This is more than a crush crush crush

I Won't Be Far

Today was the day he was leaving me. I can’t believe my best friend was going to America to join a band called The Academy Is… I remember when we first met...


I was upstairs in my room when I heard my mom call me.
“Honey! The company’s here!”
I ran down the stairs and saw a lady in her mid 20’s and a little boy my age.
“Alex this is Micheal, Micheal this is my daughter Alex. Why don’t you take him up stairs and show him your room.”

And that’s how it all started. We have been best friends ever since.

“Flight 201 now boarding for Chicago.” I heard the attendant call over the loud speaker.

We got up to say our good byes. I gave him a hug not ever wanting to let him go.
“Common my little Sheila! Don’t cry! You’ll be ok and ill come back for you to take you away from that place you have to call your home. Now I have to go but I promise that I will call you.”

I gave a small nod. He pulled some thing out of his pocket and put it in my hand. I looked and saw that it was a dog tag. On the back there was and inscription that read “I will never be far Chizz and Alex for life” Then he reached around his neck and showed me he had one too.

I was going to miss him so much.
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here it is again! i hope they dont erase it this time!