This is more than a crush crush crush

The Master At Video Games

I ran into my room with Chizz close behind me. I pulled out my suite case and started to through clothes in it. When I was done, we ran out to the buss and jumped on.

AS soon as the door was closed, the buss pulled away from the curb. The sudden movement made me go flying. I landed in William and Sisky's laps.

“Sorry about that.”

“That’s ok. It’s happened to me be for.” Said William smiling down at me.

“Hey Alex. Come here to the bunk room.”

I walk back to what was the bunk room.
“Ok so the only bunk left is the one across from mine.” He pointed to a bottom bunk.
I set my stuff down and then went back out into the living room area where the boys where in a competitive game of Guitar Hero.

“Can I play?”

“Sure but I would just like you to know that I am the master at this game.” Will said.
I picked up a guitar and started to play.

When I beat William at all four levels, you should have seen his face. It was priceless!

“Looks like there’s a new master at Guitar Hero huh Will?”

“See! There are some perks with living with Chizz for most of my life and one of them is being a master at video games.”

It was about two in the morning when we decided to go to sleep. I climbed into my bunk and closed the curtain. I took my iPod out of my backpack and then but the buds in my ears.

I soon fell asleep to the sweet voice that is Gabe Sporta.
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chapter three!
loves yas!