Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Food Fight!



“Can I have the m&m’s on the table?”

“Sure.” CRASH

“What the fuck was that fuckwad!” I asked, coming into the living room. Frankie was standing there staring in amazement at the book shelf. It had fallen. Good thing there was nothing in front of it. Pictures had fallen, books had, and cd’s had.

“Oops,” Frankie offered a small smile.

“What did you do?”

“Went to grab the m&m’s and the whole entire thing fell.” Everybody ran into the living room from outside.

“What happened?” BJ asked.

“That’s a big mess,” Vyra said in awe. I glared at them all. And then I gave Frankie a glare. If looks could kill, Frank would’ve been dead, buried, dug back up, and dead again. He ran and hid behind Gerard.

“He did it!” Frankie shouted.

“With what? Super Mind Powers?” Gerard asked sarcastically.


“Frankie, did you do this on purpose?” I asked, as Matt, Syn, and Zacky went over to pick it up, Tay warned Tyler to stay away, and BJ and Vyra started cleaning up glass.

“NO!” He quickly defended. “I didn’t.” I sighed, as we both went to start picking the cd’s up. The smashing pumpkins case was cracked more than it already was, The Sleeping case was cracked a little, and the Iron Maiden one was destroyed.

“I’ll get you a new one!” Frankie offered his Frankie Smile.

“Never mind it. I ruin my cases all the time,” I smiled back. “I’m just still wondering how going to pull m&m’s off a shelf makes the whole thing come crashing down.

“Me too,” He said, giggling. We ended up in a fit of giggles.

“O…kay…” Zacky said, pulling me up. “You haven’t smoked anything have you Kor?” I giggled again.

“No. I haven’t smoked that shit since I was…” I subtracted.

“ Oh, for a few years,” I said, giving up on the math.

“Sure. Whatever. C’mon, dinner’s done,” Zacky pulled me up, and led us out to the porch. The boys learned at least one thing decent on Warped Tour. They learned how to grill. Which, still doesn’t explain why we had to go out and buy the 300 dollar, stainless steel grill, which Zacky doesn’t know how to work the burners, the top rack, and the warmer thing on. And not to mention, I was the one who had to light it, because Zacky didn’t know, and after a half an hour, he gave up, saying it was the grill’s fault, even though I know perfectly well, and so do BJ and Vyra, that Zacky’s just plain stupid.

We would’ve eaten…except for the fact that the food was one fire. “Well that’s just great we have no food, because you brilliant boys can’t cook!” I said, glaring at them. They just stared at the fire a minute, before shrugging, and walking back into the house.

“I call Chinese!” Syn said.

“Pizza!” Zacky said.

“I’ll call…BEER!” Matt said. Johnny just hurriedly rushed Tyler out of the room.

“Gee…we’ll get rid of this,” I said sarcastically. They all shouted something like, ‘we figured ya would,’ and whipped out their cell phones, calling for food. I grabbed the hose, and watered the grill down.

“Well,” Vyra said. “At least we have marinated steaks.” I rolled my eyes, while she picked one up and threw it in the garbage. I went back into the house, and saw a short little blur running around. Gerard tripped over the blur, and fell.

“FRANKIE YOU FUCKING MIDGET!” He screamed, sitting up, and rubbing his head. He was tackled by Frankie the moment midget was out his mouth. “Ommph! Get offa me you twat!” He growled, which resulted in a lick on the cheek. “Goddamnit Frankie, I’m sorry, now gerroff!” He mumbled, throwing Frankie off, and standing up. It didn’t work, as Frankie attached himself to Gerard’s leg. “FRANK!” He yelled. He tried walking to the kitchen, but by then, Vyra had attached herself to his other leg. BJ and I were rolling on the floor laughing as he tried to shake them off.

“FOOD’S HERE!!” Zacky announced. “Well, for whomever’s having pizza that is!” I ran into the kitchen, and grabbed a plate. A few minutes later, the Chinese, and the beer for the guys was here, and everyone was eating and laughing.

Vyra and I started it. It wasn’t planned or intended, but after the first piece of pizza was thrown, it didn’t stop there. “You did not just throw pizza at me!” I glared. She grinned, and nodded. I threw a piece back at her, but she ducked, and it hit Frankie. And you know when Frankie, me, and Vyra get started, it doesn’t stop. He threw a piece of shrimp at me, but I ducked, and it hit Gerard in the eye. So Gerard threw another piece of pizza. Then it resorted to the ketchup, the whipped cream, the soda, and the sprinkles. In the end, everyone was a mess, and you couldn’t even see the counter top under this mess.

“Who’s cleaning?”

“I vote Vyra!” Jimmy said.

“I vote Zacky!” I said.

“Vyra!” BJ said.

“Zacky!” Matt said.

“Zacky!” Said Johnny.

“Zacky,” was Syn’s vote.

“Vyra!” Gerard said. “Just to even it out.”

“Vyra,” Alicia replied.

“Zacky, was Frankie and Mikey’s reply. In the end, Zacky was left to clean.

“Hey…Guys! Guys, can ya help a bit?” He asked, as we all walked out of the room. “Guys! Don’t leave me, I’m lonely!”

“To the TV?” I asked. We all nodded.


“Ooh, Gilmore Girls is on!” I said.

“Nuh-uh, Foster’s Home!”

“YEAH!” We shouted.

“Fuck you all!” Zacky shouted. We laughed. “Please help?” We ignored him. “Damn, I’d better get started,” I heard him mumble.