Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Chapter Three

We walked out to Matt’s rental car, which happened to be a Land Rover, and he threw my bags in the car. Rev jumped out, “Korynn you’re even more beautiful than nine and a half years ago.” I ginned and hugged him.

“But so are you Rev. How is everything? Or better yet, how bored are you not being able to drum for a while?”

“I am dying!” He said. “Just totally dying and I can’t do a thing about it! How excited are you to be able to drum FOR me?” He grinned.

“Excited. But I won’t be as good as you are. EVER!”

“You have the lowest self esteem ever, ya know that?” Matt said as we pulled out of the parking lot.

“It’s what the Prozac is for dumb ass,” I rolled my eyes. He just looked at me from the mirror.

“You’re not addicted are you?” He asked.

“God, no,” I sighed.

“If you say so,” he said, turning lanes, and taking a left into the heart of Nashville. We were in Nashville for a concert?

“Why are we in Nashville?” I asked curiously.

“We’re not. We’re going to Knoxville. It’s a few miles further. Chill Korynn,” Rev said, grinning.

“Why do I get the feeling it’s more than that?” I groaned exaggeratingly. He just laughed.

After twenty minutes of biting my lip off in a habit of being nervous we pulled up to a house that had a tour bus parked in front of it. “You might be a redneck,” I sighed, jumping out of the car and to the ground. Matt laughed.

“Wait up,” he said, grabbing my arm as he grabbed my two duffel bags from the back of the Land Rover.

“Why?” I asked.

“Special announcement,” he shrugged.

“Matthew what are you HIDING ?” I asked.

“N-Nothing at all,” He stuttered.

“If you don’t tell me…” I warned, trailing off, which he knew meant BAD payback. He gulped and looked at the house.

“It’s Zacky’s parents house Korynn. This is where they live now.” I just stood there. “Sorry,” he said looking down to the ground. I gave him a hug.

“Dude!” Someone screamed. “You got a chick drummer!” I whirled around to face Johnny.

“Do NOT call me a chick,” I glared. He gulped, just as Matt had done.

“Oh, uh, hey Korynn,” He stuttered. “Welcome to the band?” He tried. I grinned and walked over to him and gave him a huge hug.

“Apology accepted,” I smiled and he gave a sheepish grin.

“Thanks. But if I didn’t know about this, then Zacky definitely didn’t, which means he’s inside right now, expecting our drummer to be some dude M interviewed, you realize that right?” I nodded. “And neither does Syn. You do remember they both have a tendency to pass out when big surprises come in small things right?” I nodded again and sighed.

“Great, now I’m the replacement drummer AND the replacement doctor.” Matt laughed and grabbed my arm and pulled me into the house. Which was actually pretty nice. It had a small foyer with pictures and awards hanging on the walls. There were pictures from the MTV Video Music Awards. And some from the Fuse Chainsaw awards, which I actually remembered going to with MCR.

“Dude,” Syn came into the Foyer, and since I was behind Matt, he couldn’t see me. “Where’s the new drummer?” He stepped aside and the next thing I heard was a thud. You really wouldn’t think of someone so big and strong passing out over seeing someone he hasn’t seen in nine years. Honestly. Matt swore and raced over to him. Zacky came in and didn’t see me either. Instead he raced over to Syn.

“YOU’VE SHOT HIM!!” He cried. “HOW COULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT MATTHEW SHADOWS?!?!?!?” I had to stifle my laughter, a great deal. Matt glared at him as the others raced in and then Zacky’s parents.

“It wasn’t ME!” He snapped. “It was the new drummer.” I really had to stop trying not to laugh and calm down. My face HAS to be turning red. I sighed and stepped out from the shadows. Then I heard another thump and looked over to see Zacky ON TOP of Syn, passed out.

“Well,” Zacky’s mom, Lydia, said. “You certainly do have a great record of doing that don’t you darling?” She was referring to all the times I’d made Zacky pass out from shock before. I smiled.

“I suppose.” I said.

“Well, c’mere and give us a hug,” his dad, Steve said, grinning. I smiled again and ran over hugging each and every one of them. Well, except for the two passed out on the floor, which Matt decided to fix. He did a running start and then jumped on Zacky.

“Oof!” Zacky groaned sitting up. “What happened?” I bit my lip and braced myself.
Sorry it’s short, I had to get off! Comments give me more energy to write =)