Me Verses Every Guy

Brotherly Love

"Hey Sam," Brian waved.

"Uh, hey Brian," she smiled awkwardly. "I'm uh, going to check on something. I'll be back."

Riley watched as Sam walked up the stairs in a hurry. She turned to Brian and placed a hand on her hip. He found out that if Riley does that, she's mad.

"What did you do to her?" She glared at Brian.

"Nothing! Why do you think it's always me? You know how much her brothers get on her nerves," Brian defended himself. "It could of been one of them."

"Why is she acting like this then?"

Brian shrugged as Sam came back down the stairs. He looked down avoiding eye contact with her. Sam walked in the kitchen with Josh following in afterwords.

"So, how's the whole, 'trying to make Sam look hot' thing?" Josh questioned as he grabbed a water bottle.

"Really good," Riley nodded.

"A little too good," Brian mumbled quietly.

Josh raised an eyebrow at him, but shook it off as Sam threw an apple at his head.

"What was that for?" He asked picking the apple up.

"Aren't you and everyone else supposed to be at the beach?" Sam asked as she watched him eat the apple. She scrunched up her face as she watched him chomp at the apple.

"We are," he nodded. "We're waiting for Tommy as usual," he shrugged.

"Why aren't you going?" Brian questioned Sam.

"Please, going to the beach with the guys is like going to a petting zoo," she scoffed.

Riley laughed at her comment, causing Josh to pounce on Sam. They both fell on to the floor and started to wrestle.

"Is this normal?" Brian questioned, pointing to Sam and Josh.

Riley nodded as she watched Josh and Sam wrestle on the ground.

"Put him in a headlock!' Riley yelled.

"Ay yo! Guys can I get a little help here?" Josh yelled loudly as Sam actually put him in a headlock.

Sam let go of him as she heard something close to a stampede of animals running over. David and Eric were the first ones to come, tackling Sam off of Josh. Eventually Cameron Tommy joined in and jumped on top of them. Riley and Brian started to laugh as Sam tried to get out of the pile, but she had no luck. All you saw was her head stick out of a pile of boys on top of her, kicking and yelling. Riley heard the front door open, so she turned to see who it was.

Adam and Seth stood there with their arms crossed over their chest. Seth had a whistle in his mouth, and before things got real out of hand, he blew the whistle.

"Come on gentlemen, in the van." Adam yelled opening the door.

Seth walked over to help Sam off the ground. She stumbled over her own two feet as he helped her to the seat in the kitchen.

"You gonna be okay?" Adam asked handing her an ice packet.

"Yeah, I think so," she nodded. "Good luck."

"Call if you need anything," Seth yelled as they walked out the door.

"Now that's why I always hear screaming," Brian smiled. "I thought someone was being killed."

"Or close to it," Riley chuckled.

"Right, well I'll see you guys later. I gotta go," Brian sighed as he hopped off the chair.

"Bye," they both waved.

Riley waited until Brian was gone until she freaked out on Sam.

"What happened?" She asked flaring her arms.

"Ouch! My eye," she whined.

Riley's hand hit Sam's arm, that was holding the ice to her eye. Riley rolled her eyes as Sam kept complaining about her eye.

"What happened between you and Haner?" Riley asked.

"We kinda, slept together after you left the other day," Sam mumbled.

"You what?" Riley yelled.

Sam mumbled it again, causing Riley to have a confused look on her face. She didn't know if she should smile, cry, yell, or even laugh. She knew she she lost her virginity before the thing with Brian. She hasn't slept with anyone since then, until Brian came along.

"It'll be fine babe," Riley sighed as she hugged her. "Come on, let's go out shopping. We haven't had a day to ourselves since the bet, or we could go swimming at my place."

"No," Sam answered quickly. "JT is scaring me, that whole prank went too far. He grabs me every time he sees me."

She shivered at the thought. Riley laughed as they grabbed their purses and headed out the door. Riley unlocked the door to her car and they hopped in the car. When Riley backed out of the driveway, Sam saw Brian looking out at them from his bedroom window.


"Come on Sam, why don't you come?" Riley questioned as she leaned on the doorway.

Sam shrugged slightly as she put her hair brush back down. She bit her lip as she looked at herself in the mirror. She was slowly going back to her old self, quiet, shy, and wearing frumpy clothes. She was wearing clothes that she stole from Josh when she did his laundry, baggy basketball shorts along with one of his band shirts.

"It'll be fun, everyone will be there," Riley whined as she heard footsteps behind her.

