How Dark Is the Night?

Something Lurks

(Pete’s POV)
Kat has a funny way of interrupting me and Amanda but I wasn’t going to let that get me down. I had Patrick drop me off over here as he and Sam were heading out on a date. So after we go slaying Amanda is going to have to take me home.

“So where are we going tonight, boss?” Kat asked Amanda.

“We are heading to Lookout Pointe. I am sure Volkmar is doing his business in recruiting vampires up there.” Amanda said grabbing her stakes and crossbow. She tossed a few to Kat.

“Volkmar?” Kat asked.

“Volkmar is the vampire trying to kill us Kat. Pete did some research and found out his name.” Amanda replied as she walked out the door.

I didn’t feel right as I stepped outside closing the door behind me. I looked around me but I didn’t see any vampires out, yet still I felt a presence. This was odd.

As we got in Amanda’s car I was lost deep in thought. Who would betray Amanda? Erelin or Brendon? Sam or Patrick? No, I can’t think like this but I have to find out. I have to be careful and protect everyone so that this doesn’t happen. But what if it is me? Could I get too close to Amanda and lose it?

“Pete, are you alright?” Amanda asked breaking the silence.

“Yes. I’m just thinking about how I would love to spend our future together.” I replied hoping she wouldn’t ask anymore questions.

“Amanda I have a question or maybe you can answer it for me Pete.” Kat said in the back seat.

“Sure.” Amanda and I replied looking at each other and smiling.

“So I have this Hawthorne Heights cd and I love it and I was wondering since you are famous Pete, do you guys know them?” She asked.

“Do we know them?” Amanda asked laughing.

“Yes we know them well. They are some good friends of ours. We just finished our last tour with them.” I said a little curious as to why Kat would bring that up.

“How well do you know the one named Micah? I think he is cute.” Kat said.

“Well if you ever meet him you will be in luck.” I said laughing at how Kat was suddenly acting like a fan girl.

“Everyone is married but Micah.” Amanda replied finishing my sentence.

“Maybe I will meet him one day.” Kat said looking out the window.

“I will be sure to introduce you to him if I see him again.” Amanda said smiling.

We parked at our usual spot at Lookout Pointe and Amanda let Kat go off by herself. Amanda had a lot of confidence in her. I wasn’t so sure Kat should be out on her own just yet but there was no arguing with Amanda over it.

As Amanda stepped out of the car she looked at me and smiled. I loved her smile and I loved to see her smile. As I got out however we were ambushed by a group of vampires.

“So you are the slayer our boss is after.” A girl vampire hissed.

“Well, come and get me!” Amanda said fighting off the two guys behind her as I fought off the two behind me. I saw Amanda get thrown down on the ground by the girl but Amanda got back up with skinned elbows not complaining. I was pinned down by two more vampires that came out of nowhere. I looked up to see Amanda stake the girl vampire and come over to me.

She grabbed the one vampire on my right and flung him into her car. I ended up staking the one on my left to see the other vampire knock Amanda back down on the ground. I grabbed him and staked him. I helped Amanda up.

“Are you ok?” I asked wiping my lip where I was bleeding with my fangs showing.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She said dusting herself off. “You are the sexiest vampire I know.” She said seeing how I had my fangs out.

“Now is not a good time to flirt. We better find Kat and check on her.” I said as we started to walk down the path to where other cars pulled off to park.

Then Amanda stopped walking for a bit. We weren’t far from her car either as she turned towards the woods. She was acting strangely.

“Amanda?” I called to her.

“These woods I fear yet these woods call to me.” Amanda said in a trance.

“Amanda, look at me.” I said trying to control her and pull her back from the woods. Something wasn’t right here and I didn’t like it.

“Pete?” She said snapping out of her trance.

“What just happened here?” I asked Amanda.

“I don’t know. I have a bad feeling about these woods. Let’s go find Kat.” She said.

We found Kat saving a couple who came up to meet some friends. She warned them not to be up here at night and the couple took off. Then Kat looked around like she was looking for someone, how puzzling.

“Kat, I think slaying here is done for the night.” I replied.

“I think so too.” She said. “Those woods back there give me the creeps. I had this strange feeling all night since I have been up here.” She said.

“Well, Amanda you better drop me off at Patrick’s.” I said walking back to Amanda’s car holding her hand and leading the way in case we were ambushed by any vampires left.

Amanda and I kissed goodnight and I watched her drive away after she dropped me off for the night. I was glad to be back here but sad to leave Amanda. Why is she drawn to the woods and what was making her act that way?

I didn’t have time to think because soon after I got a call from Kat telling me to hurry back over to the house. Kat and Amanda were ambushed and Amanda was in shock and not doing too good. My stomach felt sick and I could feel how scared Amanda was. I was on my way taking whatever car Patrick had out there. I knew I felt something around the house. I just didn’t know whom or where.