Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Author's Note

I've done it again. Only this time, it's even worse. I've fucked up. I am the master of fucking up. That's one thing you have to understand, about me, Korynn Victoria. I fuck up, no matter what the situation.

I'm sorry. But I'm temporarily not updating any stories. not my new ones, not my old ones, not my favorite ones. Not for a few weeks, anyways. I'll certainly miss you guys while I'm confined to studying into endless nights until my mother can look up at me again, not down on me. This is solely my decision, not my parents. I need to do this. If not, I'll fail every single class I've got.

You see, I put my all into writing, and my nothing into school. It's not because I'm stupid, (Even though if you saw my grades, you'd think I was) It's because I have low-self motivation, and low-self esteem. In truth, everyone on this site is probably the only reason I'm still alive. You have no idea.

So my grades are absoulutely fucked up, and I've decided to put all stories on a little Hiatus, in which maybe I'll update once a week for one story. I'll try my best to get my grades up, and my mother to stop looking down on me. It's not because she hates me. She just wants what's best for me. I think.

Once again, sorry for being a total anachronism, and I love you all, don't forget that.
