This is more than a crush crush crush

Why would he be jealous?

The next morning, I woke up to people whispering. I was awake but decided not to open my eyes. I wanted to find out what they where saying and who they where.

“Aww! Look how cute they are!” Ok. I am pretty sure that was Mike Carden.

“I know! Be fore you wake them up let me take a picture!” And that was The Butcher.

I decided that it was time to speak up. “You take a picture and you won’t be able to have any kids!” That scared him. I felt Chizz shift his weight next to me. He started to wake up.
“Hey.” He said in a groggy voice.

“Hey. Lets go get some breakfast. Every one else is already up.”I said.

“Mk.”We both climbed out of my bunk and into the main area of the bus.

“Look. The love birds are finally awake.” I felt my face turn red and look over at Chizz to see he was blushing too.

An hour later they had a concert so they went to do sound check.

They where getting ready for the show when Will came up to me and pulled me aside.
“Um...I was just wondering if you wanted to go get a bite to eat later.” He asked in a shy voice.

“Um. Yeah. Sure, I’d love too. How about after the show?”

“Sure, Ok. Sorry! I have to go now! Time for us to go on. Bye.” With that he gave me a kiss on the cheek and ran off to the stage.

I looked over at Chizz and he was standing there with a jealous look on his face.

Now why would he be jealous?
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sorry its been so long! i had alittle bit of writers block on this chapter. Its short but i will get a nother one up as soon as possible.
Comments are apriciate!