Second Guessing and Tears Stressing


OKAY VYRA!! YOUR GOT YOUR FILLER!! AND NOW! there’s been an issue. BJ, it seems you’ve not been updating. I know you probably have things to do, but I’m holding chapters for ransom. Once you or Vyra update, you can have a chapter of mine. Now…UPDATE! I luvs you guys *_*

“Vyra! Quit taking so long!”

“I’m not taking so long! I’m getting ready!”

“It doesn’t take five hours!”

“I’m only been in here thirty minutes goddamnit!”

“Bobbi, quit taking so long,” I rushed.

“Don’t you dare start on me Kor,” She warned.

“But you’re taking forever!”

“We’re going shopping! We have all fucking day!”

“But I wanna go now!”

“Too bad.”

“HURRY UP!” I urged, dancing in circles.

“Shut up!” Vyra muttered.

“Yeah, take her advice,” Bobbi muttered. I threw a sweatshirt at Bobbi, and a pair of shorts at Vyra. “I was looking for that,” Bobbi said happily, putting it on.

“That’s mine!” I cried. I looked at Vyra. She was wearing my black corset top, and my studded belt. “So’s that! Bitches!” I mumbled.

“You’re wearing my shoes!” Vyra pointed out.

“And my shirt,” Bobbi said, doing her eyeliner. Okay, so I was wearing Vyra’s pink converse, and Bobbi’s Misfits shirt. Who cares? I’m the pregnant one.

“Fine, now let’s go!” I grabbed BJ’s hand, and then Vyra’s, and dragged them down the steps, to the car, and threw them in.

“Now I have to do a car makeup job,” Vyra grumbled, pulling out her eyeliner.

“Oh, shut up! Hot Topic?” I asked.
“How about food,” BJ grumbled. “I’m starved, you couldn’t even let me grab a pop-tart on the way out.”

“You took forever and I was done waiting.”

“Like you haven’t taken forever—take a left here,” She said. “Right here.” We pulled up to a Cracker Barrel twenty minutes later. “Yum,” She said happily jumping out of the Hummer.

“Yeah, food!” Vyra shouted.

“Okay, so maybe I’m a little hungry,” I agreed, as my stomach made a huge growling noise. “I am eating for two.”

“Yeah, and if that baby has you and Zacky’s appetite, you’re doomed,” Vyra said. I hit her across the head.

“I don’t eat that much.”

“Neither does a horse,” BJ rolled her eyes.

“Do I really eat that much?” I laughed.

“Damn straight. Zacky eats more. And so does Syn. I don’t know how they eat it all!” She laughed.

“Jimmy’s pretty bad too,” Vyra said, as we walked into the restaurant. “He ate the rest of my Cap’n Crunch this morning.” I laughed.

“How much was there?”

“Half a box,” She grumbled.

“There was not!” BJ said. “I ate some yesterday morning, and there was hardly any left.”

“So you’re to blame!”

“Shut up, I’m trying to get us a table,” I laughed. “3 please.” The waiter nodded, and got stuff ready while we walked around the store. “Oh, lookit the hat!” I said, pointing to the big, floppy straw hat. Vyra and I grabbed one, put it on, and danced around. It was ugly, with big floral prints.

“Wanna buy one?” I asked, grinning. She grinned back, and we ran to the cashiers, and paid for it, then put them on.

“Guys,” BJ sighed. “Take them off.”

“No way!” We shout-whispered. “We’re wearing them.” She shook her head.

“great. I’ll go buy one too!”

“YAY!!” We clapped. People stared at us, and we gave cheesy grins. She grabbed one, paid for it, and put it on, and we goofed off some more, until they called our names. The waiter gave us a weird look as we walked back, the hats still on. Old ladies gave disapproving look, as we giggled and laughed about the hats, and women stared like we were insane.


“That was Fun!” I giggled, coming out from the Cracker Barrel with a bag full of leftovers, and another bag filled with toys.

“Yeah, we practically had a shopping spree in there,” Bobbi said. “Zacky’s gonna kill you when he sees that credit card bill.”

