How Dark Is the Night?

The Problem With Kat

I managed to get Pete into Patrick’s place and carried him upstairs to the bathroom. I sat him down on the floor but leaned him up against the bathroom counter. I ran out of the bathroom to see that Patrick and Sam had already gone to bed. I wanted to bother them to tell them about Kat but it could wait until morning.

I rushed downstairs and grabbed two blood packets. I knew Pete needed blood and I did not mind giving him my blood but I needed it right now seeing as how he only bit me a few days ago. My blood needed to stay regenerated for a bit.

I came back and Pete was half out of it. He would come to long enough to mumble something and wince in pain then fall back unconscious. I sighed. I needed him to drink the blood to heal him faster and I had to get all the glass out of his wounds.

I grabbed some towels, and wet a washcloth with warm water. I then got out the tweezers to pull out the glass. He is lucky he heals otherwise he would have some major scars on his face.

“Pete, listen to me.” I whispered in his ear. “I need you to drink the packets. I need you to stay awake.” I said taking his hand and putting the packets in them.

Pete came to. “You have to drink so that you can heal faster and I have to pull the glass out so you are going to feel some pain.” I said shutting the bathroom door so that we did not disturb Sam and Patrick.

I let him drink the packets and then I began to take out the glass. I think he managed to say every cuss word he knew with each piece I took out. I then cleaned up all of his wounds and bandaged a few. Tomorrow he would be as good as new.

“Did you kill her?” Pete managed to say when I was done.

“No.” I said turning my head.

“What?” He asked mad. “Look what she did to me!” He yelled.

“Shh. Keep your voice down. Patrick and Sam are asleep and they don’t know about this yet.” I replied.

“Did she hurt you?” Pete asked pulling me close to him on the floor.

“I banged my head but I am alright.” I said. “I am just glad this is all the beating you got. She is much stronger then me, Pete. You said that a balance had been shifted earlier, well guess what? We are in major trouble. She is vampire but she is the slayer too. You take slayer power mixed in with vampire strength and we are in trouble.” I sighed not knowing what to do about Kat.

“We have to try and stop her.” Pete said. “But I don’t understand why she is not a regular vampire. I got that Volkmar turned her but even as a slayer, once she is turned she should be a regular vampire.” Pete argued.

“We can’t kill her.” I said looking away.

“And why not? She tried to kill us tonight. What part of that do you not understand?” Pete said angrily making me look at him.

“Because Kat is still good. I felt it. She is not one of them, same as you and Erelin. She has a soul.” I said taking up for Kat.

“She works for Volkmar though.” Pete said.

“I think she is being brainwashed. I do not think he is making her kill any human yet. There is also the fact that Volkmar captured Micah, and I know she loves Micah. Kat wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to him.” I said.

“So what do you propose we do?” Pete asked.

“I honestly do not know. We have to help her and make her see that she is being brainwashed. I have to make her see that she is good. Only she knows where Micah is besides Volkmar.” I said sighing.

“What if she kills in the meantime an innocent human being? I have to kill her if you cannot, Amanda. I will not let her kill anyone.” Pete replied.

“I know. Pete, Volkmar wanted her as Dracula wanted me. Do you remember what Natasha said to me before she killed Beckett and then herself?” I said understanding things a little clearer to what Volkmar’s motives are in turning Kat.

“I remember a little just based on what you told me because I was fighting Beckett up until the time she staked him.” Pete said.

“I understand what Volkmar is trying to do. He wants Kat as his bride to rule the world as Dracula tried with me. He succeeded in where Dracula did not with me. He kidnapped Kat and forced her to turn. She was already angry with me to begin with so he is using that to fuel her and he is brainwashing her into helping him. I am sure he is feeding her packets to get her used to being a vampire but soon as you said he may teach her to feed and then we must stop her at all costs.

Right now, we need to try to get through to her and bring her back to our side. Micah is a weakness of hers. I saw it tonight when I brought him up. After she threw you into the car, she grabbed me by the neck almost choking me to death as she held me up against a wall. When I mentioned his name, she started to become her old self.

We cannot let Volkmar win in his plans. He wants to succeed where Dracula could not. If not stopped, or we do not help Kat, then we have an unstoppable vampire on our hands. Kat is stronger then all of us.” I said.

Look, you need to rest, as do I. You call Erelin first and tell her to call everyone about a meeting we need to have to discuss in a day. I am sure she is awake right now. Everyone needs to know so that they can watch their backs.”

“Yes, but lets let Patrick and Sam sleep tonight. We can tell them tomorrow and Chrissy and Andy need their alone time. I do not want to bother them. They are on their honeymoon and I will make sure I tell Erelin not to make them come out here until they leave on their last day. It is only tonight and tomorrow that they have so in a few days we will call a meeting.” I said sighing and helping Pete up.

“I love you. I will help you no matter what. You know that right?” Pete asked taking off his shirt distracting me.

“I love you too and thank you, Pete.” I said hugging him.

“You are welcome.” He replied.

“Maybe I will have some dreams. It has been awhile. Someone has to know something.” I said leaving the bathroom to call Erelin but when I made it downstairs to get my purse, my phone was ringing and it was Erelin calling to tell me she had seen something.