Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Chapter Four

"What happened?" He asked, groaning. I bit my lip again, hard enough to taste blood. He stared up at me.

"Please don't pass out again," I said, chewing on my lip, and waiting for some response.He just stared at me and then at Matt.

"Can we talk?" He asked, as Syn stirred. Matt nodded and held out a hand to help him up. I knew this was a bad idea. I just KNEW it. They walked out of the room, and Syn sat up.

"What happened?" He asked. I giggled.

"You passed out, cause you saw me," I said.

"Yeah, well I was expecting the new drummer. Not a long lost best friend. Speaking of which, where IS the new dude?" He asked, looking around. Johnny let out a whistle, and Rev just looked around the room, while Zacky's parents, and Syn had all eyes on me.

"YOU HIRED HER AS THE NEW DRUMMER?!?!?!" Was heard throughout the city of Knoxville, I'm almost postitive. Syn's eyes widened, and I heard Matt muttering something.

"Oh dear," Lydia said.

"Look," I finally said. "I knew this'd be a bad idea." I turned around and walked out the door, leaving Johnny and Rev shouting after me, Syn sitting there shocked, as well as Zacky's parents. I ran down about 5 streets before I realized I had no idea where I was going, and collasped down onto the sidewalk, trying to hide my sobs from the rest of the world. I grabbed my cell phone and dialed Gerard's number.

"Hello?" Someone said groggily.

"Gee! They hate the idea!" I sobbed into the phone. "Zacky and Syn HATE the idea." I could practically hear him jerking upright at the sound of my voice, suddenly fully awake from whatever nap he'd been taking.

"Honey, whattsa matter?" He soothed.

"They p-passed out, and then Matt j-jumped on them, and they woke up--"

"Whoa! Back up! Matt jumped on them?" I could tell he was trying to contain his laughter.

"Yes, and then they woke up and Zacky started screaming at M in another room, and Syn couldn't say anything and...and now I'm in the middle of Knoxville, with nowhere to go!"

"Nashville?" He asked.

"KNOXVILLE!!" I screamed.

"Hun, you gotta calm down, or you're gonna pass out." I let out another sob.

"I dunno what to do!" I cried. He let out a breath, and I knew he was thinking of a solution.

"'s what you're gonna do," he said. "Call M, tell him where you are, but not to tell the others, clear?" I nodded. "Hun?"


"I can't hear you nod through the phone," he said.

"Wha?...oh, sorry, yeah, I'll call him." I could practically see him grinning.

"right. And then you're going to see what to do from there...okay?" I nodded again. "Babe?"

"Hmm?" I asked, focusing on the cigarette I was smoking.

"I cannot hear you NOD over the phone!"


"Were you listening?" He asked curiously.

"Yes, I was just focusing."

"On what?"

"This cigarette," I said, flicking it onto the pavement. I brushed my purple streaked fringe out of my face. "But I heard you. And I will. Thank you Gee. I love you."

"I love you too Korynn, call when you sort things out okay?"

"Yes," I said, and flipped the phone shut, quickly opening it back up and dialing Matt's ceel phone number.

"Hello," a worn out voice sounded through the line.

"It's me," I said, lighting up my second cig.

"Korynn! Oh thank god!"

"Hey...shush and listen, I don't want anyone to come with you, because I'm not dealing with Zacky until we get thins sorted out, but I'm five streets down, sitting on the sidewalk, in front of a huge white house. Kay?"

"Got it," He said. "See ya in five." I flipped the phone shut and ended up chain smoking four cigs.