Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Chapter 11

"KORYNN!!!" Someone jumped onto my back. I recognized the voice as she began to mess with my hair.

"Vyra, get offa me!" She giggled.

"Right, cause only Gerard belongs there," she laughed. So did Bobbi Jo.

"Shut up," I snapped.

"Someone's mean! Not enough sleep?" Bob asked, coming up. He smirked. I glared daggers at him, and he quickly shut his mouth. Syn came up looking sleepy eyed, and so did Rev.

"Not enough sleep," Rev mumbled. He was right, they all partied like 15 year olds last night. They were drunk. I mean DRUNK. Vyra giggled, jumping off my back.

"Here, I'll buy you some coffee," she said, offering out her hand. His eyes lit up, at the sound of coffee…or Vyra, whichever, and they walked downstairs to the hotel restaraunt(sp)
Gerard came up behind me, and wrapped his arms around me. "Mmm, sleepy," he mumbled. I laughed, and turned around to face him. He almost fell down, he was that dis-oriented.

"Hey, wake up please," I said smiling. "You almost crushed me." He smiled, and kissed me.

"That helped," he murmured, kissing me again. I smiled, and ran down the hall. I heard a thud and turned around. Gerard was lying face flat on the ground. I started laughing, and by the time Frank came up, I was rolling on the floor in a hysterical fit of laughter.

"Korynn, what happened?" He asked. I pointed at Gerard, still laughing.

"YOU KILLED HIM!! AND YOU'RE LAUGHING?!?! WHY DID YOU KILL HIM?!? HE'S OUR LEAD SINGER!! WHAT'LL WE DO?!?!" People were starting to stare, so I quickly sat up and went over to Frank, who was kneeling next to Gerard, who was still sound asleep.

"Frankie, it's okay," I soothed. "He's not dead."

"THEN WHY ISN'T HE MOVING?!?!" He cried. I tried my best to keep from giggling.

"Because, we were flirting, and he was sleepy, and I ran down the hall. But he was leaning on me for support, and when I ran off, he fell. Then he decided to fall asleep there." By now, both Frank and I were laughing. We got weird like that when we didn't have any coffee. We got giggly, and odd. Like we weren't already.
So as we continued laughing, Bobbi Jo came up. “What?” She asked, staring at us, and then Gerard. “Happened?” She circled us.

“Um, I don’t know how to explain it,” I laughed again. “He kinda fell down, and then fell asleep.” She giggled. She ran to the room, and came back out with a camera and feather duster. “Feather duster?” I asked.

“Wake him up,” she whispered. I giggled, and took it from her.

“I WANNA HELP!!” Frank whined. So we let him tickled Gerard’s nose once, and then I did. All the sudden, Gerard jerked upright, and in that second Bobbi Jo got one last picture.

“Haha!” She laughed. “You’ve officially gotten your first blackmail pictures taken today!”

“What?” Gerard asked, confused.

“Awww, hun, you were tired weren’t you?” He nodded, pouting. “Well, that’s what you get for sleeping in the hotel hallways.” He looked around, now aware of his surroundings.

“Oh my god,” he said slowly. “How did this happen.” I shrugged, not mentioning the fact that he fell because of me. That could come later.

“C’mon Gee,” I shook my head, as Bobbi Jo and Frank laughed. “Let’s get coffee, before you do it again.” He took my hand and we set off. Syn passed by, and saw Bobbi Jo and Frank laughing.

“Whassup?” He asked, pointing at them.

“They’re morons,” I smiled. “Go talk to her. I know you like her.”

“W-Who?” He asked, uneasily.

“Bobbi Jo moron! Go. NOW!!” He smiled, and walked off.


Korynn knew that I liked Bobbi Jo, and she seemed okay with it. But I didn’t know if Bobbi Jo liked me back. I mean, there was the drunken slurs last night, but she hardly remembered them, right? I walked up to her and Frank. “What’s going on guys?” I asked. She looked up from the camera.

“Wanna see?” She asked. My eyes widened.

“If it’s Korynn and Gerard from last night…get it away!” I shrieked. She laughed and shook her head.

“No, it’s not,” she said, coming over and showing me pictures of Gerard. He looked like he was on the floor. And the last picture was priceless. He had this drugged look about him, and he was staring at the camera with these droopy eyes. It was just funny. So as I was laughing, I managed to gasp out asking what happened.

“He passed out in the hall,” she giggled. I began laughing again. Frank laughed with us for a few more minutes, before his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and answered.

“JAMIA!!” He shouted into the phone. I smiled, and turned to Bobbi Jo.

“You get coffee yet?” I asked.

“No,” she said. “I went down with Vyra and Rev, but they got all love struck,” she smiled, almost wistfully. “So I left them.” I nodded.

“Well, there’s a Starbucks right around the corner. Wanna come?” She nodded and we set off.
“So what was Cali like with Korynn?” Bobbi Jo asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

“It was always fun. You never knew what was going to happen with her. Or when for that matter. It was like two weeks ago on the bus. We made her watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and that night it was like 1 in the morning, and I heard whimpering from her bed. I was going to ask what was wrong, but when I swung open the door, she had fake blood all over her. Only I thought it was real, and screamed.” Bobbi Jo was laughing. “And then I woke everybody else up, and they started screaming. Which led to Rev almost calling 911, but by then she woke up.”

“OhmiGod!” She gasped. “She thinks of the weirdest things!” I laughed too.

”Yeah. Like Fed-Exing Mr. Blueberry to her apartment.” Bobbi Jo laughed again.

“He’s not at her apartment. He’s in Gerard and Korynn’s room. She sent it to Gerard, and told him to bring it with him.” I choked on my coffee.

“I’ve had to listen to him whine about that for like, two whole days. It’s annoying.” She giggled. Yeah, we were laughing a lot.

“Sorry, I though you knew.” I shook my head.

“No. But now I can listen to him, and think about the horrible things Mr. Blueberry had to witness being in Gerard’s room, and how it’ll probably spread the nightmares back to Matt, and then I’ll just listen in harmony.” She smiled.

“That’s true.” She agreed. My phone rang. I answered.

“Hello?” I asked. I never bothered with looking at the caller ID.

“COME ON!!!” Korynn screamed. “HURRY UP!!” I held the phone away from my ear.

“That was NOT necessary,” I said.


“Ready?” I asked. Bobbi Jo nodded. We stood up and set off towards our hyperactive, sometimes stupid, friends.