly at her as she folded the underwear up into her pocket.

"You know, you can keep the tickets if I can get another kiss like I did the other week."

She rolled his eyes at his immaturity. She place her hands on her hips and gave him a look asking if he was serious. He seemed to read her face like a book and told her yes. She bit her lip then pushed him at the other end of the hall. She grabbed him by the collar and pressed her lips to his. She quickly slipped her tongue in his mouth and they had a quick make out session.

"My house, nine o'clock for the tickets," she said before she walked into Riley's room. She tossed the tank top off and put her shirt one. She trotted down the stairs to meet up with Brian.

"You know," Brian smiled as he walked over to Sam. "My birthday is soon. I won't mind you wearing that tank top and a quick make out session."

"Jeez, Bri," she mumbled rolling her eyes.


Brian opened the door letting Riley in. Now a days, they weren't trying to glam Sam up, they were hanging out as friends. They went out together, he invited them over to parties, to hang out at his house, to go in his pool. Sam still felt uncomfortable around his friends, she warmed up to Zack and Jimmy a bit more. But Matt was still in a pissy mood.

"Here, I got you your own boob shirt. Wear it so we can match," Riley smirked.

"Iight," Sam smiled as she stood up from where she was on the couch. Brian secretly watched her walked up the steps to the bathroom as Riley took Sam's seat.

"What are we doing today?" Riley questioned.

Brian shrugged as he changed the channel. "Just relax today, maybe swim later. I don't feel like doing anything."

"Sounds good," she nodded.

"How did the birthday dinner go?" He smirked down at her.

She rolled her eyes and grunted. Brian took that as a signal that it went bad. He didn't ask any other questions knowing that she would get pissed. He whistled as Sam came back down the stairs, making her give him the finger. Riley laughed as she went to sit on the other end of the couch of the two.

"And what's this? Your wearing a skirt too?" Riley smirked.

"Tommy and Josh said they would pay me a hundred bucks each if I wore a skirt all day. Adam and Seth made them sign a contract too," she smiled.

"Sweet," Riley nodded.

"It be even sweeter if I got in that skirt," Brian sighed as he changed the channel again.

"Shut up," Sam yelled as she threw a pillow at him.

"You know you want him to," Riley rolled her eyes. At first, Sam gasped at her, then glared at her, and then mumbled something about Riley.

Sam and Riley started bickering, Brian rolled his eyes and turned the volume up. He tried to concentrate on the show that was currently on, but all he heard was them two fighting.

"Would you two shut up!" Brian yelled, jumping on the two.

They both started to squirm as he sat on top of them. He threatened a few times that he would tape their mouths shut if they didn't shut up. And at that moment, they both shut up. He stayed on top of them for a while until Riley had to go.

"Later guys," she smiled.

The both waved at her and turned their attention back to the TV.

"I'll be back, I gotta take a leak," Brian said as he hopped off of Sam.

He jogged up the stairs leaving her alone. He took a while because he drank a lot earlier that day. It was finally hitting him; once he was done, he ran back down the stairs, only to see Sam looking out the window.

"What's up?" He questioned walking towards her.

"Nothing," she mumbled.

"Are you crying?" He asked worried.

"What's wrong with me?"

"What? Nothing-"

"Look at me, Brian," she sighed holding her arms out. "I don't dress like this, this is Riley's thing. I only did this because I hate Matt, but we already proved what we needed, why can't I go back? Besides, wearing this shirt is making me think that one boob is bigger then the other." She mumbled looking down at them.

"Your boobs are fine," he laughed.

He pulled her in a hug and wrapped his arms around him. She eventually did the same but her hug was much tighter. She eventually started to tear up, he noticed it when his shirt was wet. In a few short moments, he lifted her chin up, and kissed her.
♠ ♠ ♠
For some reason, this seems long.
But I bet it's just me.

Sexual content is in the next chapter.
Don't read if you don't like it, no big deal.

FEEDBACK would be nice, though!