Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Chapter 14

“Right now,” Johnny said, walking in. We froze, not sure how to explain, what to do. We all had had enough drama today, even the guys of A7X, I could tell by how tired and worn they looked. We didn’t need Johnny to add to the mix. He stopped, seeing Tay and Tyler. “What the hell is going on?” He demanded.

“Erm, Johnny,” I said. “It’s not that bad, is it?”

“Lemme see,” he paused. “My ex-girlfriend is here with my two year old son. How dramatic and bad does that sound to YOU Korynn?”

“What about your sister, her ex-boyfriend, your boyfriend, and your ex-boyfriend?” I shot back. He stopped for a second.

“Given,” he nodded. Taylor stood up.

“We can leave,” she said. Johnny shook his head no.

“Why? He’s my son too. I’d like to see him.” Taylor sighed, and sat down, looking at him.

“I know he is. But he doesn’t know you Johnny. I never intended on him finding out. I still don’t, but I can’t do much about that, can I?”

“Probably not,” he shrugged. “Look, you don’t have to tell him anything, I just wanna get to know him please?” Taylor looked at the sleeping form of Tyler, then back to Johnny.

“You hurt him,” she said lowly. “Mentally, physically, or in any other form, I swear to god, I will Kick. Your. Ass. Clear?”

“O-of course,” he muttered. “Jeez, first death threat ever, and it’s from TAYLOR.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” She snapped.

“Nothing,” he shook his head. “Let’s go.”

Okay, you remember when I said I was sober? Well, it’s true…most of the time. There are very few times when I drink. You know, the occasional wine or beer? But never the hardcore stuff, the stuff that I drank all the time before.
Well, to say the least, I got drunk tonight. And man am I tipsy. Okay, not tipsy, wasted. And it’s fun! Really super fun. We walked to the bus. Oh boy, I am talkative too. “Hey Gerard!”

“Hey hun,” he said, faking a smile. I think he’s mad. No, I know he’s mad. In fact, he’s pissed.

“Are you…mad?” I asked, slurring a bit. He snorted.

“Not in the least,” he said, a bit sarcastically. I rolled my eyes, and then staggered, because rolling my eyes made me DIZZY.

“Whoa!” I moaned. He sighed, and grabbed my hand to help me.

“Careful Korynn,” he said, wearily. I froze. He never called me Korynn, not even after we fought. He always, always called me girlie. Not once since getting together, has he called me Korynn. “What now?” He asked.

“You called me Korynn,” I said, in a small voice.

“So?” He snapped. “It’s your name right?” I was quickly sobering up. Very, very quickly. Everyone turned around, hearing him yell.

“So, it’s just not normal!” I snapped back.

“Not calling you your name isn’t normal?” He’s pretending to play dumb.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, lower voice now.

“I’m tired of this,” he finally said. I was confused.

“Of what?” I asked, blankly.

“Of you, me, being so distant towards each other. I can’t do it!” He sighed. “Please, pick one Korynn. Please!”

“Pick one what?” I asked, blankly again.

“PICK ME OR ZACKY!” He screamed. “I know you still love him! I know you still have feelings about him! But do you even care about me anymore?!”

“You’re being a jerk!” I said, backing up.

“No, I’m being a boyfriend. A boyfriend, who after two years of being with you, would maybe one day like to get married, and have kids. But YOU are making it DIFFICULT!” I was pissed now. How dare he give me an ultimatum like this? I had never done anything to make him doubt me.
The drama was getting to my head, and the only thing I could think of was getting out of here, away from everybody. “I—I think I just need to go,” I mumbled. “Now.” I turned around, and walked in the opposite direction.

“Where are you going?” Matt called after me.

“Uh,” I turned to face him, walking backwards. “Hotel, I’ve got cash.”

“Let one of us come,” Zacky pleaded. “Not me, necessarily, but anyone. Take Bobbi Jo, or Vyra. Don’t go on your own. We care for your safety.” I glared at Gerard.

“Some don’t,” I muttered icily, and turned around, and kept on walking.

I woke up and looked around. Still in the hotel. Except, there’s a baby crying. “Honey, be quiet, Aunt Korynn’s still asleep. Please!” Nope, Tyler still kept crying. “Tyler Aiden, HUSH!!” She snapped. I groaned and sat up.

