Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

I have 36 chaps

[Guess what? I got bored, so that’s how I ended up writing a stupid, pointless, and retarded chapter. Oh, well, that and nobody’s on here to talk to. WHY DO YOU PEOPLE NEED AN EDUCATION ANYWAYS?!? Argh! Anyhow….comments=<3 my prettyfuls, and even if this chapter is oddly pointless, random, and stupid, it’s still fun to write for you, so don’t hate me for wasting your time.]

“Okay, Ms. Erm, what is your last name?” The doctor asked.

“Baker,” Zacky jumped in. I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Yeah,” I finally said, snapping back to reality. The doctor smiles.

“You have to go on bed rest for the last month.” My jaw dropped.

“W-what’s that mean?” I whimpered.

“It means you have to stay in bed, all day, for the safety of you baby!”

“B-But, I’m energetic, and hyper, and—YOU CAN’T TIE ME DOWN LIKE THAT!” I shouted. The doctor winced.

“Sorry Ms. Baker, but I’m afraid I have to.” Zacky was trying to hide his grin. I glared at the doctor as he walked out. Zacky grabbed my hand, we signed out, and walked to the car.

“It’s only a month,” Zacky said, offering a smile.

“A month is a year in Korynn Days.”

“Well, sorry, but Korynn Days doesn’t exist.”

“Oh, fuck you!” I snapped. He shrank back a bit in his seat. “We need to go to the store.”

“No, you need to get home. I’ll go to the store after you get settled in bed.”


“No, Look, we’re home anyhow.” I opened the car door, and walked up to the steps, muttering about how I hated doctors and kids, and boyfriends. But I wasn’t on my feet for long. Zacky scooped me up, and started carrying me upstairs.


“Those are really empty threats, you know that?” He said, smiling at me. I glared at him in frustration and anger.

“You are a jerk! A stupid, mean, mean, mean jerk!”

“Is that all you can come up with? My smart, sarcastic, witted Korynn, can only come up with the fact that I’m only mean, and stupid.”

“ZACKY!! Stop it!” I whined. He just grinned, and kept walking. We arrived in our room, and he turned down the covers, while still holding me. “Put me down!” I whined again. “Please.” He looked at me. I gave a sheepish grin. “Please…” I whimpered. I could see weakness kicking in. I reached up and kissed him. He was giving in now, setting me gently on the ground. I felt his tongue along the bottom of my lip, and I granted entry. Ha, he was totally weak now. Zacky’s been a bit… frustrated these past 8 months. “Mm,” I pulled away, gasping for air. “Thank you for putting me down,” I turned to go, and he grabbed me.

“No way,” He said sternly. “Bed. Now.”

“But I can’t be bed ridden! It’s like…tying Hitler down from trying to take over the world!” Zacky looked at me.

“You just compared yourself to Hitler…”

“The only thing I could think of…” I shrugged.

“So when we’re kissing, Hitler’s on your mind?”

“God no! When we’re kissing, Johnny Depps on my mind hun,” I smiled innocently, climbing into the bed, and pulling the very expensive comforter over me. He stood open mouthed.


“Oh come on,” I sighed. “Like someone else hasn’t been on your mind when we’re kissing!”


“You have to be lying.”

“I’m not.”

“At all?”

“At all.”



“Then you’re stupid!” I exclaimed, giggling, and lying down. Come to think of it, I was feeling sleepy.

“Aw, is my baby tired?” Zacky asked, kissing my forehead as I closed my eyes, and yawned.

“A bit,” I mumbled. He smiled.

“Sleep. There’s time to argue over whether I’m imagining someone else when I’m kissing you or not later.” I giggled, as he climbed into bed, and draped an arm lazily over me. Within seconds I was asleep.


“Kor, wake up babe!” Someone shook me.

“Ungh! Go away,” I mumbled into the pillow.

“No, wake up, I need you to gimme a grocery list.” I sighed, and sat up. I ran a hand along my stomach as the baby gave a light kick. We still hadn’t thought of a name, but I liked Isobella Olivia, and Zacky liked Olivia Skye. We were stuck. But we both liked Olivia. So…that was a start…anyways…

“Ugh, we need Tylenol, we need coffee, we need sugar, we need Skittles, we need cereal and milk, we need—“

“Hun, slow down, lemme write it.”

“Right,” I nodded, and gave him the list of stuff, which took ten minutes until I took the pen and paper, and wrote it myself. He sighed, kissed me, and left. He was going with the guys apparently.

“Hey,” Vyra said, coming in. I glanced up from the TV and smiled a bit, to acknowledge her presence.

“Foster’s Home,” I replied, as she sat in the bed next to me. She grabbed a chip from my Frito’s, and ate it, giggling as Bloo tore the mansion apart.

“Yippee!” She said softly. “Beej will be here in ten.”

“Yay,” I said, continuing to watch the show.

“Aw, you’re still mad about bed-rest?”

“Mad? Vy, I have to sit in this bed for the next month! That seems like ages and ages.”

“But it’s not hun,” BJ said, coming in, and bouncing onto the bed.

“Hey,” I grinned at her, and turned back to the conversation.

“Yes it is. For me it is.”

