I Hunt for You

Chapter 7

Bill looked down sadly, hugging Iris tightly to him. Tom joined the hug-fest, smiling crookedly while fighting a frown.

"I'm going to miss you guys..." Iris looked to Georg and Gustav. "All of you." The other two jumped in on the group, squishing Iris in the center of it all. She smiled sadly, pushing the group apart to breathe. "You should get going...Don't wanna miss your flight." Tom nodded, pulling Bill along with him to the car. He waved with a smile.

"Bye Iris! Take care!" As the other two got into the car, Iris watched on sadly. Bill looked out of the window as the car rolled away, looking as if someone stole away his happiness. Iris turned away, heading inside of her apartment. Looking around, all her furniture was as she liked, but that barely brought her comfort from the lump in her chest. She smiled sadly, laying down on the overstuffed, brown leather chair.


(Fast Forward several months)

As the typical heat of summer wore on, Iris made herself comfortable by staying indoors. The result of which was that she watched TV all day, and she couldn't avoid seeing Tokio Hotel on the music channels every once in awhile. As the familiar faces popped up, the icy lump would return to its place in her chest and remain there for several hours. Soon, as July rolled around, a perfect distraction reared its head.

"Iris!!! Projekt Revolution's coming on the 30th!!! Let's go?!" Iris smiled as Sam's voice reached her through the phone.

"Ok...I'll get the tickets, you get the ride." Iris could practically see the grin on her friend's face.

"Awesome! Talk to you later chica!"


"Tomi..." The dredlocked male looked over at his brother, sighing.

"Yes Bill?" Said male pouted lightly, and Tom prepared himself as he knew Bill would want something.

"Since it's only a few hours away, may we go see Iris before we leave?" Tom smiled, missing the girl as well.

"Let's ask..." Turning to their manager, they grinned as the man gave them the ok.

"You did well and deserve a break. Have some fun." Bill whooped, dancing around the hotel room.

"Yes! To Charlotte we fly!!!" Watching his brother smile, Tom felt his own lips curl upwards.


"What do you mean? Do you know where she is?" Bill looked at the woman standing in the hallway of the apartment complex, feeling his happiness sinking. Tom smiled charmingly at the woman, earning a blush from the small brunette.

"You see, she's a good friend of ours and before we fly home, we wanted to stop by. Could you please tell us?" The petite woman nodded, fidgeting under Tom's gaze.

"I heard her and her friend talking about some concert called 'Projekt Revolution'. I'm pretty sure that's today at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater." Bill wrinkled his brow, deep in thought.

"Where is this place?" The lady shrugged.

"I'm not sure...but I can get you a map off the internet. Wait here just a minute!" The woman rushed back inside of her apartment and returned with a sheet of paper not more than three minutes later. She handed it to Tom, who was closest to her. "Here...it's about a 45 minute drive, and you'll need tickets to get in." Georg hid a smile as the woman seemed to not know who they were. As soon as they thanked the woman, the band was on the move.


Bill looked wide-eyed at the crowd of people waiting to get inside the gates. Tom pulled him along, walking right up to the gates and ignoring the shouts of people in line. The security guards stopped them with frowns.

"I'm sorry sir, but you'll have to get in line." Tom grinned maliciously, waving his ID to them.

"I'm Tom Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel...We need to get in, now!" Eyes widened at the information, and the guards stepped aside for the group.

"Very sorry...Yes, please enjoy yourselves!" Still pulling Bill along, Tom headed to the smaller Revolution stage, meandering through the large crowd as the next band came on stage. Nearing the far right of the crowd, Tom's arm was nearly wrenched from its socket as Bill froze suddenly.

"What the hell?" Tom turned to find his brother staring into the crowd. Following his gaze, Tom spotted the familiar head of caramel-colored hair and smiled. Iris jumped along with the beat of the music, screaming lyrics and head banging, completely unaware of the eyes watching her. Tom could sense his brother practically floating beside him as they headed in the general direction of Iris.
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I had a blast at Projekt Rev this year. While I was there, I got the idea to throw it into my story somehow.