Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Chapter Forty

The weeks passed by pretty quickly, and Vyra and BJ had me looking at wedding magazines and flyers every possible chance they could get. “Look at this one!” Vyra gasped, coming across a wedding dress, that had a black sash across the middle, and ruffles along the whole thing. Ruffles are not my thing. Ugh.

“Vyra, that’s hideous,” I said flatly. BJ looked over Vyra’s shoulder at it.

“Yep. She’s right. It’s gross.”

“Thank you.”

“Now, to David’s Bridal!” She shouted. My mouth dropped open.

“You said we were going shopping!” I cried out.

“We are! With your wedding planner!”

“Wedding planner?” I asked blankly.

“Her name’s Vanessa, she’s very nice. She was a friend of mine,” BJ said. “She’ll be organizing everything.”

“YOU GUYS!” I shouted. They gave cheesy innocent grins. “Argh! Fine. But I’m choosing the date. And I choose October 31st.”

“Deal!” They chorused.

“And the weddings red and white!”


“And…I can’t think of anything else right now…” They giggled, and climbed into the car. BJ was driving, because I didn’t have the faintest fucking clue where David’s Bridal was. We finally pulled up and there was a girl in a black Honda Civic waiting outside. She had on huge black sunglasses, and she had blonde hair.

“Hey Bobbi!” She smiled, hugging her.

“Vanessa,” She nodded. She turned to me. “And this, is the bride.” I smiled, and she squealed, and hugged me. I rolled my eyes, and flipped BJ off. She glared back. “Okay, so, do have a date?”

“October 31st.” I said simply.


“Black, red, and white,” I replied. “For the decorations. My wedding dress will be red and white.”

“Oh pretty!” She said, smiling. She grabbed my hand, and dragged me into the wedding store. We were immediately pounced by some sales lady. She took my name, and the date we were planning on, then my size, and led us back to the wedding dresses. She pulled like, fifty of them out, and led me to dressing rooms, which were surrounded by mirrors.

She handed me one. It had red that wrapped around my middle, tied into a bow in the back, and flowed down the dress the whole way to the end. I had to admit, it was pretty. It was also strapless. Once it was on, I walked out, and did a little spin.

“OH MY GOD!” BJ and Vyra shrieked.

“It’s perfect,” Vyra said. I grinned.

“It is, isn’t it?” I asked. “I always wanted simple. Nothing big, or fancy, but…I think I might be liking this.”

“Well…duh!” Vyra said. “Let’s see…October’s six months away…bridesmaids, matron of honor, groomsmen, best man—“

“Vyra, shut up and enjoy the moment would you?” I interrupted. “Go get your sizes.”

“But you need another bridesmaid, at least!”

“Alicia,” I said simply. She smiled. “Now, go look for dresses for you!” The sales lady called over two more ladies, and they dragged BJ and Vyra off, while I stood, looking in the mirror.

Because this was it. This was really happening. I was planning a wedding for me. Never in a million years would I had thought I was getting married, having kids, falling in love with the best damn guy ever.

“Kor?” Vyra asked, I whirled around, brushing away the stupid emotional tears. She giggled. “What’s wrong?”

“This is it!” I laughed. Brushing away more tears. “I’m all grown up now!” She came over and hugged me.

“Trust me. We’re not going to let you grow up,” She said, giggling a little, and hugging me tightly. BJ came in.

“Uh-oh, crying fest. Why?”

“She thinks she’s all grown up!” Vyra said. I laughed.

“I can’t help it, I’m just…there’s Livia, and I’m getting married, and I’m in this stupid dress, and we’re talking about it and…” I trailed off, as BJ started laughing.

“That stuff doesn’t make you all grown up Kor,” BJ said. “Grown up means getting all mean and bitchy, and kicking kids off your lawn. And owning 27 cats. Grown up doesn’t mean getting married and having a kid, especially since you’re going to have to practically be a kid yourself to keep up with Livia.” I smiled a little.

“Okay, you’ve convinced me,” I said, looking up at them.

“So, can we order the dresses?” Vanessa asked. I had forgotten about her.

“Yeah, we can order everyone’s dresses,” I said. “I’ll call Alicia later.”


“How was planning?” Zacky asked, pecking my lips as I walked through the door.

“It was…enlightening,” I smiled at him. I kissed our beautiful baby girl, who just turned four months last week. “Hey sweetie,” I smiled, taking her fingers.

“FUCK!” Zacky screamed. I looked over at him. He was in the kitchen, I was in the dining room. He’d dropped a bowl.

“Fuck,” I heard. I looked around. I looked down at Olivia.

“What did you say?” I asked her, arching my eyebrows. She gurgled, and giggled.

“Fuck!” She shouted a little. I stared.

“ZACKY!” I screamed. “OH ZACKY!” He came in.

“What?” He asked, looking at me.

“Say it Livi,” I grinned. “Say it so your daddy can receive hell from everyone.”

“fuck!” She giggled. His eyes widened.

“Four month olds shouldn’t even know how to talk,” He stuttered.

“Not true! Anywhere from four months to six months they learn to say there first word!” I protested.

“Oh my god, I taught my daughter the word fuck!” Zacky groaned, hitting his head against the door. I laughed.

“She’s possessed alright.”

“I can’t believe she repeated that!” He said.

“I can. She’s got your blood. And if I recall, your mom said your first word was shit.”

“Shit!” He replied.


“Shut up Korynn!” He said, sighing.

“So now what do we do?” I grinned.

“You get the baby book and put down that you taught your daughter how to say fuck, and then when she’s 18 and looking through it, she can scream about how you cursed her for life, and that she hates you so bad.”

He groaned again, and pulled it down from the bookshelf. I grabbed the pen, wrote down the date. Your stupid father taught you how to say fuck. What a moron. Remember not to marry someone like him Olivia. I’ll disown you.

“Kor!” he cried. I grinned. Maybe I wasn’t growing up after all….

Some of you may have already noticed, others may have not, but I'm still telling you. You may have noticed that the link to the sequel is up in the right hand corner. That doesn't mean anything just yet, it just means that I posted it up there, for you to subscribe to already. The only reason I'm doing a sequel, is because there's over thirty chapters, and I don't want my stories to get too out of hand, so I'm doing this. Nothing will have changed really, just maybe Olivia being a little older and stuff, but that's about it. Don't worry, there's still a few more chapters left of this to go through, so...yeah. Just telling you all why.
Don't forget to comment! xoxo-Kor-