Why So Serious?

Enter: Things That Go Bump in the Night

The dark engulfs the room. It's dark. Really, really, really dark. Too dark. It's blacker than the blackest night the city has ever seen. Something sinister is going to happen. He can feel it.

He wraps the blanket around his shoulders. He closes his door; he doesn't want to wake daddy and mommy up. He looks out the window. A car alarm goes off. A dog barks. It's the Rottweiler from next door. Sniper. He's barking like mad. What could Sniper be so angry at?

He sees a shadow by the fence of Sniper's house. Sniper yipes. Sniper runs to his house and through the dog door. The shadow follows him. But suddenly it stops. It turns. And he knows, oh he knows, that the shadow is staring at his window, staring at him. He freezes. And then drops to the floor.

He crawls to his bed and into it. He brings the blankets up to his chin. He's shivering. What is the shadow doing? Who is the shadow?

The wind howls. It rattles his window. But is it the wind rattling the window? He doesn't want to check. What if it's not the wind? He squeezes his eyes shut. It will go away. If he doesn't move it will go away.

He thinks he hears the front door open. But it was locked. Mommy always locks it before she falls asleep. But what if mommy's not asleep yet? What if Mommy went to sleep but daddy went out? Daddy does sneak out sometimes. And then he comes home, all yelling and breaking stuff. But what if daddy is already home? And just forgot to lock the door? What if he did the lock door and someone stole the key?

He shivers. It's too cold. Is his window open? He doesn't want to open his eyes to check. If he doesn't move it will all go away. He shuts his eyes tighter.

Sniper howls again. Is that mommy sobbing in the room one over? Is that daddy snoring? Is that someone walking in the hallway? Is that a door? If he closes his eyes and doesn't move it will all go away. It will go away. It will go away.

He swears he hears his door squeak open and rubber footfalls on the hardwood floor in his room. If he doesn't move it will go away.

And he hears the wind whisper, why so serious?/ Or was it the wind? He holds his breath and squeezes his eyes shut even harder. If he doesn't move it will go away.

If he doesn't move it will all go away.

If he doesn't move, and keeps his eyes shut it will be morning soon, and it will all go away.

But he doesn't do that. He peeps his eyes open and his room is engulfed in darkness.

But is that his door ajar? Is that his window open a bit?

He swears he can hear the wind whipping around outside, whispering why so serious?.

He squeezes his eyes shut again.

Fade to black.