Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Chapter 13


I walked out into the living area of the bus. It’s been two days since MCR arrived, and Korynn had been crashing on their bus for the past two days. I never realized how boring touring was until Korynn came on, and then went off. “Hey dude,” Matt said, not looking up from the TV.

“Hey,” I said. “What’s up?”

“Boredom,” he replied, looking at me. I smiled.

“See? You miss Korynn!” I exclaimed. He got wide-eyed.

“No!” He said to quickly. I just looked at him. “Okay, so I’ll admit, it’s a bit boring. When’s she coming back?”

“I dunno, something about tomorrow or something,” I shrugged.

“You are such a stupid ass sometimes!” Matt shook his head.

“It was four in the morning!” I protested. It WAS four in the morning when Vyra, excuse me, a DRUNKEN Vyra called, giggling, and rambling. Of course, I was THIS close to finding out if she liked me, and Korynn grabbed the phone, saying that she’d come on our bus in the near future, and that she’d talk later. Then she hung up, because Vyra and Bobbi Jo started loud music. Or, she got drowned out. Whichever.

“Whatever,” He muttered, going back to the TV. I sighed, and watched Bam’s Unholy Union. It was the third time I’d watched this episode, and still, Matt had to watch it.
Zacky came in, and sat down, looking really mean to be truthful.

“What’s wrong man?” I asked, staring at him. He grunted something, still glaring at the wall. I just laid off, not wanting to end up in a fight, like he always did with Johnny…speaking of which…Johnny walked in, with a bruised lip and eye. “Zacky! What’d you do?” He grunted something again, and I turned to Johnny. “What’d he do?”

“He got mad at my SNORING!” He snapped. My gaze fell to Zacky. He’d reached a new level. I mean, they’d fought about stupid things before, but never this ridiculous.

“That was ridiculous,” Matt stood up. He was taller than any of us, well, except for Syn, and he overpowered Zacky, so they had never fought. Zacky stood up too.

“Well, that was annoying! I mean, after five years of touring, I deserve a TINY bit of peace and quiet, don’t you think?!”

“I think that that was uncalled for,” I said softly. “Sit down.”


“SIT DOWN ZACHARIAH!” I snapped, my voice rising. I never got particularly angry, but he was driving me nuts with these emotions. So of course, in utter surprise, he sat. “What is going on Zacky?” I asked, calmer.

“Nothing,” he scowled.

“Liar!” I said.

“No, I’m fine! I was just in a shitty mood. Sorry.” He smiled his fake fine-just-fine smile. I sighed and stared at him.

“You are NOT fine,” I said lowly. “And I know it.”

“You know what?” He said angrily, standing up. “Fu_k you all, because I don’t have to put up with this, and I’m not.” He angrily pushed past Syn, who’d watched from the doorway, and stomped off to the bathroom.

“He punched Johnny over something he can’t control?” He asked. “What is UP?”

“I don’t KNOW,” I replied. Johnny shook his head.

“I do. The first letter is K, she has blonde hair, the bluest, iciest eyes you’ll ever say, and dates a certain lead singer of My Chem.” He said, ticking off what seemed like a mental list.

“Yeah, but that was Nine years ago,” I said. “He can’t seriously still be hung on her.”

“Think Jimmy,” he said, actually using my name. “He started dating like nutso after they broke it off, and then after like, five years of that, he didn’t date hardly at all.” It was true, he had like, a total of two girlfriends in the past four years, neither relationship lasting long.

“But we can’t do anything about it this time,” I said softly. “Korynn doesn’t feel the same way anymore. She’s got Gerard, and she’s head over heels for him.”

“I know,” Johnny said sadly, like it was a world ending thing. There was a shatter heard from the bathroom.

“FU_KIN HELL! GODDAMN THING!” Zacky shouted angrily. I shook my head, and sighed again. This could be bad.
My phone rang. I answered it quickly, not bothering with the caller ID. “Lo?” I asked.

“Rev?” A girls voice asked. “It’s Vyra?”

“Oh, hey Vyra, what’s up?”

“Do you think at the next venue we could get coffee? I kinda need to talk to you?”

“Uh, sure. But we’re stopping at the Olive Garden tonight.”

“Privately,” she said. I blushed, even though she wasn’t there, at me being so stupid.

“Oh. Duh.” She laughed. Her laugh was really sweet.

“It’s okay, you didn’t know.”

“Yeah, but it’s not like it’s hard to figure out right?” I smiled.

“Maybe not for some people, who are actually, you know…smart?”

“HEY!!” I whined. “That was mean!”

“So coffee tomorrow morning?” She asked.

“Yep. That sounds great. Hey, do you know if you guys are coming on my bus after dinner tonight?”

“Um, I think so,” she replied, and I could tell she was asking someone else. “Yeah, we are. See ya then?”

“Sure,” I replied. “Bye.”

“Bye.” We hung up. I was looking forward to tomorrow morning.



“Shut the hell up!” I groaned, yawning. I know what you’re thinking, it’s four in the afternoon, but I didn’t get to bed to five this morning. “Hello?” I asked, still half asleep into the phone.

“Erm, Korynn?” A girls voice asked.

“Yeah?” I said. She broke down sobbing.

“It’s Tay!” I stayed silent. Taylor was my sister, who was 19. She stopped talking to me four years ago, when she found out I wasn’t coming back home, because Dad was dead, and Mom moved to Oakland, and she was the one who kicked me out. Which sort of pissed Tay off. “I need you to come get me!”

