The Obsession


My angel's seventeenth birthday is in two days and I already know what I will give him.. It will have him talking to me again, I know it will. You see, after prom, he just stopped talking to me.. and everyone else. He's even stopped singing, stopped writing, stopped playing that guitar I got him for Christmas, and so much more..

He only eats two small plate full of rice everyday and works it off with the treadmill I got after he was born to shed some pounds.

I'm worried for my beautiful angel and whoever made him like this (Brendon) I am going to kill them.

The phone rings and I answer with a discontented sigh, "Hello?"

"Mr. Ross!" shrieks that all-too-familiar and annoying voice I call Brendon.

"Hi, Brendon." I say reluctantly. He is probably grinning right now as he asks the usual, "Is Ryan there? Or is he busy? Cause if he is then we can finally catch up on everything going on in our lives and then we can be great friends.."

Catch..up on everything? What the fuck is this kid's problem!

Babbling on, I soon take interest the moment he says, "And Ryan was so devastated after that nasty little prank Jesse played on him.."

"Prank? What prank? Is this prank the reason why he isn't talking, singing, writing, playing his guitar, reading, and why he has these weird eating habits now?" Brendon sighs, then responds, "You see, Jesse McCartney was this guy who Ryan thought cared about him..but he doesn't. So, he was with him at prom, and soon Jesse and my boyfriend Frank's friend Gerard got into a fight over Ryan. Afterwards, we knocked him out with a steel chair and then some jock told Ryan that Jesse was just trying to get into his pants."

That evil little bastard is dead for even going near my angel! He's mine. Hear me, people?!? Mine. All. Damn. Mine.

"What happened then?"

"Well, the next day at school, Ryan asked Jesse if it was true and then Jesse tried to fuck him in the bathroom when he didn't want to and Ryan freaked out. Bad. He literally stopped talking to everyone and they way you described him. Except he was still eating, but I guess he was making himself purge while he was there.."

I think Brendon is my new best friend. (Even though I despise him.)

(Ryan's POV)

My seventeenth birthday is in two days and I still don't look good enough for Jesse to love me! Maybe he's just too perfect for me.. Maybe I just give up in general. Life is too long and tedious for someone to truly live through it. Especially when the one you thought loved you is with someone else. A whore to be exact.

Crumbling up the already crumbled up paper, I throw it across the room with a sigh. Sitting down on my bed, my head wanders back to that paper and before I know, I am picking it up and reading it all over again in some hope that maybe Jesse wrote this.

Lonely, I am; lonely and so saddened. Yet, something inside just keeps telling me to pull through it alone forever. Forever alone. And the way he touches me just adds intensity to the loneliness I am feeling. Forever alone. Or maybe not. Maybe just need some salvation; a shred of hope for a shred of life. A new life

Ryan, I think you'll need this number: 800-656-HOPE (4673) and I believe you might like mine even better.. 247-0122 I'm not here to judge or call you out on something; I'm just here if you need me and I believe you do

My eyes begin up as I call the second number listed in the note. I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I just need someone to talk to. I can't hold this anymore.

"Hello?" says the voice when the ringing stops.

"Hi, I'm Ryan and well, I got my heart broken." The person gives a sigh then says, "Go on."

I take a deep breath before beginning to explain my feelings towards Jesse and how I got my heart broke by him.

(Back to normal POV)

"Really now? That many people have a crush on you? I mean, you're not ugly or anything, but not exactly outstanding either.." I say to my new friend Brendon.

Before you ask, I have been talking to him for three hours.

"Yep. Five people. Ain't that amazing?"

"Believe me, it is."

"So, can you have Ryan call me back?" I twitch, then respond with a mild, "Sure." I think he's grinning when he says, "Great! Talk to you later, bestie!"

I hang up before he babbles on about anything else. I then make my way outside and into my car. Jesse McCartney will learn the hard way that no one messes with my baby and gets away with it.


I wake up at five in the morning with Ryan in a corner crying and loudly sobbing.

"Ryan? Angel, what is wrong?" I ask him a tad bit groggily. He gives these wide doe-like eyes and slowly stammers out, "Y-You killed.. You killed Jesse's g-girlfriend and his whole damn family except for him.. Why would you do that?! Especially since my birthday is tomorrow and Jesse is my crush!"

I roll my eyes at his over-dramatic behavior.

"Ryan, he had it coming. He deserved it for treating you like this.."

"If he dies for treating me like crap, then why don't you die for touching me like the way you do and watching me shower and taking me on those dates and for being so goddamn obsessed with me!" he bursts out into more tears and like a human reflex, I slap him across the face.

"Honey, you don't ever say that to me!" I growled as I put my hands onto his shoulders and give them a squeeze, "Do you understand? I fucking love you. You don't even deserve someone as good as me! I could do so much fucking better than you, but I settled for you. Why? Because sometimes less is more and I was right. Less is more. But if you ever dare cheat on me like a little whore.." I grabbed out my knife and held it to his throat before finishing, "Expect a harsh punishment."

He nods a little. I give him a smile and a kiss on the lips.

"I love you, sweetie."

He clears his throat as he mumbles, "I love you too."
♠ ♠ ♠
800-656-HOPE (4673) is an actual number; the other one, I made up. Just in case if you were wondering.