Why So Serious?

Enter: Bleeding Flesh

Halloween means candy. Halloween means costumes. Halloween means trick or treat. Halloween means a night full of frights.

He doesn't like the candy. He never has. He gives it all away. He likes the costumes the best. He can be scary. He's, actually always is scary. But Halloween was a night meant for him to scare the crap out of everyone. And anyone.

But he is to old to walk around in the streets. Ginny had invited him over to hand out candy with her. Today, before the night, they carve pumpkins. It feels good to puncture the flesh of the gourde, he thinks. To stab at it over and over again with the knife. Slowly, slowly, slowly. To watch the pumpkin bleed through the holes he puts there. Slowly, slowly, slowly. To watch guts ooze out. Slowly, slowly, slowly.

"Finished?" Ginny asks. Her pumpkin has a one tooth grin. "Can I see?"

"Yeah," he nods and turns his around. Ginny gasps. "Scary!" She says. He nods. "Good. That's what I was going for." The pumpkin is a clown face. It grins manically as if to ask everyone who's glances passes over it, "why so serious?"