Second Guessing and Tears Stressing


“Mm, Kor, what’re you doing?” Zacky groaned, rolling over in bed, as I stood up.

“Getting food.”

“Come back to bed. I’ll get you food in an hour kay?” He mumbled, keeping his eyes closed.

“No, I don’t want to. I’m hungry.”

“Look, if you come back to bed, I’ll get you Starbucks in an hour, promise.”

“Argh! Fine,” I sighed, and climbed back into the bed with him. He smiled, and pulled the blankets up over us.

“Thank you.” I just tolled my eyes, and tried to go back to sleep. I was getting more and more sick of sitting in this bed by the day.

I awoke later, by a sharp pain in my stomach. “Fuck, that hurt,” I muttered, sitting up. Zacky was already up. I smelt bacon downstairs, and coffee too. Another sharp pain. “ZACKY!” I screamed.

“What?” He asked, coming into the room, with a tray.

“Oh, didn’t know you were already—ow—I think I’m in labor!” He dropped the tray of food, and it hit the floor with a crash. Damn, that’ll be a mess.

“Uh…” I rolled my eyes, and reached for the phone.

“Dr. Adams please?”

“One second,” A nurse replied. I tried to not focus on the intense pain in my stomach, as I wait.

“Dr. Adams speaking.”

“This is Korynn Baker, I’m gonna be there in like, ten minutes. I think I’m in labor,” I sighed.

“We’ll have everything set up then, has your water broken?”

“Uh… no,” I replied.

“Right. Well, hurry up.” I nodded, and hung the phone up. Zacky was standing in the same exact spot.

“Now, are you going to drive,” I grinned, standing up, and putting on my worn out converse. “Or am I?” He seemed to snap out of his stupor, and grabbed the keys, picked me up bridal style, and carried my down the steps.

“Goddamnit Zacky, I can walk,” I groaned, as he put me in the car.

“Shut up Korynn!” He snapped, pulling out of the driveway.”

“Yes sir,” I rolled my eyes, staring out of the window at the passing by scenery. “Hand me your cell phone.” He obliged, and I dialed BJ’s number.

“Motherfucker, I was sleeping,” Syn groaned into the phone.

“I’m in labor, you bastard, and that’s the answer I get,” I grinned widely, then winced as pain soared through me.

“HOLY FUCK!” He screamed. I couldn’t help but laugh, even though it was the most painful thing I could’ve done. “BJ! BJ! WAKE UP!” I heard her mutter something. “KOR’S IN LABOR!”

“I’ll leave it to you to get to the hospital,” I muttered, and dialed Vyra’s number.

“Argh! Stupid phone—never works—hello?”

“Drop it in the sink again?” I asked knowingly. Vyra had a habit for talking on the phone, and then dropping it in the sink while talking, and drowning it. Thus, the reason why two phones later, she’s taken to blow drying it so it still works.

“Just last night,” She said. I rolled my eyes.

“Right…anywho, I’m in labor.”

“That’s cool—Wait!—WHAT?!” She screamed. I held the phone from my ear.

“L-A-B-O-R!” I spelled. “Labor.”

“OH MY GOD!” She screamed. Somehow, the phone got hung up. I rolled my eyes again, as we pulled up to the hospital. I’m never, ever having another kid.


Seven hours later—and an incident in the waiting room, in which Zacky almost passed out…there’s a story to that—Olivia Skye Baker was born.

“She’s beautiful,” I whispered. Zacky was lying on the bed next to me, and I was holding our blonde haired—because that’s my natural color—blue eyed little girl.

“Yeah. Your hair was always pretty blonde you know?” He asked, looking down at me. I stared at my hair now. It was black, with purple streaks that were fading in it.

“Maybe someday I’ll dye it back,” I shrugged.


“Miss, please, no obscenities.”


“Oh, how nice—now obscenities!”

“God, be such a—“


“Bitch,” She scowled quietly as the nurse walk off.

“You,” I shook my head, laughing. “Are truly crazy.”

“I know,” She shrugged. Bobbi and Syn, and Jimmy came in.

“Matt and Johnny and Tay are all waiting outside,” Jimmy said. “So, that means we have to be quick.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Syn rolled his eyes. “Lemme hold her.” I held Olivia protectively to my chest.

“So long as you don’t drop her. I know what your parents did to you! They let someone else hold you, and then that person dropped you, and as a result, you were permanently stupid!” Everybody busted out laughing. He just tapped his foot impatiently.

“Okay, fine,” I finally sighed. I handed her too him, and I heard her give a small whimper. I saw him smile, and she took her hand and wrapped it around his finger. They can say newborn babies don’t smile all they want, but that girl smiled at Syn.

“She’s pretty,” He whispered. I heard sniffling and looked up. Bobbi and Vyra were sniffling in the corner of the room.

“What are you doing?!” I asked.

“You got Bobbi choked up!” Vyra declared.

“And I got Vyra choked up!” Bobbi said, trying to wipe away her tears and giggled. I felt myself get all teary.

“Oh fucking hell no!” I cried. “Give me that tissue!” I quickly wiped away any trace of tears—because I never cry—and threw it in the garbage.

“You got Kor to cry!” Zacky said shocked.

“I didn’t cry,” I shifted uncomfortably. “Allergies were getting to me!”

“Oh, that’s the stupidest story I’ve ever heard!” He laughed. I growled at him, and sighed.

“Whatever. I’m serious.” Syn giggled, and gave Olivia to Bobbi. She held her for a minute, and then turned to let Vyra have her.

“Oh no!” She cried.

“What?” I asked, confused.

“I’ll…drop her…jinx her…do something to forever ruin her life…”

“You will not. Come here,” I ordered. She came over. “Sit down.” She sat down. “Now, hold out yours arms. BJ, set Olivia into them.” She did. Vyra looked a little jumpy at first, and then brought Olivia closer. She was asleep now, but she still looked like an angel.

“Please don’t let me drop her, please don’t let me drop her, please, please—“

“Vyra! You’re doing fine. She even likes you.”

“She’s asleep?”

“Yeah, but, if she didn’t like you then…she would’ve woken up.” Vyra rolled her eyes.

“Whatever Kor. Whatever.” I just giggled hysterically for some reason. Then I remembered how I’d asked the doctor for the strongest drug they had.

“What’s she had?” Matt asked, coming in, as Jimmy and Syn walked out. I was still in a giggling fit.

“Um, she asked for the strongest drug possible,” Zacky replied, giving me a weird look. By now, Vyra had handed Olivia over to Zacky, and was giggling with me. We were like two of the biggest weirdo’s you’ll ever meet.

“What about Vyra?”

“Seven packs of Skittles. One for every hour we were here,” He explained.

“Oh my god. We’re gonna be dealing with her high off skittles for the next three days! That’ll never get out of her system!” Matt groaned.

“Matt!” I gasped, realizing he was there. “Hold Olivia!” I ordered. He looked a little freaked out, but once she was in his arms, he was smiling. He could be a stubborn little shit all he wanted, but he was a softy when it came to kids.

“She’s adorable.” I giggled, and nodded.

“Yep. She is. Pretty amazing that she’s so lucky to have gotten such a huge family,” I said, looking around, as everyone crowded into the room.

“Agreed,” They all said.