Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Chapter Eighteen

“YOU STOLE THE CHEESE TRUCK!!” I scream, running around the bus.



“NOBODY ON THIS BUS STOLE THE CHEESE TRUCK!!” Shouts Vyra out of annoyance, probably because she was trying to sleep. She throws a pillow out at me.


“Who gave her skittles?” Groaned Zacky.


“I know baby,” he says, smiling a bit. “Somebody stole a cheese truck in Nashville.” You might be a redneck.

“AND THE CHEESE!” I exclaim. Oh yes, I was watching 10 news at Eleven, and somebody stole a cheese truck, and the cheese from it. Me, being on a huge sugar high, got a major kick out of this, and have been accusing people since exactly two hours ago. Not having come off sugar high yet. ((Hey! Guess what! Someone actually did steal a cheese truck around here. Small towns are retarded…anyhow, that’s why it’s in here=)

“Yes Kor,” Bobbi sighed. “We ALL know. You’ve told us MILLIONS of times now. Please, sit down, or go to sleep!”

“You stole the cheese truck! I stole the cheese truck! We all stole the Cheese Truck!” I sang, dancing around. Syn pulled apart from Bobbi’s lips, and glared at me.

“Would. You. Shut. Up?” He asked slowly.

“SYN STOLE THE CHEESE TRUCK!” I screamed, running around again.

“Great,” Matt sighs. “Just great. You’ve got her going again.”

“MATT STOLE IT!!” I shrieked, coming in and jumping into Zacky’s lap. Matt rolled his eyes, and Taylor and Johnny came out of the bunk area from putting Tyler to sleep.

“TAYLOR STOLE THE CHEESE TRUCK!!” I screamed, jumping off Zacky, and tackling Tay.

“Ungh! Geroffa me you brat!” She groaned, trying to pull me off. Suddenly, someone pulled me up.

“I SEE THE CHEESE TRUCK IN CHEESE HEAVEN!!!” I screamed, as what appeared to be Zacky ((I can tell by the shape of his butt, which is actually cute)) picked me up, and held me over his head. He’s rather strong.

“Cheese truck is going to bed,” Zacky grinned. I clapped my hands.

“YAY!! Night Cheese Truck!”

“No noises,” Matt said sharply.

“Oh god,” Groaned Tay.

“Do you WANT her to shut up?” Zacky asked.

“Point taken,” Syn said, nodding.

“CHEESE TRUCK IS GOING TO BED!!” I sang. “CHEESE TRUCK IS GOIN—“ I trail off as Zacky attacks my lips. You know the rest people. Pervs!

I groaned at the light, waking up. Sooo sleeeeppppyyyy…what the hell happened last night. Heh, OH! The CHEESE TRUCK!! That was fuuuunnn!! I got up and walked out into the living room. “Hey,” I nod at everyone who was sitting there, drinking coffee, or in Tyler’s case, playing with Hot Wheels. Zacky sat on the floor, playing Guitar Hero against Syn, and Johnny sat with Taylor cuddled into his arms. Something about them getting back together.

“Tyler,” I said sharply, catching him put a Hot Wheel into his mouth. “Donneven!” He put it down.

“Aunt Kor?” He asked.

“What hun?” I asked, pouring a cup of coffee.

“What’s a cheese truck?” He asked. I laughed.

“Something that delivers cheese,” I said, taking a drink of coffee.

“What has it got to do with you sleeping last night?” I spat out my coffee, as Zacky froze, right in the middle of a game, and Taylor muttered ‘Whoa!’ Tyler gave a disgusted look at the spitting, and waited expectantly. This kid is like, some kind of super-genius.

“I was just…dreaming,” I finally said, after recovering.

“Okay,” he said happily, and went back to playing. I just stared after him in wonder. Little kids will believe anything you say.
I know! It's short, but it's an update, right? That's what I thought. Enjoy, and I'll update again later. Luvs~Korynn~