Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Forgot Chapter NUmber, don't care

“Kor! You in here?” Bobbi Jo called through the apartment. I just crawled further under my blankets in the bedroom, and made a muffled, ‘In Here!’ as she walked in. “What the hell is the emergency that you can’t even answer the door for?” I groaned and pointed at the answering machine. She stared for a minute. “Yes, it’s an answering machine. Do you want it to do tricks? Were you so twisted on cough syrup that it did a couple flips.” I glared at her.

“Play it,” I snapped. She seemed a little scared, so she slowly backed up and pressed the play button.

“Ms. Gallaher, we have the results of your blood tests, and well, the only way I can think to say this is to stop taking cough syrup and start taking pre-natal vitamins. Congratulations Ms. Gallaher, you’re pregnant.” Rang through the apartment. As if she didn’t believe it, she played it again. And again. And one more time!

“OKAY DID YOU GET THE PICTURE YET?!” I screamed in frustration of hearing the stupid doctor tell me I was pregnant for the fiftieth time.

“I just…I mean…it’s…it’s not something you planned to happen so….”

“Soon after getting Zacky back. Yeah, I know. But what’s that saying?...things don’t always work out as planned.”

“Yeah, sure, but…” She trailed off. “Oh. Wow.”

“You sound so enthusiastic,” I said sarcastically, sitting up. She stared at me.

“I’m not the one who’s pregnant!” She snapped. “So don’t start!”

“I’m not starting, I’m just confused…and maybe a bit…scared.”

“The invincible Korynn? Scared?” She asked mockingly. I giggled.

“Yes, for once. Maybe we’re not all as strong as we lead people to believe. Maybe we do kick people’s asses, but there just comes this big… fear in front of us, and we can’t do anything but confront it. And kids scare the shit outta me. The like knives, and they like to do evil messy stuff that ruins the whole day. And they make more laundry!” By now, she was giggling hysterically.

“It’s not…that bad,” she giggled. I rolled my eyes.

“Yes it is! And quit laughing. It’s not funny!”

“Oh hun, you’re great, with kids anyhow. I can’t really say the say with adults. You scare them.” I slapped her playfully, across the head. The door slammed.

“ANYONE HERE?!?!” Vyra shouted, running up and down the hall as we hid under the bed. “THEY’VE BEEN KIDNAPPED! ARRESTED! RAPED! KILLED!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!” She started to cry, and we giggled. I crawled out from under the bed.

“No love, we’re right here,” I smiled, and she looked up, and ran into the room.

“THANK GOD!!” She laughed. “So, you called?”

“Yes, I’ve got news,” I nodded. Bobbi Jo laughed.

“BIG news,” She said.

“Remember when big news was never good?” Vyra asked, thinking back. “There was the time you realized you were an alcoholic. The time when you and Gerard got together, and then broke up to days later for a while. And then there was the time when you broke your arm. And the time when you got lost in Tennessee, and we had to drive down to get you, to a town in the middle of nowhere that had a population of about 30.”

“Oh, well, you have to take this news in your own way. Whether it be good or bad.” I said, reassuring her. Okay, so maybe she was right. Who knew getting drunk and getting on a greyhound bus could end up in going the whole way to Destination Nowhere, Tennessee? Not me.

“That means you’re not lost in the middle of nowhere again?” She smirked. I threw a pillow at her.

“You’re mean. So I’m not telling you.” She pretended to cry.

“Please?” She got on her knees, and clasped her hands together. “Pretty please?” I laughed and pointed at the answering machine. She look blankly at it. “Yes, that’s an answering machine.” I rolled my eyes at hearing that the second time today.

“Shut up and press play,” I said. She did. She listened. Once. Twice. Three times. Four. Finally, as her hand was reaching out to press it again, I grabbed her hand and glared. “You don’t need to hear it a thousand times!”

“Maybe I do!” She said. “Holy shit Kor! You’re gonna be a momma.” I shook my head.

“That’s just it,” I whispered. “How do I tell Zacky? Or even myself?” Vyra hugged me, and so did Bobbi.

“Are you saying you’re in denial?”

“Shock, denial, horrified of having something that’s going to breathe in this very room inside of me.”

“Oh sweetie, Zacky will be thrilled to be a parent. You have to understand, he loves you more than the world.”

“What if he doesn’t though? What if, as soon as he finds out, he leaves? He bails out?”

“If he does then he’ll be one hell of an unlucky bastard, because I’ll shoot him, and make it impossible for him to have kids.” Bobbi Jo said, proud of her violent tendencies. I giggled, and stood up.

“Well, glad to know,” I said. “And now I’m going to get a shower.” I turned to go towards the bathroom, but stopped, and turned back round. “And guys,” they looked up. “Thanks so much. You’re the best friends a girl could ask for.”