How Dark Is the Night?

Getting To Know You

(Kat’s POV)
Dear Journal,

I have been welcomed into a new home. One that was filled with love that seems broken but hopefully can be fixed. Amanda has taken on being my watcher. Tonight everyone is going out slaying. Amanda wants to see my skills again and tomorrow we are going to start my training. I know I have to be careful and have made mistakes since being here for only a few days.

Everything is weirder here than back home. New York was my playground to kill vampires. L.A. is taking some getting used to. I feel upset and blame myself a bit for what happened with Erelin and Pete. I should have listened to Amanda and not run after the couple vampires I chased after. I already blame myself for losing Elise. I can’t lose Amanda; especially now since she is carrying Pete’s baby. I have to protect her too.

It is weird being around good vampires and a feeling I have to get used to. It took awhile with Elise for me to trust her. I trust Pete and Erelin but it’s like they overpower my vampire senses. I know they are good I just have to get used to them being around.

I think Amanda is hiding something too. Not from me but the whole group. I don’t think she even knows what she is hiding but I just sense that something is bothering her and it is not the baby. Call it my slayer sense going off. I know when things aren’t right. I am glad that Pete knows now that he is the dad and maybe it will help him not to have his vampire tendencies as much. He is taking it hard but I understand why he did what he did. He loves Amanda.

It is kind of cool and sweet how they met. Reading Amanda’s journals has been very interesting to me. I wish I had someone to fall in love with that wanted to protect me like Pete did with Amanda. But there is that one dude that helped me the other night. I didn’t catch his name. Maybe we will meet again.

There is something so sexy about dark and mysterious. This guy was tall and had dark hair. And he helped me kill those vampires the other night but then gave me a warning. “You should not leave friends alone heed my advice.” He said and then disappeared on me. That was when I was all smiles until I walked over to Amanda and Brendon and learned that Pete and Erelin were taken. The guy warned me. I thought about telling Amanda about him but now’s not the best time.

I like Amanda and her friends. They are like family to her. And she has forgiven me for what has happened. I don’t want to let her down or anyone else. They have all welcomed me into their family. I am nervous about my future but Amanda survived and I know if I trust her I will survive too.

Anyway this is Kat signing off. I need to get ready to go out slaying here shortly. Maybe I will find my mysterious guy again.