I'm a Hopeless Romantic


Alaina, maybe you'll remember me.
What I gave you is yours to keep.

He sent the box brown cardboard back to her. She left the resealed box on the kitchen table, and tossed the letter into the waste bin in passing. That was the last thing she had wanted to do, remember him. It took her four long months to part ways with all the gifts, and him sending them directly back had put her in a dilema.

Walking back from her room she walked into the kitchen, hoping that she had imagined that he sent the box back. But as she cleared the corner, she saw the horrible obstuse brown box. She sighed, walking over to the box, grabbing it and walking out her apartment door, down the elevator, out the back door, and threw the horrid box into the dumpster. Alex was in her past, and everything that reminded her of him had to go.

Tonight was the launch party for Alaina's new clothing line, it was a big deal to her. Everything had to be perfect. She had spent most of the part four months to get everything in order. Her friends in the band Boys Like Girls would be playing at the party, Paul was like her best friend. To say the least, Alaina was stressing, she barely managed to get ready in time for Paul aka "Poolie" to come pick her up. And now they were stuck in traffic three blocks away from the club.

"Alaina calm down." Poolie told her as she fidgeted in the passenger seat.

"I can't..I'm too nervous. I can't help but think something is going to go wrong." she mutterd as she played with her curled hair.

"Everything will be fine, promise." he said assuringly as he squeezed her hand.

She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes, sinking into the leather seat.

"Alex called me yesterday," he said quietly, "He asked how you were doing."

"Poolie, you just harshed my mellow." she said sighing frustratedly.

"He asked if you got the box?" he said as he car moved only two inches.

She didn't answer.

"Alaina, he's trying here."

"I don't want him to try."

Poolie took the cue, and ended the conversation and turned up the radio as the traffic cleared up a tad. He always knew when to lay off, another reason he was a great best friend. Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at the club, and thirty minutes later,the fashion show of her clothing line started. And forty minutes after that Alaina was making her rounds in the crowds saying her hellos, and thank yous.

"Marty boy!" she exclaimed as she approached the lead singer of Boys Like Girls.

He turned around slyly, with his smile, "Hey sexy lady."

He welcomed her into his lanky arms and kept her there as he introduced her to the group he was talking to. They kept talking bringing Alaina into conversation every once in awhile. She took a sip from her glass, as she pretended to be into the conversation.

"You look really good tonight." Martin whispered into her ear secretly.

His voice against her skin made her shiver, she laughed, and said, 'It's all for you."

He chuckled, "I knew it."

Alaina could feel someone staring at her, that burning sensation. She turned to her right towards the bar, and there he was, sitting on a bar stool, taking a casual drink from his beer bottle.

"Marty I'll be right back." she said before walking out into the crowd making her way to the bar.

He smiled as she now stood in front of him, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"A friend invited me." he commented as he placed the now empty bottle onto the counter.

"I didn't invite you." She spat at him.

"I didn't say it was you, now did I?" he asked in a annoyed tone.

"Then who did?"


"I'm going to kill him." she remarked as she turned to see him fight through the crowd, once seeing Alaina and Alex together he took off back into the crowd.

"Coward." she hissed.

"A kiss for second chances?" he whispered as he now stood in front of Alaina.

She shook her head before walking back into the crowded club, "A cold shoulder for broken promises."

The next morning upon returning to her apartment there was a red gift bag, with her name written on the tag. Glancing around the hallway, she picked up the bag before walking into her apartment. She set down her purse and looked at the bag, the handwriting wasn't familiar. But what was inside was, it was something that had been in the horrible brown box, a pink teddy bear, from build-a-bear, named Love Bug. It had a tag on it, labeled Date # 1. That date he drove her out to the pier in santa monica, they had dinner, and basically had the time of their lives, it was the best first date ever.

The presents continued everyday, with each note growing greater in detail of the date being displayed. It was fifteen days later, and she knew she wouldn't be recieving a gift bag today, they had never technically finished their fifteenth date. Coming home at lunch it was a shock to see a pink envelope attached to her door. She pulled the envelope from the door before shutting the door. She tore it open carefully, and read,
Our fifteenth was a flopper.
Let me make it up to you.
I'll meet you at our spot at seven.

Seven had came and went, and she was sitting on the pier, on their bench. She gave him five minutes, and if he wasn't there she was leaving, and permanently forgetting Alex.

"I didn't think you'd actually come." he said as he took a seat next to her with one minute to spare.

"Either did I." she admitted.

"What made you decide to come?" he asked sheepishly.

"I..really don't know. I've got to go..this was a mistake." she side grabbing her purse and walking away from Alex.

Just when she thought he was actually going to let her go, he yelled after her, "Do you know what it's like when it's wrong but it feels so right?"

She stopped walking, and turned to look at him, as the people passing by stopped to watch the two.

"To know that what I did will always be wrong, and it'll always be to blame for killing what we had? But, when I'm with you, I know it's wrong to want to spend time with you after what I did, but it just feels so right when I'm with you. Without you, I'm no one."

A crowd started to form around the two.

"I can't just forget Alex. You can't ask me to do that." she replied to him softly.

"And I'm not asking you to do that, all I'm asking is for a chance to make everything right. And if I screw up this time, I'll leave you alone for good. Promise." he begged.

"No." she replied quickly without thought.

"What?" he asked shocked.

"I don't want you to leave me alone. No matter what happens. I want you to fight for me, just like you always have. I don't want you to give up on me, you're the only boy to ever make me feel alive, and I like it. I like you, and I don't want you to leave."

He smiled, he genuinely smiled as she dropped her purse onto the pier and took off running into Alex's welcoming arms and kissed him passionately. "I love you," she whispered.

"I love you so much more." Alex confirmed as the crowds started to applaud.

This was her happy ending, their happy ending, together at last.