Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

New Hair, and Police

“When’s Zacky gonna be here?” Vyra asked, jumping up and down.

“Why? I thought you were excited to see Jimmy?” I asked blankly. She looked blankly back at me. Then she smiled.

“I am, that’s why I’m asking!” She said. BJ just shook her head. I just nodded, while she giggle nervously. Wait a second, she only giggles like that when she’s hiding something…

“Vyra Rose! What the hell are you hiding!” I shouted at a random moment, once I’d realized she was hiding something.

“huh?” She asked, stunned at my outburst.

“What,” I said, glaring at her. “Are you hiding?”


“They’re here!” BJ burst back through the door. I stared at Vyra a bit longer, until she broke the stare, and ran out the door.

“GET BACK HERE!” I screamed, going after her. But I can’t run that fast, I’m pregnant. I finally caught up to her, and she was kissing Jimmy. I sighed. “Thanks a ton for making me run!” I breathed, as Syn came up.

“Lookie, lookie! That’s my baby niece in her!” He pointed at my stomach.

“Uh, that’s not biologically your niece,” I said, staring at him.

“IS TOO!” He screamed, dancing around.

“IS NOT!” I screamed back.


“SHUT UP!” BJ screamed, as Matt came up. He grinned.

“Fighting over Z—“ Vyra covered his mouth. She glared.

“You just shut up!” She said. He nodded, looking scared.

“What’re you talking about?” I asked, blank.

“There you guys are, making me run a fucking block just to get here!” Zacky shouted. “You’re dead Christ!” He said, glaring at Johnny, who was smirking. He tackled him. There was something…different about him.

“HOLY FUCKING SHIT, YOUR HAIR IS FUCKING BLONDE!!” I screamed, so loudly, the old lady across the street screamed for me to shut up. Bitter rich people.

“Huh?” Zacky looked up from the punch he was about to throw Johnny. Johnny took that moment to roll Zacky over, and start punching him. I turned to Vyra.

“That’s what you were hiding?” I demanded. She giggled and nodded.

“Ow! Johnny, fuck that hurts!”

“Oh, quit being a pansy!” He shouted.

“FUCK YOU!” Zacky shouted.

“Excuse me,” A strange voice said. We turned around. Uh-oh, we’re in some shit now.

“Uh, yes officer, how may I help you?” BJ finally finishes.

“We have a complaint from the lady next door, about public disruption?” He questioned.

“Well…sorry…” I said, offering a smile. “They were just fighting about who was going to get custody of my baby. They’re not sure who’s it is, and they all want to be the father, and so they were so jealous, so they started fighting over it!” I pretended to sob. The officer looked torn between letting us off the hook, and fining us.

“Well…just make sure it doesn’t happen again!” He stuttered, and walked off. I sighed and turned back around to the guys, who were all gaping at me.

“Are you happy?” I asked. “Now all of Jersey thinks I’m a whore. You,” I pointed to Zacky. “Yeah, Blondie! Get your stuff in the house, and start washing it, because I can smell it from the whole way over here. You guys too!” I glared. They nodded.

“WAIT!!” Vyra shouted. She skipped up to Zacky, and took his hat off. She began petting his hair. Zacky looked at her, head cocked to the side.

“What are you doing?” He asked, looking at her. I started laughing.

“She used to do that with Ray all the time!” I giggled.

“There’s…just…something about it that makes me want to pet it…” She said, giggling even more.

“You,” Zacky shook his head. “Need to lay off on the skittles!” So the rest of the night, we all pet Zacky’s hair.

We were lying in bed, watching Foster’s Home, and me lying on Zacky’s chest. “Zacky?”

“Hmm?” He asked, looking up from the Sports Illustrated Magazine he was reading.

“What made you decide to die your hair blonde?”

“I didn’t,” He grimaced, looking down at me.

“What do you mean?”

“Matt put bleach in my shampoo bottle,” He said, seriously. I just looked at him for a second, and busted out laughing.

Sorry it’s short, but it’s just an update to hopefully give you a laugh, and to tell you that Zacky’s hair is really blonde now! I thank my source, Miss Vyra Rose, for telling me! ~Kor~