Why So Serious?

Enter: Beat Him To A Pulp

He didn't laugh at his joke. Ricky didn't laugh at his joke. Why didn't he laugh? It was a funny joke. Why didn't Ricky laugh at his funny joke?

Aaron laughed. Ginny laughed. Greg laughed. Hell, even Barry laughed. But stupid asshole Ricky didn't laugh. Ricky didn't laugh.

It was a good joke. A clever, witty joke. It had taken him time to come up with such a clever, witty, good joke. Ricky should have laughed.

He sees Ricky in The hallway. Why didn't Ricky laugh at his joke? They're the only two people. Class was already in session. They are the only two people. He and Ricky are in a deserted hallway. He'll show Ricky. He'll show Ricky not the laugh at his jokes.

He picks up his speed. He grabs Ricky by the shoulder. He spins him around. "What's your problem, man?" Ricky asks.

"What's my problem?" He pins him up against the row of lockers. Why didn't he laugh, goddammit? "What's my problem?" He holds Ricky up by his collar. "My problem is that you-didn't-laugh!" He punctuates the last three words by bashing Ricky into the lockers.

"Ow! Why so serious man! It's just one joke!" He bashes Ricky into the lockers one last time, full force. "You'll laugh next time." He walks away. He leaves Ricky with his back still pressed into the lockers.