Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Um, huge surprise

“Zacky, get Olivia, while I make pasta.” He nodded, and went into the living room, where Olivia had just woken up. We were having a huge dinner tonight. The doorbell rang, and in bounced Vyra.

“Mm, yummy,” She said, poking at the homemade bread.

“Don’t touch!” I warned her. She gave a grin, and laughed. In came Syn and Bobbi.

“Hey! Where’s Livi?!” Syn asked. I grinned, and pointed to the living room.

“ZACKY! LEMME HOLD HER!” Syn whined. I rolled my eyes.

“He loves her,” Bobbi shook her head. I nodded.

“Yeah, he does. I’m gonna go out for a smoke.” Okay, so I failed the keeping stopped smoking. I relapsed the second time Olivia woke up at four a.m.

I walked out, and screamed. “Sh! Korynn, shut up!”

“Oh meh fucking god!” I whisper-shouted.


“What?! What would you say if—“

“If you say it I’ll make sure you pay!”

“Okay, I’ll keep my mouth shut.” I lit my cigarette, while they walked in.

“No, she saw a spider,” I hear Matt say. Once I was done, I walked back in. Bobbi was stirring the sauce, and Vyra was straining the noodles.

“So, have you picked godparents?” Vyra asked. I nodded.

“Yes, I have.”


“And, Livi’s gonna have two godmothers, because I love you that much, and one godfather.”

“Who’s the godfather?!”



“Oh, you love me,” I rolled my eyes.

“In another world.” They both said.


After dinner, we sat around watching Grey’s Anatomy, cause we’re just weird like that. “So,” I stood up. “I’ve got an announcement.”

“Keep your loud mouth shut!” Matt shouted.

“Matt I’m not talking about that!” I rolled my eyes. He looked somewhat calmer. “Anyways, before stupid-ass had to open his yap, We have decided the godparents for Livi.”

“And?” Jimmy asked, trying to look over me to see Grey’s Anatomy.

“There’s three of them,” I said, making a short story long to drive Jimmy nuts because he couldn’t see if the bomb was gonna go off in Meredith’s face or not.

“Interesting. move!” He groaned. I still stood there.

“Vyra, and BJ, you’re the godmothers.”

“Fantastic! Move!” Jimmy said.

“Syn, you’re the godfath—“

“WHOOPIE!” He shouted, hugging me tight. I giggled.

“Would ya’ll move out of the fucking way!” Jimmy shouted, as a fake explosion rang through the living room from the TV. “WHO GOT BLOWN UP!” Jimmy shouted.

“SHUT UP!” We shouted back.

“I’m gonna go clean the kitchen up,” I said, and walked into the kitchen. Matt came in.

“You’re not gonna tell, are you?” I giggled.

“As if. You’re cute together though.”

“Aw, thanks.”

“How long?”

“Two months.”

“Wow, no wonder you’re so quiet,” I giggled again.

“Well, you have to be when your hiding something. Does it bother you?” I snorted.

“As if. Why should it? You can’t help who you fall in love with Matthew Sanders, and how many times have I had to tell you that?” He looked at the floor. “Grab those plates—look, it doesn’t matter. I know for sure nobody here would mind, and if fans do, then they’re retarded, and don’t know a damn thing—put the in the sink please.”

“Well…I know…” he finally said.

“Don’t be idiotic M,” I muttered. “Put the forks in the dishwasher. Nobody cares who you’re in love with, as long as you’re happy, and they’re not abusive, to big of an ego, or they’re a majorly obsessive compulsive idiot!”

“Oh. My. God.” Zacky came in. “Matt’s found a girl!” He sang. I hit him across the head.

“What’ve I told you about eavesdropping?—Wipe the table down—it’s not nice.” I’ve always been one to keep two conversations. “Don’t use that paper towel! Use the dish cloth you moron—and Matt’s love life is none of your concern.”

“Look, honey,” Zacky sighed. “I know you’re good at the whole, ‘multitasking’ thing. But we can’t keep the two conversations up like you can. One at a time.”

“Shut up—put the bowls in the dishwasher.” He sighed, rolling his eyes.

“Sure. Who’s the girl Matt?”

“Butt out Zacky!” He snapped.

“Or is it a guy.” The bowl crashed to the floor.


“Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!” He cried, going to the floor, and picking up the large pieces. I growled, and grabbed my cigarettes, opening the window. I lit one, took a drag, and let the smoke out, watching it flow into the night sky.

“Dude, is it seriously a guy?” Zacky asked.

“Shut up Zacky!” Matt muttered.

“It is isn’t it? Gerard? Frank? Bob? Someone else?”

“Shut up Zacky!”

“Someone we’ve met before?”

“IT’S JOHNNY!” He screamed. Another crash. I took a deep breath, and slowly turned around.


“I—what?—M-Matt just…I thought…did he just say Johnny?!” He asked.

“Zacky!” I growled. “Get out while I clean this up, and pray I don’t kill you!” Everybody else came in.

“What happened?!” Johnny asked, coming over, and rushing to Matt.

“I thought you were with Taylor?!” Zacky asked.

“They broke it off,” I said quietly. “When Tay wanted to remain in Cali, and Johnny didn’t. They didn’t think they were right together.”

“SO THEY’RE TOGETHER?!” He shouted. Everybody’s gaze fell on Matt and Johnny.

Matt and Johnny were together.