How Dark Is the Night?

Once Upon A Time

Dear friends,

I know there are some of you out there who still read my online journal. For that I am grateful and want to thank you. You may have saved your life from reading my journals. Many of you may be a slayer and not know it. It runs through your bloodline.

What I have to say tonight is just an update to let you know what is going on in my life. It also will be my last. Although I have not seen any vampires or felt them, I know evil still lurks out there. That I can feel and it isn’t pretty. It is watching and waiting for the right moment to strike, a moment that I hope I can protect my family and loved ones from.

My daughter Alexandra is now four years old. She is a very bright child who loves music and oddly enough, to hear the stories of her mother battling vampires. I would have thought that she would be afraid but not her. She even has Will into them who is now three.

I know that if I can’t find and stop this evil I sense, it will be up to her to finish the job one day. I hope that never happens. I love my children and will protect them any way I can. I always worry and I have dreams that never seem to go away.

They started the day I learned I was still the slayer. I have not spoken to Pete about any of them nor that I am still the slayer. I want him not to worry about me and to live his life away from fear.

On a lighter note, after Will was born we finally moved into a new house. It was right next door to where Erelin and Brendon moved to. Our house is a two story and it is beautiful and big enough to hold a large group. There are many sleepovers here and at Erelin’s house from everyone’s kids that I am constantly picking up toys here and there.

We also have a basement where Pete and the other fellas come over and practice or rehearse. Oh, yes, they are still in the band and still just as big. I try to feel happy and safe here but it is hard.

There is a huge backyard and an inground pool like the last house Pete and I owned. Alex’s room has a huge window that faces across from Erelin and Brendon’s house. In fact their son, Nate, has the room across from Alex’s. He is a twin. Kayla is his twin sister. They are only four months younger then Alexandra and are best friends out of all the other Fall Out Boy kids.

Bev and Joe had Dean and then turned around a year later and added another boy that they named Josh. He was three now. Him and Will are really good friends.

Patrick and Sam had moved into a big house as well down the street from us. They sold the apartment or whatever you wanted to call it. I was sad when they did. There were so many good memories like sneaking in and such.

They had a boy, Bailey James, who is Alex’s age too and then added a girl two years later. They named her Olivia. She had her daddy’s smile.

Last, but not least was Andy and Chrissy. Chrissy had a girl named Lyra who will be four soon. The Hurleys also had a boy which they named Sean. Pretty soon they will have another addition to the family, well two. Chrissy found out that she is pregnant with twins.
They will be naming them Allison and Casey.

Well, that is pretty much it on where everyone stands. I hope that our children can grow up without fear. To all, I wish you well. As I said this is my last journal and I hope I never have to use it again. Be safe.

“Honey, the kids are refusing to go to bed.” Pete yelled as I signed off the computer.

“I will be right there.” I said making sure everything was off in the computer room.

“Hey, you two need to be in the bed. It is way past your bedtime.” I said walking into mine and Pete’s bedroom.

“Mommy!” Will said walking over to me.

“Mommy, we want daddy to tell us the story about how you saved everyone from vampires.” Alexandra replied jumping down off my bed.

“Pete, if you keep telling them that, then they will have nightmares.” I replied.

“What? It was something that really did happen.” Pete said sitting on the bed. “Besides, its not like our friends’ kids don’t already know it and love it anyways.” He added.

“You gave Dean nightmares, Pete. Bev and Joe weren’t too thrilled with me because of you.” I said shaking my head.

“Mommy, we promise we will go to bed if you and daddy tell it to us again. Please?” Alexandra begged.

“Ok, fine, you win.” I said climbing up on the bed beside Pete.

Alexandra climbed up in Pete’s lap and William in mine. I sighed and smiled at my family all together. Pete leaned down to kiss me.

“Eww!” Alex said.

Pete laughed and said, “There is nothing like having my two girls and my son with me.”

“Plus, a little one on the way.” Pete added rubbing my belly.

The little one was a girl. We were going to name her Elizabeth and call her Lizzie for short. I made it this far which is longer then I can say for my mother’s life.

“I am going to be a big sister and watch over my new baby sister just like I watch over Will.” Alexandra smiled.

“Yes you are.” I said smiling.

“Now, about the story.” Pete said. “Once upon a time…” Pete began.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the end of the sequel to Bite Me. I am now currently writing the sequel to this story which will make a trilogy and everything will be brought together. It is called Time To Dance and the link is . Thank you readers for reading and commenting and I hope you enjoy the lastest installment.