Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Chapter Five

Well, we were ALL sitting at a local coffee shop. ALL meaning everyone in A7X, seeing as Matt didn't bother listening to me. So here I sat at one of those outdoor tables, smoking what seemed like the thousandth cigarette that day, waiting for this akward silence to end. Which was not ending anytime soon. Okay, someone has to talk, so it's gonna have to be me. "So," I said. "Zacky, what's your deal with me being in the band?" He looked up from his coffee.

"I never said I had a problem with it," he said, really quickly, like he wanted to get this entire thing over with. I rolled my eyes, even though he probably couldn't see behind my oversized black sunglasses.

"Whatever," I muttered, sighing and flicking away an ash off my cig. "It's your story, tell it how you freakin want."

"Look, I don't have a PROBLEM with it," he snapped, his voice rising.

"Yeah right! Just like you didn't have a problem not calling Nine years ago, when every night I waited by that phone like some fu_kin prep, hoping that you'd call, praying that you'd miss me as much as I missed YOU. Instead, the phone never rang, and my prayers were never answered, just more proof to go with the fact that we're in truth, all going to Hell!"

"My God!" He sighed. "Must you quote your BOYFRIEND?"

"Is that SERIOUSLY what this is about?" I snapped. "Gerard?"

"NO!" He scowled.

"Okay guys," Matt said breaking in. "We need to get this sorted out, and we need to NOW."

"Your point?" I asked blatantly.

"My POINT is that you've got to tell each other why you're mad. And if you don't make up, then you're still coming on tour with us, and Zacky, you're just gonna have to deal. Clear?"

"Fine," I said, lighting up another cig. God, I sound like a retard smoking, and I'm gonna get cancer. Oh well. "I'll go first."

"Oh god," Johnny sighed, putting his head in his right hand for support and sighing again. "This cannot go over well." I knew what he meant, Zacky and I had fought before, it never ending well. With one of us getting a nasty prank played on them, or not finding the heart to forgive for a LONG time.

"Shut up," Zacky glared at him. "Or it won't END well for you asshole!"

"Why don't you make me?" Johnny snapped. "I mean, God Zacky, your mood changes like a friggin womans, no offense Korynn. You're happy one second, and the next you're ready to shoot us. This is nine YEARS of emotions ready to come out, get used to it, and stop threatening to fight me, I could kick your ass in a matter of seconds."

"Haha, you only wish Christ!" He snapped. I sat back, knowing what was about to erupt, Sure enough, Johnny pushed out of his chair, followed by Zacky, fists clenched. Then they started. Wrestling at first, not throwing any punches, and soon enough they were on the ground. My phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey girlie," Gerard called me his nickname for me.

"Hey Gee--"

"ASSHOLE, LEMME GO!!" Zacky wailed.

"What is going ON?" Gerard asked.


"Um," I said. "There's sort of a fight going on--"

"ZACKY QUIT HITTING ME THERE YOU D-" I covered the speaker of the phone and set off down an ally. "HEAD!!"

"Sorry," I said, once a safe distance away, even though I could still hear the occasional grunt and groan. "They're fighting."

"Who?" Gerard queeried.

"Zacky and Johnny," I replied. "Nine years later, and they STILL do it."



"Ha, YOU'VE got room to-- oh, hello officer," Zacky's voice could be heard.

"Shit, must I fix everything?" I groaned. Gerard laughed.

"Guess you'll have to call ba--"

"BUT OFFICER I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!" Matt's voice wailed.

"Yeah, I will, I love you--"



"Ohhh," I groaned. "I love you," I said one last time. He laughed.

"I love you too girlie," and then I hung up, racing out of the ally. I walked up to the officer.

"Miss, do you know these people?" He asked. I nodded.

"Sorry about the disruption. They're a bit on the crazy side," I grinned.

"HEEYYY!!" Syn whined. "This guy thinks we're on drugs." I giggled.

"Syn, shut up."

"BUT HE DOES!!" Shouted Zacky.

"ON second thought..." I trailed off and they knew what I'd do. I'd left them in a jail cell once before. They kept complaining that they weren't crazy, and finally I just told them to take them to the Jail with them, and I'd get them in the morning.

"NO!!" They all shouted at once.

"Look, do you think you can get them home? Or do you need a police escort?"

"I can get them home sir. Thanks though. And, erm, if you think that one over there moping needs taken away please do," I said, grinning at Zacky, who's eyes widened.

"YOU WOULDN'T?!?" He screamed.

"Yes, if you don't forgive me," I said.

"But you're not the one who needs forgiven," he said, smiling lightly. The officers walked off.

"Oh?" I asked.

"No. Forgive?" He asked me, taking a step closer.

"Forgive." We hugged and recieved 'Awws,' from the band. Things could start looking up, you never know.