“It is not,” She sighed again. “Just…try and relax for the next few weeks. Forget about the fact that the baby will have you up for the rest of what feels like eternity.” I rolled my eyes.

“Gee, thanks for reminding me—“

“STUPID MOTHERFUCKING STORE!!” I heard Zacky scream. “WHY’D WE HAVE TO GET FAMOUS IN THE FIRST-FUCKING-PLACE?!” I could hear the other guys trying to calm him down. He stomped up the steps.

“I FUCKING QUIT!” He screamed. I stared, open mouth at him. What was going on.

“Uh, what’s wrong?” Vyra asked, swinging her legs over the side of the bed, and jumping down, and going over to Jimmy. BJ hopped down too, and went off to find Syn.

“We got bombarded by fans,” Jimmy said softly to me, before grabbing Vyra’s hand, and guiding her out of the room. She kept looking back, wanting to know what was going on.

By now, Zacky was throwing stuff around. Muttering to himself. “Hun…” I trailed off.

“What?” He snapped, glaring at me. But only when I paid close attention to him, did I notice he wasn’t glaring at me. I looked at the shelf beside me, and noticed the Grammy Award sitting, perched there in it’s rightful home. Zacky was having second thoughts about the career path he chose.

“What’s going on?” I asked softly. He looked at me finally, and I could see a flicker of regret hidden in his eyes.

“Today when we went to the store, there was this family,” He said, crawling into bed. He buried his face into my chest, as I absentmindedly stroked his hair, still blonde mind you—away from his face. “And they were normal. The teenage daughter was fighting with her mom, and the little girl was bouncing around happily, with her daddy. And the only thing I could think of was…how our daughter will never get that. Because I had to go and be some famous, big ego-ed idiot,” He said.

“Zacky, number 1, you’re not big ego-ed. Number two, you were never normal, number three, our family will never be normal, look at us.” He looked at me in my oversized A7X shirt, and them in a shirt that said Fuck You, on it, and looked back at me. “Our family is…weird and unimaginable and random. We’d never be normal whether you like it or not. Number four, I don’t even want normal. I want unique, but beautiful, and Zacky,” I paused, kissing his lips lightly. “You give me that. All of it. So guess what? I don’t care if we’re normal, and if our daughter has a problem with it, we’ll just put her up for adoption.”

He looked at me wide-eyed, and I grinned, and just as fast as he had come in here angry, he was grinning with me. “You will not put our daughter up for adoption!” He declared. I shrugged.

“Never know,” I said. He laughed again, and laid back on a pillow. I laid back next to him, as he ran his fingers over my stomach. For being 8 months pregnant, I was extremely small, which the doctor said was amazing. Not like, able to fit-in-my-regular-jeans-small, but like, the-weight-will-come-off-easy-small. I was kind of pleased at that.

I loved the way Zacky’s eyes lit up every time we even thought about the baby. I loved the way his eyes looked lost every time he was in thought about what life held in store for us. He gave a childish grin as the baby kicked against his hand, and I smiled, thinking about everything that we’d overcome, amazed that we’d made it this far together. He was something I never wanted to lose, ever again. Ever.

We were now just looking into each others eyes, as he reached a hand out, and his fingers brushed against my cheek, as they found a way to my hair, and he stroked it back, tucking it behind my ears. “I love you,” He whispered. Everything was so romantic and gushy, but it didn’t matter at that moment.

“I love you too,” I whispered back.

“AW!! THEY’RE HAVING A MOMENT!” Someone shouted. Our heads turned to the doorway, and Johnny stood there smiling, as the others laughed at our expressions.

“Argh!” I groaned, falling back against the pillow. “What did I do to deserve friends like you?!” Matt laughed.

“You are one of us! I knew that the moment you kicked our fourth grade teacher in the crotch and told him to fuck off.” Everybody broke out laughing, and I couldn’t help but grin, as the moment flashed through my head.

“Yeah, yeah, so it wasn’t one of my best days!” I sighed.

“One of your best days?” Matt asked, stopping for a moment. “The next day he came in and asked you if you were going to apologize, and you said you hoped he burned in hell, and kicked him in the shin.” I sighed.

“Okay, so I had anger problems.”

“Had?” Vyra asked, bursting into more laughter. I sighed again.

“Okay, so I HAVE anger problems! Fuck you all! Get out of my house!”

“Nah,” Bobbi Jo shrugged. “We’ll go make good use of your plasma screen TV.” They all set off, and I sighed again. Zacky offered a grin, as I turned to face him.

“You love them anyways,” He said, practically reading my mind. You know it.”

“Sometimes I wonder why,” I shook my head. He laughed.

“Me too.” And we fell asleep, just like that, in each other’s arms.

*frowns* There’s something wrong with this chapter….oh! I know…IT’S MISSING COMMENTS!! Quit reading this and go comment, that means all of you, whether you’ve commented before, or never commented in your reading fanfiction life. I don’t care, I want you to comment. I know, I’m childish. I don’t care. I like being childish.
And btw, I’m willing to read any new stories anyone has, so if you’ve got any you’d like to recommend, tell me. I need more stories to read. *rolls eyes* *Sighs* Okay, I’m done now. Love to everyone!