“S’okay,” I muttered, looking over at my sister and nephew. “I’m up. I’ll be fine. Hey Ty,” I smiled. He smiled back. He got up and walked over.

“Bwack stuff,” He said in his toddler voice. He traced it with his fingers, all down my face. “What happened?”

“Um, Aunt Korynn slept with it on, and it smeared,” I said, not wanting to say what really happened. That I was up all night, knowing that Gerard was right, knowing that I was still in love with Zacky, that I’d always BE in love with Zacky. And there was nothing I could do about it.
But I didn’t want to break Gerard’s heart, because the fact of the matter was, I was still in love with him too. I was still always going to feel that special feeling when seeing him smile. That feeling that said I’m safe with him. I’m protected, and always will be. Zacky and I shared that same feeling, but when coming on this tour, I shut that off from him, and refused to open up that much, for fear of something like what happened last night, would happen in the near future. Obviously, it didn’t matter, because it was bound to happen anyhow.

“How’d you get here?” I asked Taylor. She smiled.

“All the girls are here. And…”

“What?” I sighed.

“Well, um, Gerard’s bound to be a bit sore this morning.”

“He went out and slept with a dude?” I asked, looking up. She giggled.

“No…Matt and Zacky beat him up.” I choked on air. Literally. I was like, gasping for breath.

“How bad?” I asked after recovering.

“Well, you know how Zacky fights,” She bit her lip. Oh god, this was bad. This was REALLY bad. To much drama for someone who hates drama. Way to much.


*No one’s point of view, Rev and Vyra having coffee*

“So,” Vyra said, taking a sip of her coffee. “What about last night?” Rev rolled his eyes sighing.

“I know Zacky’s still in love with Korynn, he never stopped. But…Korynn…she’s in love with them both.”

“Is that possible?” Vyra asked blankly. Rev smirked.

“You’ve never been in love with two people at once?”

“Well, I’ve had crushes on two people at once,” she smiled. “But never been in love with two people at once.” Rev nodded. “What about you?” She asked him.

“Erm, well…once,” he said. She nodded, not wanting to push for further info, because it was obviously something he was bitter talking about. “Why’d you ask me for coffee?” He asked suddenly. She shrugged.

“To talk,” she replied.

“Bout what?” She smiled.

“About how I like you,” She said, smirking. His eyes widened.

“Y-you do?” He asked. She nodded.

“I understand if you don’t—“

“I like you too,” he interrupted her. Then he kissed her, right in front of the whole coffee shop. She pulled away, and smiled.

“Thanks,” she whispered.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked, smiling. She nodded.

“Of course. Couldn’t say no after a kiss like that anyhow.” Rev laughed, and held her hand as they walked out. She look at her cell phone, and saw the time.

“Shit—I mean crap—no I mean shit! I was supposed to meet Bobbi Jo, Korynn, and Taylor for lunch like, five minutes ago.”

“Calm down. It’s like a three minute walk,” Rev smiled, and she smiled, a real smile, back.

“Right. You know how to run?” She asked.

“Do YOU?” He asked. She nodded. “Let’s go then?” They laughed, and ran the whole way to the Hilton Hotel.


Yes! He likes me back! And… he asked me to be his girlfriend. This is fantastic. But now I’ve got to help sort out Korynn’s mess. I know she loves Gerard with all her heart, but I think she’s confused lately. Of course, who wouldn’t be? With everything that’s gone on her life…it’s a shame to see a girl lose both of the guys she loved, because of the fact that she cannot choose.
Rev smiled at me, and I smiled back again, as we walked through the doors of the hotel. “So, I’ll meet you back on the bus?” He asked, smiling again.

“Of course,” I pecked his lips. “See ya then!” We split, and I ran to the restaurant. Korynn sat there, looking mean, and worn out. Tired, fragile, not wanting to live. I frowned, hating to see one of my best friends in this position. It sucked, and I knew it.


OKAY, I know what you’re all thinking…this chapter is way to dramatic, but it’ll go back to the way it was in a bit…with an added twist I suppose. Soo...comment if you please! Luvs! Korynn~