“Nuh-uh,” I shook my head. “They’re for the baby.” We got into the car, and I turned up the Iron Maiden CD I had on. “He won’t mind.”

“That you’re planning on spending a thousand bucks on a designer brand dressing table?” Vyra asked. “Or that you’re buying that kid an entire wardrobe today.”

“Well…speaking of which—and no, he knows about that—I know the sex of Baby.”

“YAY!” BJ screamed. “What is it?”

“Girl!” I shouted.

“YIPPEE!” Vyra shouted. “You owe me fifty bucks BJ!”

“You bet on my baby?” I asked.

“Only fifty bucks,” Vyra shrugged, holding her hand as BJ dug out cash. She slapped it into her hand.

“Oh, that makes it so much better.”

“What?” Vyra asked innocently. “We found a good way to get some cash, that doesn’t involve drugs.”


“On stupid things.”


“Well, I think that’s dumb.”

“You’re just mad cause we bet on your baby.”

“No I’m not. It’s my baby, give me the fifty bucks.”


“Cough up.” She grumbled something, as she gave me the fifty dollars. I laughed. “Haha, suckers.”

“no fair!”

“Aww, I’ll by you ice cream Vyra.” Said as we pulled into the mall parking lot, which was right across from the Cracker Barrel.



“What about me?” BJ whined.

“Okay, you too!” I said happily.

“YAY!” We walked in, and went straight to Hot Topic. We were known regulars, so everybody waved as we walked in and went to the baby section.

“Ohh, I like this,” I said, grabbing the Devil Baby Onesie. ((I can’t spell that))

“What about this?” Vyra grabbed the iron Maiden onesie, and BJ grabbed the Misfits one. I laughed.

“Okay, that’s good. We looked more, finding a My Chem one, and an Avenged Sevenfold one ((Which we grabbed three different ones of)) and then an Aiden one. “I think we have enough for now from here,” I said, looking at our pile of outfits, shoes, and a bunch of other things. “Shop for us?” They grinned, and nodded, and we split up, going to find our own things.
I found new converse, a sweatshirt, Avenged Sevenfold shirt that I actually didn’t own, and a pair of Black Tripp Pants. “I’m done!” I announced.

“Me too!” Vyra shouted, coming over with a pile so big that you couldn’t even see her head. She was buried beneath it somewhere.

“Eh, I found a few pair of jeans—Holy Shit Vyra, did you buy the whole store?” BJ came up. I laughed.

“Looks like it. Let’s pay.” We walked up and the cashier, who I thinks name was Alexa, sighed.

“another Shopping Spree, and I have to check it out. That’s the third time today.”

“It is the season,” Vyra said. “School shopping.”

“Don’t remind me,” The girl grumbled, and continued checking things out. An Hour later, we were done.

“God, Vyra, they’re never letting you in there again. I think I heard the manager saying they had to restock everything.”

“Shut up!” She growled, putting the rest of her five thousand bags into the back of the Hummer. “I had fun.”

“I did too…before we had to wait three hours to pay,” BJ said, climbing into the back seat. I laughed.

“She has a point.”

“For Your Information, that stuff is not all for me.”

“Who’s it for then?”

“Me, and my dresser Drawers. They were a little empty.”



“I’M HOME!!” I sang. “Come help me get my shit outta the car.” Zacky came running down the steps from the room.

“If you need help then that means you exceeded the thousand dollar limit,” He said grumpily.

“Did not,” I said, feigning mock surprise. “I came in at 999.99,” I said. He looked at me.

“You’re serious?”

“Bargain shopped at Hot Topic and Wal-Mart,” I smiled. He rolled his eyes.

“Hot Topic is not bargain shopping honey. Sorry.”

“It is if I want it to be.”

“Right.” He opened the back of the Hummer, and saw the bags and boxes. “You exceeded the limit, didn’t you?” He asked.

“By 999.99,” I said, giving a small smile. He sighed.

“Let’s get unloading,” He said, smiling back. I hugged him.

“Thanks for not caring. I brought you leftovers.” He laughed.

“Great!” And we started unloading.