Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Chapter Nineteen

"Korynn, we have a show in ten minutes. What the hell are you doing?" Zacky asked, coming in.

"Putting on makeup!" I snapped. I wasn't in a good mood, and he wasn't helping it.

"Sorry," he frowned, and walked in, sitting down. "Whattsa matter?" He asked, as I sighed, puttting more eyliner on.

"Nothing," I said. Actually, it was something. We were in Cali. Our hometown to be exact. Some benefit concert thing. But it was upsetting, because it was filled with memories. Not good memories. Ones that I chose to put behind me. My mom kicking me out, my dad dying. Zacky leaving. All I wanted to do, was play the show, and get out.

"I know it sucks, being back here, after nine years," He said. "We'll play, sleep, and get out."

"Til the bus breaks down, or tips over, or runs out of gas or--" He shut me up, by crashing his lips down on mine. It took me a second, but soon, his tongue slipped into my mouth, and we fought for dominance.

"Hey--OH GOD, YOU HAVE TO RUN US LATE FOR YOUR DAMN LOVE SHIT!!" Johnny screamed, covering his eyes and doing a little damnce around the room. Quite funny actually, I thought, as we broke apart.

"Would you shut up?" I asked as he cotinued dancing around, eyes covered. "God." He uncovred his eyes.

"Let's go then," he said. I rolled my eyes, as he dragged me out the door, and on stage.

"KORYNN! I KNOW WHERE WE CAN GET OUR TATTOOS!" Vyra screamed, running up with Bobbi Jo.

"Vy," I groaned. "Not here."

"oh come on, it'll take like, half an hour. Please!" I sighed, and let her drag me two block's down to Freddie's Tattoos. (Fake name)

"What can I getcha?" Dude behind the counter asked.

"Heartagrams," Vyra said firmly. "On our wrists." He nodded and went to the back to start drawing or whatever. We sat down.

"Did you tell the guys?" Vyra asked. Bobbi and I looked up from our magazines.

"No," I said slowly, "We thought you did." Uh-oh.


"SHE'S GONE!!" Zacky cried. He fell to his knees on the ground. "They've dragged her off and killed her!"

"ZACHARIAH!! GET A GRIP ON YOURSELF!!" Matt shouted. "Bobbi Jo and Vyra are gone too."

"THEY'VE KILLED THEM ALL!!" Cried Syn, dropping down next to Zacky. "THEY'VE KILLED THEM ALL!! HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO US!!" They began to cry together. Rev came out.

"Thanks Vy," He talked into his phone. "See you when you get here..." He trailed off, shutting the phone, and seeing the sobbing, heaping mess of Zacky and Syn. And then Matt and Johnny running around frantically, calling out the girls names.

"GUYS!!" Rev shouted. They still kept at it. "IF ANYONE WANTS TO KNOW, THEY'RE AT A TATTOO PARLOR! NOT IN HELL!"

"Are you implying," Matt said stopping. "That they're going to hell?"

"I never said that!" Rev said.

"But you IMPLIED that," Argued Matt.

"I DID NOT!!" They tackled each other, and fell to the ground wrestling. The other three stood there, in shock.

"I only thought you and Johnny did that," Syn said, turning around to face them. Too bad they were on the ground, wrestling too. Syn rolled his eyes, and lit a cigarette.
Taylor came out. "Shouldn't we stop them?" She asked, lighting her own.

"Nah, wait til Korynn comes," Syn shrugged.


"I like these," Vyra said, staring at her new tattoo. I nodded.

"Yeah, me too." We walked back to the venue spot.

"MATT! OW! YOU BASTARD!" We saw them. The whole mess. Four of the guys on the ground, and Syn and Taylor smoking.

"GET THE HELL UP OF THE GROUND!" I Screamed. "NOW!" In a second, they were up. I have authority, yippee. "GO CLEAN UP THE BUS!" I said. "And get your laundry, cause I know where we're going after that.

We stood in front of Maura's house. Maura used to be like our aunt, or grandmother of some sort. We practically lived here when we were fighting with our parents, or during the summer, when our parents were on vacations. Zacky rang the doorbell. An elderly lady in her sixties answered the door, blank expression. Then she broke into a grin. "My boys and girl," she said, opening the door wider. "Get in here."

"Hi Aunt Maura," I smiled, as she closed the door.

"I've missed you so much," she hugged all of us, even Vyra and Bobbi. She saw the suitcases.

"Planning on moving in?"

"Aunt Maura, you know how Matt's laundry gets, right?" She made a face.

"Washer's in the same place as it always has been."

"MATT DOES LAUNDRY FIRST!!" I screamed, running for the kitchen, and climbing on top pf the counter, pulling down the cookie jar.

"Korynn Victoria!" Maura scolded, as she always did when I climbed on things. What can I say? Heights never been a fan of mine.

"AUNT MAURA!!" Came the scream from the laundry room. From Matt. "ZACKY'S TRYING TO MIX LIGHTS WITH DARKS!!"

"Not in my house," Maura said hurridley, smiling and running back to the washer. I giggled, munching on my freshly baked chocolate chip cookie. They were always like that. "Zachariah, you put the lights on warm, with the tiniest bit of bleach, and the darks on cold with NO bleach. What're you going to do when you marry?" She sighed.

"Korynn and I will hire a maid," he said proudly. I walked over and leaned against the door jam.

"Nobody said I'd marry you," I grinned. He rolled his eyes.

"Love is in the air," Sang Maura.

"So's the cheese truck," I grinned. She rolled her eyes.

"Not another hyper randomness joke?" She asked. i grinnde.

"You love us Auntie Maura,"I said, hugging her.

"More than the world," she smiled, and went to start making pasta.