“Get you?” I repeated.

“Yes! Mom’s kicked me out because of TYLER!”

“Who’s Tyler?” I asked.

“My son!” I laughed, sorry, but I thought she was joking. “I’m not lying Korynn!”

“You have a son?” I asked, now shutting up.

“Yes! He’s two!”

“Tay, I’m in Seattle, I can’t just walk up to our driver and tell him to take a left and start driving to Cali. We don’t get there for another three days.”

“Please!” She begged. “Look, I am on my knees, begging you to come. And I’ll bring Princess.” Princess was my stuffed animal, a black cat that up until I was thirteen I slept with, and even when I wasn’t, it was the only thing I truly trusted.

“Okay, grab a bus halfway to Seattle, I’ll rent a car, and drive out to get you. Got it?” I said, finally giving in.

“See you in three hours,” she agreed, and hung up. I sighed, getting out of bed. Crap, we were supposed to go to the Olive Garden at eight. I could make it, I think. It was only an hour to meet her halfway. ((A/N I have NO idea if that’s true.))
I grabbed a pair of black drainpipes, an Aiden t-shirt ((Hey, we were in their hometown, why not celebrate?)) and some vans. I smeared on some eyeliner, and got dressed quickly. I grabbed my phone and called the only person I called when in doubt. My boss, and My Chem’s boss, Brian.

“Brian speaking,” a voice answered.

“I need a Seattle car rental place,” I said, not even bothering to say who it was.

“You’re running away?” He asked.

“Nooo,” I said slowly. “I’m picking up my sister and her son.”

“You have a sister?” He asked blankly.

“Apparently,” I said sarcastically. “I just met her yesterday.”

“You’re not serious?!” He asked shocked.

“What do you think?”

“Okay, hang on.” I heard him typing stuff up, and when he got back on he gave me a number. I called it and got a rental, and skipped off the bus, writing a quick note to Gerard, and calling Matt to tell him.
An hour later I pulled up to a bus stop in a small town, just south of Seattle. I saw Taylor, and got out. You could recognize her anywhere. With long black hair, and piercing hazel eyes, and an athletic figure, she was actually pretty gorgeous.
“Tay,” I said. She looked up from the toddler she held in her lap.

“Korynn,” she said, teary voiced. “Tyler, meet your Aunt Korynn, who’s as hyper as you are after a cup of Dr. Pepper and a pack of Skittles. She’s also awesome fun to be around.”

“Hi,” I said, kneeling down next to him.

“I like you tattoo,” he said shyly. I smiled, and glanced down at the Life Is Short tattoo that circled my wrist and had little stars around it. I got it from the dudes on Miami Ink. Actually, I got it from Kat Von D. She’s awesome to hang out with, and when she opened up her own shop, Frank got a tattoo from her. ((A/N this is totally true. Well, I think. She’s starting her own show, and she has someone from My Chem coming on to get one as a special guest. I think that would b awesome. After all…she did Ville Valo’s tattoo on his back:))

“Thanks, I like it too,” I smiled, my sweet smile. She got her stuff put into the trunk, and got Tyler settled in the back, and we drove towards the lot where the buses were parked. Tyler was asleep 30 minutes later, so I broke the silence. “So why’d she kick you out?”

“Because, she found out that I wasn’t planning on marrying Tyler’s dad, and kicked me out. But Tyler’s dad is a huge jerk.”

“Who is he?” I asked. She was silent.

“You don’t know him,” she muttered, averting her eyes. The last relationship I heard she was in, was with Johnny. And that was four years ago, so I wasn’t exactly sure if they were together. Never bother asking.

“Oh.” I said. “Then you’re not with Johnny?” She didn’t know I was on tour with them.

“Nope,” she said.

“Well…” I trailed off.

“Oh no!” She said. “That’s never good!”

“I’m on tour with A7X,” I said, biting my lip.

“WHY??” She asked.

“Because, I’m filling in for Rev. He hurt his hand, and asked me to. Sorry for having a job.”

“Korynn…take a look at my baby.” I glanced in the mirror. “Now get an image of Johnny in your head.” I did, and gasped at how identical they looked.

“Johnny’s the dad?” I asked, shocked.

“Yes. Who else?” She snapped. “Oh well, he knows.”

“And he bailed out?” I asked.

“No, I made him bail out. Broke it off, and told him I didn’t want him seeing Tyler.” I sighed, and shook my head.

“Mistake,” I muttered. “Oh well, here we are.”

“Crap,” She sighed. She grabbed her stuff from the trunk, and I picked up Tyler heading towards the bus.
Once on, Matt stood there waiting. He quietly took Tyler from my arms, and took him back to the bunks, while Rev took Taylor’s stuff, and put it away. Which meant Johnny still didn’t know. “Hey!” Matt said. “Look what I found!” He held up Princess.

“Oh no you don’t!” I snapped. I charged towards him, but he stepped aside in a flash.

“Sorry, but Princess may accidentally be being Fed-Exed to London right about tomorrow,” he grinned mischievously.

“NOOO!!” I wailed. “PLEASE NO!!”

“Shut up!” Rev said. “You’ll wake up Tyler!” I sighed, sitting down.

“When are we leaving for Olive Garden?”

“Right now,” Johnny said coming from the bunks. Everybody’s eyes widened.