This is more than a crush crush crush

Does He Feel The Same Way?

I was standing in my bedroom when some one came in through the window. I didn’t even bother to look up; I already knew who it was.

He walked over to me and sat on my bed.

“I want to tell you something but I don’t want it to ruin our friendship. I’m in love with you. I have been ever since I met you and if you don’t feel the same way then I understand.”

“Well I guess it’s your lucky day because I am in love with you too.”

We leend into kiss but the kiss never came. Instead there him calling my name. I ran around franticly trying to find him, calling out his name as well.

But some one woke me up. It was Chizz.

“Are you ok? You where thrashing around in your bunk. What happened?” He climbed into my bunk next to me.

“Oh. Im fine just a nightmare. But stay. Please?”

“Ok. Go to sleep.”

I fell back to sleep in his arms.

I’m one happy girl. But what did that dream mean?

Does he feel the same way?
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh... filler, But the dream is important. sorry its so short. Comment plz!