Why So Serious?

Enter: Angst

It wasn't meant to happen. It was supposed to be a study session. He is good at chemistry. He likes the chemicals. He likes the explosions. He likes it when dangerous molecules collide. And Ginny just doesn't get it. Chemistry class, that is. Ginny doesn't get the class. He was there to help her. To study with her.

But as they say, the best laid plans oft go astray.

He arrived there at three. It was just Ginny. No one else was home yet. He kept telling himself not to. Not to think about her in that short skirt. Not to look at her chest. Not to get carried away. He kept telling himself not to.

But when she would brush his shoulder. Or run her hand through her hair. Or twitch her legs. It was just too much. He told himself not to. He told himself not to but it was not he who made the first move.

Ginny ran her hand up his chest. She caressed his cheek. She wove through the tangled mess of his hair. She exhaled low and hot next to his ear. Her eyes smoldered. The rest was a blur of clothing being removed. Of hot kisses exchanged. Of two bodies coming together.

It wasn't a mistake. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. It wasn't. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. It just wasn't meant to happen. And he lies there, with Ginny naked his is arms. Maybe I love her, he thinks. I do love her, he decides. He looks out the window and sees himself reflected in the glass. He shakes the thoughts from his head. He asks himself, "Why so serious?"