Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Chapter Two

Since pre-kindergarten, Zacky and I had been best friends. We were always together, is one of us was getting beat up, the other was right next to us, getting the shit pounded out of them too. If one of us was breaking into the school to paint the jocks lockers pink, the other was right there, paiting the other one neon orange. That was just the way the cookie crumbled in our lives. When when of us went down, the other was falling right next to her.
While in high school in Cali, we'd been fined four times in three years of high school. We'd been arrested once on the account of beating up some kid and resisting police officers, but we got out.
We always went to clubs together and got wasted, and one night when we were freshmen, we realized we liked each other more than friends, and for three years straight we were inseparable. Until the record deal came up. When they left, we decided it best to see other people and remain freinds. And he swore he'd call. He swore he wouldn't forget me. All of this eh swore and meanwhile he never once called me.
So after that, I shielded my heart and never once asked to be loved. Just letting Gerard in was work. A LOT of work. Between getting wasted and sleeping every day of my life, he broke through, saying that I had to fix things. And finally I listened. After I was sure I was one with alcohol, he worked on winning my heart, which he succeeded in three months later. Now, two years later, I'm still head over heels for Gerard. I still get that feeling that sounds so cheesy when you say it that I won't say it, I'll just say I GET that feeling
Now we were laying on my bed, at two o' clock in the afternoon, just thinkning about the time we had left before I had to leave. "Gee?" I asked softly.

"Hmm?" He asked, two seconds later.

"Promise that you won't find some other lucky girl." He chuckled.

"And leave you?" He grinned. "No way!" I laughed.

"I've been promised this before," i said softly. "And they didn't keep to it."

"Yeah," He said. "But YOU'RE the one going away. Not me," he had a point.

"But YOU could always find some girl, ten thousand times better than I'll EVER be." He tilted my chin up towards him and kissed my lips.

"I could never find a girl to match up to your standards. Never. And besides, it's only three months. We can make it. We've done it before, remember, when you got sick those last few months of the tour, first you had the flu, and then you broke your wrist falling from the steps." I giggled. I am a huge clutz.

"Okay, okay," I said. "I give, I'll believe you." He smiled again. Then he kissed me, really long and sweetly. I gently pushed him away five minutes later. "We gotta go," I said looking at the clock. "My flights at three darlin." He groaned and grabbed my some of my bags.

"Let's go," he said, smiling. We walked out to his Hyundai SUV type thingy, its new, whatever it is, and threw the stuff into the back. We climbed in and pulled out.

"I love you babe," Gerard said, kissing me one more time.

"I love you so much more," I smiled, kissing his lips. He smiled as they called my flight.

"You gotta go," he said softly. I nodded and gave him one last kiss before walking towards my teminal. I turned around and gave one last small wave. He waved back and went to the window to watch my plane take off.
On the plane I took out my iPod and turned on MCR's music, which softly sang me to sleep.

"KORYNN VICTORIA THAT IS NOT HOW YOU LOOKED NINE YEARS AGO!!" Matt shouted through the airport lobby. People stared and I gave them an apologetic look. One woman who was scowling at me, I looked her in the eye, and smiled.

"He has problems," I said, smiling. She laughed. See that's how you get evil people to lighten up.

"That's NOT funny," he said wrapping me in a big hug.

"Aww, you know I don't mean it. Where's Rev?"

"The car, his wrist aches." He said, rolling his eyes. "If he says it one more time I'm kicking his ass off the goddamn bus." I laughed.

"Take it easy on him dude. Now lets grab this stuff, most of which YOU get to grab, and get going."

"Okay, but warning, Zacky doesn't know." I sighed. Great, must I deal with EVERYTHING?