Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Chapter 15


“Agh!” I whined, covering my ears with a pillow. “Goway!”

“Nope, you gotta get up, we have to go back on the buses today.” I groaned, sitting up and looking around. Vyra sat on the edge of my bed, Taylor sat on the floor, playing with Tyler, and Bobbi Jo sat texting someone.

“I can’t go on those buses again,” I muttered. “Could you?”

“But Korynn, it’s not like you and Zacky fought. Just you and Gerard. Zacky and you are still good, right?” I shrugged.

“I suppose. Hey…where’s Princess?” I asked, looking around for my stuffed animal.

“Matt took it,” Taylor said. “He said you can’t have it until he gets Mr. Blueberry back.”

“But Gerard has him,” I whined. Vyra rolled her eyes.

“Hence, you have to go and get it. He wants you two to talk.”

“Well, he can kiss my—“

“Stop it Korynn, and go and get it, or else you and I both know it’s going to be a LONG month of touring.”

“Can’t you go—“

“He specifically said that if we went and got it for you, he’d make sure we were on the first flight he could get us home, ASAP.” Vyra interrupts. I looked at her and blinked.

“That has no effect to me,” I said, trying my best to keep a straight face.

“HEY!!” Bobbi Jo whined. She jumped up and tackled me. I giggled.

“Bobbi, get offa me! PLEASE!!” I whined, trying to push her off. As soon as I got her off, I immediately felt more weight land on me. I smelled a fruity wave as the hair flew over my face, and I knew it was Vyra. “VYRA!! OW!” I cried as she tickled me. “OWWW!”

“Pansy,” she stuck her tongue out. I just pretended to pout and got up off the bed. I went to my messenger bag, and pulled out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I grabbed my makeup bag and went to the shower.
As I let the water pour down on me, I sighed, thinking about how long this tour could end up being, since I had no one now. Gerard wanted me to choose. He wanted me to choose between him or Zacky, but why did he just so suddenly think that I was in love with Zacky still.

Even if he was right

Okay, so granted, feelings for Zacky were still there, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle, so why make me choose. Okay, maybe I did need to talk to Gerard. But not now. Not today.
“Did you get Mr. Blueberry?” Matt asked, his arms crossed over his chest. I shook my head.

“Not yet Matt. Gimme time, please?” I pleaded with him. The only real reason he was doing this, was because he wanted to mend things. Matt thought he was the hero in a group. He thought he could fix anything, no matter what it be. And sometimes, he could, but this was just one thing that wasn’t going to be left up to Matt, this was something that I had to fix on my own, even though it would be hard as hell.
His features softened and he uncrossed his arms, coming towards me. He took me in his arms, and at first, I was stiff, because I was afraid I’d break down, but after a moment, I hugged back, and let him sooth me. “It’ll get better Korynn, trust me, everything will be OK.” I sighed, and smiled at him.

“I hope so, now I’m going to go sleep for a bit.” I smiled again, and walked back to the bunks. Taylor and Tyler were sound asleep in their bunk, and Vyra and Bobbi Jo were whispering softly. I climbed into my own bunk, and within short minutes, I was sound asleep.

~~SYN’S POV~~ ((I know you think he has nothing to do with it, but bear with me))

Things seemed to just keep going down a dramatic slide. With everything going on, I’d forgotten about my own problems, but it wasn’t exactly like I minded. Korynn was like a sister. She was someone I made sure was protected at all times, no matter. And last night, no one was able to protect her from the hurt that was going to happen.
I sighed as I sat down, and turned on the TV. Matt walked in. “Hey Syn,” he said, smiling a little.

“Hey,” I said, still focusing on the TV. Nobody talked much, it was like we were walking zombies at one point yesterday. Zacky the worst of them all, not talking, not looking at us, and always a million miles away.

“Korynn’s asleep. Said to give her time before making her talk to Gerard. Or Zacky. Her eyes….all the light had disappeared from them Syn. Just…gone….and she looked worn out. I dunno about you…but I want the old Korynn back ya know?” I looked over at him.

