Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Um, where we left off

“Look what the cat dragged in,” Vyra bit her lip, waiting for a response from me. Bobbi Jo tapped her foot impatiently. Frankie danced around. Gerard just stood there, looking around the room. I stared at Frankie for a minute. He was dancing in little circles, all around the room.

“Damn, I was hoping it was Santa,” I finally just barely choked out.

“Well, I’ll get him for you tomorrow,” Bobbi said, smiling a bit. I rolled my eyes.

“FRANKIE STOP DOING YOUR GAY DANCE!” I shouted, getting annoyed.

“But it was fun—“ He started.

“It was silly, and you looked silly doing it.” I said.

“Normally you’d laugh.”

Normally, I wouldn’t have my ex-boyfriend in my apartment, for some strange, unknown, mystifying reason!” I said.

“Sorry, but we came here to ask you something…”

“What?” I sighed.

“WILL YOU PLEASE, PLEASE BE OUR FRIEND AGAIN!” Frankie shouted, going on his knees.

“What?” I asked blankly.

“We miss you,” He said. “And you were, after all, Alicia’s best friend.”

“I never stopped being your friend,” I said. “I still talk to Alicia, and it’s not like I’m pretending you’re dead.”

“You might as well have,” Frankie scowled. I smiled a bit.

“C’mere Frankie,” I said, sitting up straighter. He walked over, and sat down. I hugged him. “You’re always going to be one of my bestest friends. But it’s hard to stay in close contact with people that I’ve been close to before and,” I cleared my throat, and glanced up at Gerard for a moment. “Have broken your heart.”

“You did it with Zacky,” Gerard protested.

“Zacky didn’t give me ultimatums,” I glared. He glared back.

“Can we talk? In private?”

“Can you get the stick out of your—“

“Korynn!” BJ scolded. She always was the mature one out of the group.

“Yes,” I sighed. “We can talk in private.” One by one, everyone walked out. I stood up, and walked over to the French doors that revealed the outside world of Newark, New Jersey to me, every morning when I woke up, made coffee, opened them, and sat out there, staring at the beautiful disaster of a world, passing by. I turned around to see that Gerard had followed me out, nervously. I sighed again.

“Look, I messed up, that is obvious, and I’m sorry, and don’t expect me to go all Hugh Grant on you—“

“Hugh Grant?” I asked, confused.

“Yeah, ya know, lovesick, and sorry. One of his movies.”

“I’m sorry,” I shook my head. “But sometimes, just seeing your face makes me laugh Gerard.” He cocked his head in confusion, and I laughed. “Like that. And by the way, don’t expect me to go all Drew Barrymore on you, and take you back.” He grinned.

“So we’re friends?”

“We always were Gee,” I said. “I just had yet to forgive you for being an ass. It is, after all, what you do best, next to singing.”

“Aww, Thanks,” He rolled his eyes.


“HOLY SHIT!” Someone screamed from inside. I looked at the door blankly for a moment. “HOLY SHIT!”




“You’re just pissed cause I won!” I rolled my eyes, and walked in, motioning for Gerard to close the doors. I walked out.

“You guys scared me! I thought you were being raped you idiots!”

“Only Vyra screamed.” BJ argued.

“Who cares if you beat your own personal high score on Guitar Hero Vyra,” I mimicked. Frankie laughed.

“She has a point,” He said.

“She really does,” Gerard agreed.

“Oh, the three of you shut up,” She rolled her eyes. “And tell me, did you work things out?”

“Yes,” We said at the same time.

“YAY!! I HAVE MY BEST FRIEND BACK!” Squealed Frankie. I laughed. He grinned.

“What? I missed you?”

“I missed your hyperactive, all to sugary, craziness too,” I said, shaking my head. He hugged me tightly.

“Squeezing, can’t…breathe…dying…” I gasped, as he pulled back.

“Well, you said it, not me,” He grinned. I sighed again, and got up, going to the cupboard, and grabbing a thing of Nicotine gum, my newest swing at trying to quit smoking, as after three days of the patch, I was still smoking. I pulled down a coffee mug for me.

“Want some?” I asked. Three out of four raised their hands, and the other one jumped around screaming ‘I LOVE COFFEE AND SKITTLES! GIMME SKITTLES.’ Take a guess at that one. Frankie. “O…kay, everybody but Frankie,” I said, turning to the coffee maker. The phone rang…

Well…someone’s phone rang. We all scrambled to the place where our celly’s were, and checked them. Finally, it was Gerard’s. “Lo?” He asked. “YOU DID WHAT?! What encouraged you to put the toaster in the bath tub?” He asked. I just laughed, knowing who it was then. “Mikey, you are not only stupid, but insane, mental, and crazy—yes, I know they all mean the same thing—shut up! At least I didn’t put a toaster in a fucking bath tub!” I jumped up and grabbed the cell phone.

“It wasn’t like I just thought about it for three weeks straight,” Mikey was saying. “I just did it…”

“Mikey, gimme Alicia,” I said.

“Korynn?” He asked.

“Just give her the phone Toaster-Boy!” I snapped.

“Yes Ma’am,” He said. I narrowed my eyes.

“You did not just call me ma’am?” I asked, deadly-like.

“S-Sorry, oh look, hey Licia, it’s Korynn, she REALLY wants to talk to you.” The phone shuffled, and Alicia came on the phone.

“Hey Kor, sorry about toaster-boy,” I laughed.

“We think alike,” I said. She giggled.

“Totally. What’s up?”

“I am having a party tonight. Un-planned of course, but you and toaster-boy can come, if you’d like.”

“Party?” Frankie asked, perking up. “YEA!” I laughed again. I have done that a lot today.

“Who’s all coming?”

“Who knows?” I shrugged. “Whoever I call I guess.”

“Okay, I’ll be there? Eight?”

“Sure…see ya then Licia,” I hung up. Yay…party…oh joy, what’s better than a party? A mess…and that’s sarcastically speaking, for those who don’t know me well enough.