Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

The Zacky High

“Okay, so, we’ve got everything set up in the reception hall, Zacky’s parents are here, sitting in the church—“

“I can’t believe I’m getting married in a church,” I muttered. Vyra slapped me lightly.

“Stop interrupting. Rehearsal dinner is about to begin.”

Rehearsal. For a fucking wedding,” I mumbled. “My fucking wedding.” Vyra laughed.

“Are you getting cold feet?”

“No, I’m getting sore feet from these fucking heels!” I groaned, going to take them off. But Vyra slapped my hand away and glared.

BJ came into the room carrying Olivia, who was whining a little. “Who’s getting cold feet when it’s only the night before the wedding?” BJ asked, looking directly at me, as I took Olivia from her.

“No one. I just…am having a super hard time believing that this is it. This is my wedding. That’s big Bobbi! That’s huge! Epic!”

“Epic?” She laughed. “You’re making it sound like the second coming!”

“It might as well be! It’s me. Honestly, would you have ever thought I would get married? Even when I was with Gerard?” She looked thoughtful for a second.

“No.” She said flatly. “No, I didn’t.” I laughed.

“See?” I asked her. “It’s epic!”

“Okay, okay, it’s epic.” I grinned, twirling around, Olivia grinning and giggling as I did.

“You’re mummy’s getting married Livia. Married! Oh my god!” I giggled hysterically. Vyra and BJ just stood there smiling.

“Mama,” Olivia giggled, giving me a sloppy kiss on the cheek. “Luvles you!”

“I love you too baby,” I smiled.

“Hey!” Syn came in. “Matt’s ready! So is Zacky. You?”

“Yeah,” I giggled. “I am.” He smiled, and took Olivia from me, taking BJ’s hand. Jimmy came in and took Vyra’s hand, and I followed. Matt was at the door waiting. He smiled, taking my arm in his.

“Tomorrow,” He whispered. I grinned up at him.

“Tomorrow.” The music started, and we practiced walking down the isle, and rehearsing everything. Everything except for our vowels and the ‘You May Kiss the Bride’ part.

We didn’t bother sticking to tradition, considering we had Olivia. You know, the whole ‘Sleep in separate houses thing’ Instead, we just spent the night with our friends. Zacky and I slept in a different room though.


Morning came a little too quickly for me. That might be because I had to take two Tylenol Night to get to sleep at all last night.

I stretched, and climbed over Vyra and BJ. I walked into the hallway, intentions on getting a shower. I heard loud moans from somewhere, and shuddered. That’s something I didn’t need to hear from either Jimmy or Syn or were having nice dreams or Matt and Johnny. I walked into the bathroom, and screamed. The moans stopped.

“Get out!” Matt hissed.

“Get out?” I asked, shocked still. “You’re seemingly forgetting that this is my house!”

“And do you really want us to get out?”

“Oh my fucking god!” I screamed. “This is…ugh!” I ran out the door, slamming it behind me. By then, everybody else had awoken.

“What’s up?” Vyra asked, yawing. BJ rested her head on Vyra’s shoulder, nodding in agreement.

“M-Matt and J-eww!” I shrieked, dancing around in circles.

“Korynn,” Syn said, stretching, and yawning a little. “Shut up and tell us what’s wrong with you!”

“they were in the shower,” I whispered, horrified. Vyra’s eyes widened, and BJ stood up straight.

“Like, together?” Vyra asked.

“No!” I rolled my eyes. “Yes Vyra, together.

The door opened and Matt and Johnny came out. Everyone avoided them, trying not to go ‘Ew’ or ‘Oh.’ Or ‘Good lord’ or—“Get a fucking room you morons! Not my shower!”

“ZACHARY!” I exclaimed, trying to stifle a giggle. Everybody else just burst out laughing as Matt and Johnny went red.

“Don’t you have a wedding to get ready for?” Matt mumbled.

“Well, I was planning on it, but now I have to use the master bathroom, which only has a shower, instead. That needs bleached.” I rolled my eyes, and walked to the bedroom, while they just stood there.


“Are you ready yet?” Someone called through the door. Vyra ran the spiral curling iron through my hair one last time, and set it down.

“Yes. Come in Matt,” I said. He slowly opened the door, and gasped.

“Oh my god Kor!” He said, his eyes lighting up, and grinning.

“What? That bad?” I joked. Vyra laughed a little, setting the straightner down once she was finished with Bobbi’s hair.

“No, more like, that great! Zack’s gunna have a fu—“

“Matt, we’re in a church!” Johnny scolded, coming in. “Don’t you dare.” Matt rolled his eyes.

“So, four minutes to go,” Johnny announced. “Hope you’re ready to become a married old lady, with kids.”

“I’m not old!” I declared flatly. He laughed, and looked at his watch.

“Three minutes!” I sighed, and tapped my foot impatiently. We waited another minute, before Matt led me to the entry of the church, Bobbi and Syn, Vyra and Jimmy in front of us. The music started, and I bit my lip as Zacky and Johnny came out and stood at the altar. oh god, this is it. BJ and Syn started walking down the isle, people staring and smiling. Then Vyra and Jimmy. The music gets louder, and it’s mine and Matt’s turn. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Now or never. Shit. I can’t believe I’m walking down the isle.

“Okay?” Matt whispered. I grinned up at him.

“Nervous as hell,” I whispered back, and turned my focus to making it down the isle without tripping. We stopped at the altar. Zacky took my hand and led me up there.

After the usual, ‘Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded, blah, blah, blah,’ the vowels came. Zacky went first.

“Kor, you’ve been in my life for so long, it’s not even funny.” He said. “We’ve known each other since kids, and life has tripped us, made us stumble, and made us fall, and we’ve lost each other. But we found each other again, and I swore I wasn’t going to lose you. I’ve never found anybody nearly as perfect as you. So my vows are simple. I’ll love you forever, I’ll protect you, and I’ll never lose you.”

Tears slipped down my face. “God, I hate crying,” I sniffled, and everybody laughed. “But every time I’ve cried because of you—for the most part—it’s been because you’ve done something so great, so extraordinary, and I can’t bare to not cry. Because you just know how to make me happy. Really happy. So…my vows to you: I’ll be there for you. I’ll love you. I’ll stand by you no matter how many stupid, or…weird things you do, I will stand by you.” He grinned down at me, and I wanted to kiss him right there.

“Okay, so the rings.”

We quickly did the rings, wanting to kiss one another after the emotional vows. The priest announced that we could, and Zacky kissed me in this way that was drugging. It was the only way Zacky knew how to kiss, The Zacky High way, where he left me soaring high, past cloud nine, to Nirvana, when he let go. And the only way it came crashing down was if I forced it too. Even if I never wanted it to…..

You got your shower scene, which means I better get comments! And no, this isn't the end quite yet. At least, I don't think so. But maybe no updates for a while. I have a few stories I want to work on getting ended, that way I don't have so many and stuff. But don't worry, I'm not going to stop updating this completely. XD