“I want her to be happy,” I spoke quietly. “And with Gerard, she can say she’s happy, but I just can’t believe her.”

“Why not?” Matt asked, confused.

“Well….I don’t know!” I finally gave up, and stood up, angry. “I always see her and Zacky, no one else. Sorry if that’s wrong!” I sat back down after pacing.

“Um, I don’t think this has got a whole lot to do with Korynn for some reason,” Matt cleared his throat. “But whatever. And you’re right, but that’s not gonna change anything. Korynn has a life with My Chem, a job, a relationship, an apartment two houses down from them. She can’t change everything for Zacky again.”

“Again?” I asked blankly.

“Well…when Zacky left, she packed up and moved cross-country. She went from the west cast the whole way to the east coast. Just because Zacky broke her heart.”

“She got kicked out!” I exclaimed. He shrugged.

“She’s got a ton of family in Cali, and you know it. She could have stayed,” he said, standing up. I guess he was right.
But everything was starting to hurt my head. Matt was right when he said that my little rampage wasn’t just about Korynn. It was about what’s been going on in my mind too. Not necessarily what I feel, but my head was spinning from all these thoughts and I just needed to shout. I had feelings for Bobbi Jo, and it was hard, because the last person I was with, broke my heart, and I swore I’d never trust them again.

“Hey,” Bobbi Jo came out. “What was the shouting about?” She asked, sitting down, and trying to grab for the remote. I grabbed it back.

“Nothing,” I said, as she grabbed the remote.

“Something,” She said as I grabbed for it. She toppled backwards, and I toppled forward, landing on her. I stared into her eyes, they were really pretty. Everything about her was. She giggled. “Syn, get offa me if you’re not gonna kiss me!”

“What if I am?” I asked, taking myself by surprise, let alone her.

“Then do it already!” She exclaimed. I laughed, and kissed her. It was long, and sweet, but not full make-out mode. Just…meaningful. She pulled back. “See? That’s how you win a girl!” I laughed again, sitting up, and pulling her up with me. She rested her head on my chest and snuggled. I put my arm around her.

“Bobbi Jo?”

“Hmm?” She asked, not looking up.

“Would you be my girlfriend?” She looked up at me now, and smiled.

“And that’s how you REALLY get someone to like you,” She murmured, kissing me. “Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend.”

“Well,” Zacky came out and snatched the remote. “At least someone’s happy,” he snarled. He glared at us both and then turned to the TV.

“What the hell’s up with you?” I asked, a little angry.

“As if you’d care!” He snapped. I stood up and walked over to him.

“You know that I can kick the shit out of you if you don’t knock it off, right?” I sneered. He laughed.

“Whatever. I don’t know why you even bother with me.” This got me angry enough, and before I knew it, we were on the ground, wrestling it out. Bobbi Jo was screaming, I heard Matt and Johnny, and then in a few seconds, Rev too. And then Vyra. But Korynn stopped it, as usual.

“BOTH OF YOU GET THE FU_K OFF THAT FLOOR, AND THEN SIT DOWN ON THE COUCH!!” When there was no response, she used the voice that scared everyone, even the people it wasn’t directed in. And I’ve only heard that voice three times in my whole life from her. Once was when Zacky was beating the shit out of a jock and Korynn didn’t want it to go to far, once when we were playing a prank on the schools stupidest teacher, and we were about to get caught, and the last time when her and Zacky were fighting a big argument that lasted two weeks. It was cold, and icy, harsh, and really, really strong. “NOW!” She screamed in that tone. Automatically, we were up and we were on the couch.
She glared at us. “What the HELL is wrong with you two idiots?” She snapped, while she cleaned us up. She was good at yelling and cleaning up. I think it gave her something to do.

“He was being a jerk,” I said, glaring at Zacky while she put anti-septic cream on one of the cuts I’d gotten. Which, looking at Zacky, were one of the FEW I’d gotten.

