Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Chapter 22

“Kor! Guess what?” Vyra shouted, dancing into the room, Bobbi following. I looked up from the Spin I was reading, and smiled a bit.

“What hun?” I asked, really wanting to go to back to the thing I was reading. Ten Signs a Rockstar Is Gay. So far, Gerard was passing every single question. ((A/N, it’s nothing towards Gerard, because honestly, watching something on Fuse the other day, I realized there’s no way that he can be totally gay, so there.))

“Frankie said we can have all access passes to Projekt Revolution!” She screamed, jumping around. So did Bobbi. “So are you coming?”

“No,” I said, looking up. “Why would I?”

“But…Placebo will be there. Linkin Park. HIM.”

“I’ve met both Linkin Park and HIM. And I’m sure Zacky can call up the guys from Placebo if I wanna sit around a have a beer with them.” Vyra rolled her eyes.

“Korynn, this is your job. You can’t sit around and try to avoid him for the rest of your life. For god’s sake, you live in Jersey. In the same town as him. On the same street.”

“That can be changed!”

“All because you’re not willing to make peace?”

“I think Gerard’s gay,” I said, glancing back down at the magazine. She stopped short, and stared at me.


“I think he’s gay!” Bobbi burst out laughing. Vyra cocked her head to one side and stared at me in a weird way.

“Why?” Vyra asked, still looking at me.

“He’s passed all these questions on here,” I said, looking back at it. “Look here…he wears leather pants better than you do, and you’re a size four.” Vyra stared a second and nodded.


“Number two…He even buys leather pants.” I pointed out.


“He wears eyeliner better than any girl you know.”


“He dyes his hair more than you.”

“Definitely.” I looked up, and Bobbi stopped laughing. Vyra was still staring at me.

“Whoa,” Bobbi said. “That’s strange.”

“Yeah,” I nodded. Johnny walked on the bus, and stopped, noticing our sympathetic looks.

“What?” He sighed, sitting down, preparing himself for what he thought would be and out of whack theory.

“Well…” I said.

“Do you think Gerard is gay?” Bobbi blurted. Taylor walked out, and stared at us.

“What?” She asked, sitting down.

“Do you think Gerard is gay?” I asked slower. Taylor busted out laughing.

“Seriously?” She asked. I nodded.

“Yes. Look at this.” I tossed her the magazine, and she skimmed over it.

“This is some stupid joke,” she said looking up. “Gerard is not gay. Consider the amount of girlfriends he’s had, before and after you.” True, he’s gone through two already.

“They say that’s a sign of trying to stay in the closet,” Vyra pointed out.

“You don’t honestly think he’s totally gay?” Taylor asked.

“We don’t have a problem with it,” I shrugged. “Obviously. I mean, why should anyone have a problem with it? It’s retarded.”

“Right. Homophobia is—“ Bobbi said.

“Don’t say gay,” I groaned. “Say something like retarded. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I know that it is and all, but that quote us driving me nuts.” Bobbi giggled.

“Okay, homophobia is stupid.” I smiled, and looked at Johnny, who was reading the article now.

“Honestly. He paints his nails more than you, and goes through more black nail polish. Does he really go through more?”

“He bought two bottles in one month. I use one in a period of 3 months, depending.” I said, after giggling a bit.

“Two bottles? One month?” He asked shocked. “One bottle lasts me like…”

“A long time,” I finished. “I know.” Just then, there was a knock on the bus door. I got up and went over, opening it.

“Hey,” Frank said, with a huge smile. I smiled back. I hadn’t seen him in a while.

“FRANKIE!!” I screamed, wrapping my arms around him. Zacky came out from the bunks.

“Now you love him more than me?” He pouted.

“Never,” I said, kissing Zacky lightly. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Ten Signs and Rockstar is Gay,” Frank asked, looking from the magazine back to me. “Who the hell are you considering to be gay?” Zacky pulled back from holding me.

“Yeah. Who?” He asked, surprised. I smiled.

“Well…if you REALLY wanted to know, I was considering…Frankie!” Frank wasn’t paying attention, so when everyone who had just walked in, looked at him, confused, he finally looked up.

“Huh?” He asked. “I was reading this article on Rolling Stones.” I rolled my eyes.

“Never mind,” I sighed. “That was just the page I left off on.”

“But you sai—“ I covered Vyra’s mouth.

“I SAID I left off on that PAGE!” I glared. She shut up quickly. Frank just rolled his eyes, and went back to his article. I shot Vyra another glare. She began to whistle. After five minutes, she was still whistling the same tune.

“Okay, Vyra, don’t you think that’s enough?” Jimmy asked. She looked up and smiled sweetly at him.

“Oh baby, of course not!” And she kept at it. I sighed, and stood up.

“Okay, I’m going to bed, and if you do that in the bunk area, you’re waking up with tape on your mouth,” I warned.
An hour later, someone, not Vyra, whistled in the bunk area as I was trying to sleep. I screamed at whoever, to shut up, and they did. They still had to pay of course. I snuck out, grabbed duct tape, and a tube of red lipstick. I found the bunk that had soft snoring coming from it. I quietly ripped the tape off the roll, and taped it over his mouth. And then I took the lipstick, and carefully began designing his face.
An hour later, I was finished, and Zacky came walking back. “What did you do?” He gasped.

“Had fun,” I said, smiling. “Like it?” I’m Matt, and I’m in Love with Synyster Gates was scrawled across the top of his forehead.

