Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Chapter 12

5 Reasons Not To Let Your Ex-Boyfriend Meet Your Current Boyfriend

Reason One- The simple fact of jealousy, even if he refuses to admit it, or show it for that matter. Every guy has a bit of jealousy soaring through them when their ex-girlfriend comes on tour with them, and then they get to meet the current girlfriend’s boyfriend, and yes, I know that’s confusing but figure it out. Simple fact.
Zacky was never one to truly show jealousy, flat out, but he’s experienced it before, and he knows what it can do to him. Bobbi Jo says guys like to hide their emotions until they boil up, and then explode all at once. One of these particular emotions, being jealousy. She says it just all comes out, whether it be when you’re drunk, or just plain when you’ve had enough of watching the person you like/liked drool all over the person you hate. She says one day I’m going to regret letting this happen. I say that’s ridiculous, yet here I am, thinking about how right she really could be.

Reason Two- Your ex drinks, but your current BF doesn’t. Oh, that’s another simple one, because really, any guy likes to talk when he’s drunk. I mean, they can talk about ANYTHING, whether it be about sex, when was the last time he did pot, when was the last time he hooked up with someone way out of his league, when was the time he hooked up with a guy for the first time. And then there’s the drunken fights. The physical ones that start out with just spitting hateful words out at one another, and then resorting to the fists, and eventually resorting to sprawled out on the ground, groaned, and kicking each other in the groin.
If you’ve been reading this, then you know what a short temper Zacky has with Johnny. Only, it’s not just with Johnny, it’s with any guy who drives him over the edge. Zacky does not like to deal with annoyance, and when he’s drunk, it tends to get A LOT worse. He can only take so much before that skinny guy in the corner of the room, who’s talking really loudly, that even when you’re clear across on the other side, you can hear Every. Single. Word. And then that skinny guy’s got a BIG problem. It’s name happens to be Zacky, and if you don’t shut the hell up, you could just very well regret it.
Vyra says that this is an accident waiting to happen, and I should’ve laid out a sober law the second I stepped on the bus. I hate to say it, but I think Vyra may be right. I probably should’ve told the guys the day I walked onto the tour bus that I wasn’t putting up with the drunken weeknights, and then the hangovers every other morning. But they probably knew that I’m not one to clean up their messes anyhow. Still, the drinking could be a problem.

Reason Three- Your Current Boyfriend likes to crack stupid jokes, that your ex-boyfriend hates. That can turn out to be a small problem too. Because, when touring with My Chemical Romance, the most we did was sit around and play video games. And on tour that’s a big thing. But with A7X, things are a bit different. The PS3 isn’t on 20 out of 24 hours and the music is constantly blaring, and if you aren’t watching a scary or plain stupid movie at least twice a day, then something’s wrong.
Which is why I know that Gerard will say something. I’ve already said something, which means of course Gerard will say something. We just think alike. And as I’ve said before, Zacky’s got a short temper, and can only take so many wise cracks before he takes you down. I’ve already gotten tackled twice for complaining about not being able to play Halo at least for one hour. And they were both from him.
Both Vyra and Bobbi Jo say that Gerard should probably ward away from A7X’s bus. And I think that might just be a good Idea.

Reason Four- Your Ex releases his emotions through a punching bag. And you KNOW that’s never good. I mean, come one, when you go back to the little studio part of the bus where all the band equipment is held, and you find your ex punching the shit out of a punching bag, and that’s just because he’s bored, then what’s he gonna do when he’s ‘releasing emotions?’ I’m a bit scared to find out for that matter.
Honestly, all you have to do is take one look at Johnny’s face after they fought another battle, to know that if he starts on you, you might not damn well make it until the next morning. Frankly, it’s a bit scary. To think of Gerard looking like THAT, could give you nightmares. You know Gerard’s not one to physically fight, let alone WIN a physical fight.

Reason Five- Your ex doesn’t have a current girlfriend, and is single. This can be bad also. Because, when you think about it, if you’re making HIM jealous, but he cannot return the favor, things could take a turn for the worst, if they haven’t already.
Matt says that Zacky’s had a total of TWO girlfriends in the past four years, one of which he was with for exactly three months, before she ran off with Enrique Iglasias (sp) and the other he was with for a year, but skipping the tour months, because he knows for a fact she cheated on him, and he cheated on her, they were maybe faithful towards one another for about five months. Hopeless I tell ya. Hopeless. And when I asked Matt how many girls Zacky had gone through before those four years of singleness, Matt changed the subject to how we should be finding cures for the ozone layer that’s starting to repair itself. Which probably means the amount of girls was uncountable, or zero. Somehow I have a feeling it was more so uncountable.
Vyra says that psychopathic dating after a really good, loving relationship is natural, especially in a guy that can’t hold his emotions well. Maybe Vyra is right again. In fact I think she probably is, considering the pick of guys she’s had. They never really were good, and she’s gotten the hang of reading a guy/girl, before even considering them.
Bobbi Jo says that his number of girlfriends has nothing to do with anything, and that we should try to get him with someone while we’re here, that way we don’t have to worry. I think I’ll just listen to Vyra on this one.

So there you have it, Five reasons NOT to let your ex-boyfriend meet your current boyfriend, and the possibilities that could really go wrong. And probably WILL go wrong.