Why So Serious?

Enter: Threats

No one threatens him anymore. Except Ginny. But Ginny's threats are always empty. And completely silly If you don't make me pudding I'll steal all of your underpants and throw them out of the window!. No one threatens him. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's a joke.

A stupid, unfunny joke. That's what it was. It was just a smelly fat guy. He made sure of it. That fat man was going to get himself killed anyway. He did the fat man a favor. That guy's life wasn't worth a dime goddammit!

That skeezy man. That skeezy skinny man thinks he can threaten him. That stupid skeezy little man. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. That threat means nothing. Nothing. It means absolutely nothing.

This man. This skinny skeezy man told him to watch out. He should be telling him thanks for putting the fat man out of his own misery. "Watch out!" Skinny weaner guy said. So he said, an evil lithe to his voice, "Why so serious?"