When she looked over, she saw Brian standing behind her.

"Are you guys coming or what?" He questioned opening the door all the way.

"Sam's not going," Riley huffed.

"Why not?" Brian questioned.

"Because I don't want to go," Sam sighed, "That's why. You guys go and have fun, okay?"

"Ugh, what is with you? You've been acting weird since that day you made a bet with you brothers," Riley glared. Sam ignored the comment as Brian came in the room.

"Are you coming or what?" He asked getting annoyed.

"I just said I wasn't going Haner! Are you deaf or something?" She hissed very annoyed.

"Look, I don't care if your going through any feminine problems, your still going to that party!" He glared, "I don't care if you mope around either, at least go."

"Brian," Riley said sternly, yet quietly.

Sam looked up at Brian with the saddest eyes anyone had ever saw. She pressed her lips tightly against each other as she stood up from her bed.

"Fine, leave so I can change."

Brian left quickly, letting the air blow by them. Riley gave Sam a small smile before she hunted Brian down. Sam closed the door and locked it before she went to go and change. She knew she wasn't going to be at the party long, so she didn't waste too much time getting herself dolled up. As she did her make up, she heard Riley and Brian yell at each other from downstairs, she did her best to ignore it as she put her shoes on.

"We going or what?" She questioned as she walked down the stairs.

Riley nodded as Brian opened the front door. The walk over to the party was quiet, it was only down a few streets. As they got closer, you could hear the music getting louder with each step they took. Sam inhaled loudly as they entered the house where the party was held.

"Hey guys," Val smiled brightly walking over. "Wow Sam, you look amazing!"

"Thanks," she smiled sweetly. "You do too."

"Do you wanna get a drink?" She questioned.

"Sure," she smiled as she linked arms with Val.

She followed Val into the kitchen and they got a drink. Sam felt uncomfortable as she saw people looking at her, some people she didn't even know. Sam sighed and drank her alcoholic beverage in just two big gulps.

"More?" Val offered as Matt opened up another bottle.

Sam nodded quickly; Matt poured the alcohol in her cup, more then he did earlier. And just as she did earlier, she gulped it down.

"Are you okay?" Val questioned.

Sam nodded still not saying a word, making Matt smirk down at her. Val excused herself as Michelle called her over. When she looked up, Matt walked towards her, still smirking.

"Like your new look?" He questioned, trying to seem interested.

"Leave me alone, Matt," she glared slightly.

"Why? You only let Brian talk about you?" He questioned again. "Or do you rather sleep with them first, and then let them talk about you?"

"I don't know what your talking about," she hissed.

"Yeah, I think you do," he smiled. "Face it, if that bet wasn't made, Brian would never of talked to you. I know you like him, I can see it in your eyes. Your nothing but a filthy, lying, worthless who-"

Sam raised her dominate hand and slapped him across the face.

"Matt, what did you do to her?" Val hissed as Sam walked away.

Sam had to squeeze by the people to get out of the house. But before she left the front door, Brian stopped her.

"What's wrong?"

"You told him!" She cried, "You told him we slept together!"

"Look, I can explain-"

"Don't even bother, I'm out of here," she glared.

She quickly took her heels off and ran out the door. She began running home with Brian trying to catch up to her. It was hard for her to run as she was crying, her vision was getting blurry. One she reached her house, she dragged her feet to the door. She leaned against the door to close it and threw her shoes on the floor. She wanted to go to her room and cry, so she had to use all her strength to walk up the steps just to lead to the living room. But she didn't know her brothers were there.

"What happened?" Tommy asked pausing the game.

"Nothing," she cried as she wiped her eyes.

Josh frowned and walked over to hug her. She wrapped her arms around him as her other brothers walked over.

"Who did this to you? What happened?" David began throwing questions at her.

"It's nothing, I just want to go up in my room," she said breaking away from Josh.

She walked away put got pulled back as Cameron grabbed her hand. He pulled her in another hug; she laughed slightly as he told her the horrible things he would do to the guy who hurt her. They all promised to kill the guy who made her cry, even Seth and Adam, and they hated to fight. This was one of the reasons why she loved them.

"Do you want me to bring you some hot coco later?" Tommy smiled down at his baby sister.

"No thanks," she sniffed. "I'm gonna shower then head to bed."
♠ ♠ ♠
First of all, thank you for the amazing feedback.
I thought you guys deserved another chapter, so keep it up!
And a lot of you seemed to like the sex scene, so I guess I'm going to write more.

Don't forget, if I get more feedback, I'll most likely update soon.