Why So Serious?

Enter: Pure Joy

She looks green. Ginny doesn't look well. Her forehead is shiny with a sheen of sweat. It's never fun watching your wife stick her head in the toilet. It's not fun watching her heave, heave, heave until she rediscovers the contents of dinner from last night. Ginny doesn't look well at all.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no. He doesn't like it. Not one bit. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Ginny pulls her head out of the toilet and smiles. She smiles that cherubic, heart-breaking sweet smile. He can't help but find her green sweaty face attractive. It's something about her eyes.

Ginny smiles and takes his hand she tells him to look at her. He does. "Guess what!" She exclaims. He doesn't want to guess. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. He'd rather people, not just Ginny, tell him what's happened, or rather, he be the one telling.

"What?" she guides his hand to her stomach. She places both of hers on top of his. "We're not alone." She whispers. His brows furrow. He doesn't understand. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Not at all.

"I don't get it. Just explain what you mean." Ginny rolls her eyes. She moves his hand in a small circle. "We're going to have a baby." She says. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. When did this happen?

"I'm going to be a daddy?" His insides twist. He doesn't know if he's happy about it or if he's not. Ginny nods. But then she frowns. He hates it when she frowns. "Don't worry," She places her hand on his cheek and caresses it. "You're not going to be like him. You're going to be a great daddy." She leans in and kisses him.

His worries dissipate - at least for the moment - and he visibly relaxes. He wraps his arms around his wife and smoothers her with kisses. "I'm going to be a daddy." He repeats more to himself than anyone else.

She nods against his chest. "And hon," She says, "Don't be too serious about this right now." He nods into her hair. For once he doesn't ask himself why so serious?