“About what?” She snapped.

“Everything!” I exploded. “He’s a jerk about EVERYTHING! If you hold hands in public, if you even mention your girlfriend, if you say you wish you had a girlfriend, if you watch something on TV that had a scene in it. Just EVERYTHING! And I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!” Korynn’s features softened, and she looked at me.

“Syn, calm down, 1.” I took a few deep breaths, in and out. “Two, I know that this whole thing I hard Syn. And it’s all because of me. But I’m going to fix—“

“Nobody said it was because of you,” Zacky interrupted. Everybody’s gaze went to him. Korynn stared him down.

“I will deal with you,” she said, her voice icy, and full of hate, and what seemed like a bit of hurt, but still very strong. “When I am done cleaning him up. Until then, don’t interrupt.”

“Wow,” Taylor said. “Can you train my kid?” I had to restrain a laugh at that, but then Korynn shot her death glares. She shut up. Korynn turned back to me.

“I’m going to fix it, now,” she said, grabbing her bag.


“Don’t,” Matt interrupted Vyra. “Let her go. She’ll find a way to deal.”

~~Korynn’s POV~~

I walked across the lot to My Chem’s bus. I didn’t even knock, just walked on. “Oh, Korynn,” Frank said. “How’re you?”

“Define having two of your best friends beat one another up,” I asked sitting down. He looked up.


“Zacky and Syn,” I grumbled. “I don’t get it. Everything was fine, and fun, and now…it’s dramatic, like those fanfics you read all the time.” Frank laughed.

“I know what you mean. Gerard’s asleep.” I grinned, thinking of some sweet revenge. I got up and went to the mini fridge. I pulled out whipped cream, caramel syrup, chocolate syrup, and sprinkles. And then I grabbed a sharpie. “Korynn…what’re you doing?” Frank asked slowly.

“You know your album, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge?” I asked, a grin creeping across my face. Frank nodded, looking like he feared his own life. “Well, I think it’s time I feel a bit of that.”


“Be back in a bit,” I said, taking my items, and walking back to the bunks. Sure enough, Gerard was asleep. I took the Sharpie, and drew a Hitler moustache on him first. The I decorated his face in whipped cream, all around his pillow, and in his hair. This was evil, sure. But it was really fun too.
Then I took the chocolate syrup and drizzled it over the whipped cream, and then the caramel syrup. I shook sprinkles over it all. When I was done, I took a glob of peanut butter, and put it in his hand. Which meant when he woke up and ran his hands through his hair, he’d be left with a nice mess.
After that, I stole a piece of his paper and wrote ‘Compliments of the girl you think is in love with two people. Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge Bitches! Xoxo, Korynn’ And then I grabbed the stupid stuffed animal Matt so desperately wanted, and walked out, hugging the others good-bye.

“Get stuff fixed?” Matt asked as I threw Mr. Blueberry at him. I sniggered.

“Or start more shit,” I said, sitting down. He looked at me.

”What did you do?” He asked.

“Played a bit of a prank,” I smiled. My phone started going off: Gerard. I pressed the ignore button. Three minutes later, Gerard stormed in.

“Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge?” He shouted. “HOW DOES COVERING ME IN ALL SORTS OF SUGARY SUBSTANCES COUNT AS REVENGE?!?!” He was still covered in all the stuff I’d put on him, and sure enough, peanut butter streaked through his hair. This was too much, and Matt and I burst out laughing. He just stood there, waiting for us to stop.
Syn, Johnny, Rev, Taylor, and Tyler walked in. They saw us first, and then they saw Gerard. And they all started laughing, even Tyler. “THIS ISN’T FUNNY!! YOU KNOW WHAT SHE WROTE?” He exploded.

“W-What?” Matt gasped for air, sitting up.

“Compliments of the girl you thought was in love with two people. Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge Bitches!” He read aloud. Everybody started laughing.

“Looks like maybe you got what you deserved,” I sniggered, standing up and walking away.