Second Guessing and Tears Stressing


Banner Made By xDisenchantedwithMCR

So, I've decided that long summaries are Stupid And I've decided that in conclusion, I'll just say, this is an a7x story, in which a lot of funny, weird, and abnormaly stupid stuff happens. Oh, and there's a few serious things to. So don't read if:

-You're easily offended
-You're homophobic
-You don't like self-harm
-You don't like drinking
-You don't like swearing
-You are deeply involved in anything deeply religous. Not to say I'm not religous, I'm just saying this isn't the most religous story
-You don't like stupid, funny stuff.

There, that should keep you wondering until you read. I'm not saying anything more. *Purses Lips* I'm going now...*Turns and Walks Away*

Now go read and comment. Thank you very much.
  1. Chapter One
  2. Chapter Two
  3. Chapter Three
    All Names ARE MADE UP.
  4. Chapter Four
  5. Chapter Five
  6. Chapter Six
  7. Chapter Seven
  8. Chapter Eight
  9. Chapter Nine
  10. Chapter Ten
  11. Chapter 11
  12. Chapter 12
  13. Chapter 13
  14. Chapter 14
  15. Chapter 15
  16. Chapter Sixteen
  17. Chapter seventeen
    I know, you're all mad I didn't update in a bit. Here ya go
  18. Chapter Eighteen
  19. Chapter Nineteen
  20. Chapter 20
    WOOT! Took forever, but I managed to update, and guess what? We're at TWENTY!!
  21. Chapter 21
  22. Chapter 22
    Okay, this is super long. Sorry, but I thought you deserved a good update. And the first part is sort of off from the last chapter
  23. Not a Chapter, a Major Apology
  24. Because of the Fact that I took so long, it's a bi
    Once Again, sorry for the delay, luvs~Kor~
  25. Oh, what's the chapter, 20 something
    Hey, it's an update, even if it is short. COMMENT PEOPLE. I LOVE COMMENTS!
  26. Forgot Chapter NUmber, don't care
    Here's a fast, but short update. Hope ya like.
  27. Oh, who gives a sh**
  28. That flew straight out the window...
  29. Um, where we left off
    Sorry for lack of updates, you still love me don't you?
  30. New House?
    Sorry for the lack of updates, Guys, read my story Sweet Sacrifice, and then read the sequel, and then comment. Muchos Luvos~Kor
  31. Chocolate
    For Vy, who asked me to update. Or more stated I should. Ayhow, I was bored anyways, so there ya go.
  32. SHOPPING!!
    yay, shopping.
  33. Food Fight!
    It's extra shorter than usual. I'm sorry Guys, but please comment anyhow.
  34. Shortest Chapter in the World
    Don't kill me for wasting your time on this short chapter. I was bored. Now I'm eating Cinnabon, and listening to Mindless Self Indulgence. New Obsession. Excuse me for wasting your time.
  35. New Hair, and Police
    Read and comment please, and now, I'm off to eat. =)
  36. I have 36 chaps
    HOLY CRAP!! I have thirty six chapters. No, I did not know this. I'm working on editing this story, and making a new layout, so be prepared. =)
  37. Surprise
    Okay, doodes, seriously, comment. Please. =)
  38. Um, huge surprise
    To some of knew my intentions.
  39. Here you are. Enjoy.
  40. Chapter Forty
  41. The Zacky High
    Oh, I better get comments for this people! And if not then...I haven't thought of a way to torture you, but I'll find one!
  42. Author's Note
    Extremely Important!
  43. Would It Be So Terrible?
    Author's Note.
  44. Author's Note