“I do, but I’m not sure how Syn will like it. Or Matt.”

“But we will,” I grinned. He kissed me.

“C’mon, let’s go get sleep. We got a show tomorrow.” We laid down in our bunk and he stroked my hair as I snuggled into his chest. “Kor?”


“Why were you reading that article?” He asked. I laughed lightly.

“Making sure you weren’t gay Zacky,” I said, snuggling closer into his chest. He laughed to.

“Is that all?” He asked, kissing my forehead.

“Of course,” I said. We didn’t like talking about Gerard anymore, and I wasn’t going to be the one to bring it up. “Vyra and Bobbi Jo want me to go to Projekt Rev with them,” I said.

“Do you?” He asked.

“Kind of. I’ve wanted to see Placebo in concert. I never did. It’d be neat. If I did though…would you care if I went backstage?”

“Why would I?”

“I dunno…Gerard maybe?”

“Yeah,” He snorted. “I’m going to stop you from doing what you want,” he smiled. “Korynn, no one can stop you from doing what you want. no one. Remember the time we were planning a school prank, and the teachers found out, and told you you’d be suspended. And then your mom said that if you did get suspended, she’d ground you for life. What did you end up doing?”

“Letting the frogs out of the bio lab,” I grinned, remembering that. My mom was so pissed it wasn’t even funny. I think I scrubbed every floor, wall, and counter top in our house those three days, and still managed to party at night. My mom never had any control over me. It was always my dad, and he was dead, so it didn’t matter.

“Exactly. And even though you were grounded, you suck out every night.”

“I had to. Otherwise I wouldn’t see you.”

“You ditched school, when you were warned not to,” He said, thinking of all the wrong things I’d done, without caring. “You set fire to the microwave when we were thirteen and not supposed to be home alone and cooking.”

“Hey, let’s not go there,” I winced. That was when my dad was alive, and man, I though I’d have to run for my life.

“You always drank whatever was alcohol was in the fridge, when we were home. Your mom always told you never to do so, and you so totally did. You beat up Stacey Smith when she called you a bitch, getting you suspended for a week, and grounded for three months at home when you were 12.”

“I was grounded a lot.”

“Yeah, and you never once stuck to it.” He laughed. Thinking of the time I was 12 and sneaking out for the first time, I smiled.

“I remember when I got my first kiss,” I said, giggling.

“Me too,” He grinned. “We snuck to the playground with Matt, and Syn. We played truth or dare, and he dared you to kiss me.”

“I did. You didn’t know what to say,” I laughed again. “It was your first kiss too. And you didn’t know what the hell you were doing.”

“I did too!”

“You did not!” I said, looking up.

“I do now!” He said, smiling still. He kissed me.

“Yeah, I guess so,” I shrugged. He glared for a second, as I snuggled back into him again.

“WHAT THE HELL? MATT!!” Someone shouted. I stirred, and woke up, stretching a bit. The space beside me was empty. “I Cannot BELIEVE that!” I peered out of the bunks, to see that no one was in here. What was going on?
I walked out into the living area to see Matt sitting there, and Syn standing there, looking angry. I saw Matt’s forehead. I’m Matt, and I’m in Love With Synyster Gates was on his head. I tried to restrain from laughing, and look as normal as possible.

“YOU!!” Matt shouted jumping off the couch. “YOU WROTE IT IN PERMANENT MARKER!!” I looked up, the twinkle in my eyes telling everything.

“You whistled. I warned you not to Matthew!”

“YOU DON’T TELL THE WORLD I’M GAY FOR DOING SO!!” He screamed. Zacky came from the bathroom.


“WHICH HE’S NOT!!” Syn roared. Bobbi gave him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder, while stifling a laugh. It didn’t work, and she began to laugh, hard. I did to, and soon, Vyra, Bobbi, and Me were on the floor, laughing. Zacky was trying not to, and when Taylor woke up and saw Matt, she joined us. Johnny did too. Eventually, Zacky did too. The only ones who weren’t were Jimmy ((He was bus sick, he gets it a lot)) Matt, ((Who was viciously trying to wipe it off, it wasn’t working)) And Syn, who was going from glaring at me, to Matt.

“SHUT UP!” Syn finally shouted. “This is STUPID!! It’s not FUNNY!”

”No,” I said seriously. “It’s not.” I stood up, or tried to. “It’s fu_kin hilarious!” I said, and as we went over the bump, I fell back down laughing. Jimmy just groaned, and ran to the bathroom. Vyra got herself together, and went back to help him, and the rest of us were still laughing. Syn just huffed, and walked into the bunks. Tyler came out.

“Mommy, why are you acting like lunatics?” He asked. She stopped.


“Uncle Syn said you were acting like lunatics, and that he was calling the mental institution. What’s that?” I tried to not laugh, as Taylor sat up, and talked quietly to Tyler. He laughed a bit, and ran back to the bunks.

“What did you tell him?” I asked curiously.


“OW!! Mother—Tyler, please cover your ears! FU_KER!” He screamed.

“What did he do?”

“Kicked him,” Taylor shrugged.

“W-where?” Bobbi asked.

“Oh…where it hurts,” She sighed. Bobbi’s eyes widened. She ran back.

“THAT KID HAS GOT IT OUT FOR ME!!” Syn screamed. Bobbi was soothing him, and I was laughing, as was everyone else. Zacky look pained for Syn, as did Matt. But they were both laughing.
Good times. I swear, this is one we’ll never forget.