Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Chapter 21

"Syn?" We were still in the bathroom.

"Hmm?" He asked, looking down at me. ((I was still in his arms.))

"Why is this happening now? After all of this time why are we acting so..."

"Childish?" He asked, smiling a bit.

"I suppose." I sighed.

"Kor, it's nine years of built up anger, that needs let out, coming out. You knew something like this was going to happen!" He stated.

"Yeah, but like that?" I cried. "Gah!" I threw up my arms, and sat up.

"Hey, I never noticed your new tattoo," Syn said randomly. I glared.

"Now's the time to notice, right?" I snapped. He looked up at me.

"Don't take your anger out on me!"

"Sorry! It's just complicated." There was a knock on the door. Syn reached up and swung it open. Zacky stood there.

"Get away!" I snapped.

"Korynn!" He said.

"Unless you're here to apologize, and say that you don't think I'm suicidal then don't talk to me." I really wanted to strangle him, and I wasn't even drunk.

"I am."

"Then say it!" He sighed.

"Don't do this Kor."

"Do what?"

"Play dumb!"

"And now I'm dumb?" I shouted. "GET OUT!!" I screamed. He started to protest. I charged towards him, and started to push him. He was so strong, and I was so weak. So as I punched his stomach, he just stood there, letting me, telling me to calm down. Finally, I slowed down, and gradually lowered my voice, into sobs. He held me.

"I'm so, so sorry Korynn," He whispered, as we sat on the floor, and he stroked my hair as I cried. "I never meant to get this started again." I sniffled.

"I shouldn't have written that stuff," I said. "It was just a...I was...."

"What Kor?" He asked softly.

"It was while I was with Gee," I sniffled again. "I was in love with you too, and I was upset, depressed. So I wrote them. a way...I was a bit suicidal. But I didn't do anything! I swear!" He sighed, looking at me. He took my hand, and stroked it, soft circle patterns with his thumb. He turned my hand so that the palm was facing him, and he could see my wrist. He grinned.

"Nice tattoo," He nodded, noticing my heartagram.

"Vy and Bobbi have one too," I said. He nodded.

"Cute. What other ones do you have?"

"I have the Life's One Big Hill around my wrist on the other arm. The bat on my lower back. Daddy's initials on my ankle, I got that in Jersey after he died, and Miss Murder, which I got after the song came out, on the middle of my stomach." I said, showing him each one.

"You got the bat in Cali," he said, nodding as I showed him.

"You were with me. We were illegal, drunk, and really stoned if I recall." He laughed.

"Yeah, the guy still agreed to do it if we told no one." I nodded.

"Didn't you get your Angels tat there?" It was behind his left ear. ((A/N if you've watched Tattoo Stories, this is actually true, except it's new. Something about a baseball bet, and he won or lost.)) He nodded.

"Hurt like hell," He smiled. I snuggled further into his chest, curling up in a ball, like a little kid, as he continued messing with my hair. "I love you Korynn, never doubt that I didn't."

"I won't Zacky. I love you too, more than you'll ever know." I sighed.

"I think I have an idea," he smirked. I slapped his arm playfully, and stood up.

"Come on, I'm tired, and it's late." He nodded, and grabbed my hand. We fell asleep, in each others arms again, happy.
"DUDE!" Vyra shouted. "I wanna see the Projekt Revolution!"

"I don't," I grimaced. "Go with Bobbi."

"Only cause you've met all those bands before," Vyra rolled her eyes.

"I never met Placebo, or Saosin thank you."

"But you've met Linkin Park, TBS, and My Chem."

"I've met My Chem?" I asked, mocking surprise. "Move over Sherlock, there's a new detective in town!"

"Fu_k you," She grumbled. "I hate when you do that!" I rolled my eyes.

"I can't help but say the sarcastic things m'dear." She shot me a glare. "I wuv you." I smiled.


I'll add later! Sorry, I gotta get off real quick! Luvs to mah prettiful wifeys! ~Kor~