Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Chapter Eight

My phone rang. "Hello?" I asked.

"3.95," the starbucks cashier said.

"There ya go," I said, happily taking my frozen caramel mocha latte.

"Korynn? Are you here?" Someone asked.

"Oh my god! Bobbi Jo?!" I asked, spitting out my coffee on accident. People on the sidewalk stared disapprovingly.

"YES!" She said. "YOU AREN'T A POSER!" I laughed. Bobbi Jo was one of my best girl friends from Jersey.

"How are you? I haven't heard from you on forever!"

"Well, you ARE on tour with one of my fave bands, so I figured I'd be mad at you."

"How rude," I said, giggling. "Well, I have a question?"

"What?" She asked, and I could tell she was actually taking out her mp3 ear bud. She only did that when she thought something was going to be serious.

"Well, Gerard decided that they're gonna follow us around for the last month of tour on thier own little tour. And I was wondering if you and Vyra wanna come on it?" Vyra was my other best friend, and she hadn't called either.

"Hang a sec," she told me, and I could tell she was talking to Vyra. I heard screaming in the background, and I could tell Vyra was on sugar high. "Uh-oh," she muttered. Then, "Ommf! VYRA!!" She shouted. I could tell they were struggling for the phone.

"YES I WILL GO ON TOUR WITH YOU! I GET TO MEET REV!! ARE YOU STUPID NOT TO ASK ME?!?!" She screamed. I winced. Vyra was like Frank in a way. She was always hyper and outgoing. She would walk up to any random person and hug them if they looked even remotley unhappy. When in the car, she'll wave to anyone who passes by. She's just someone sweet like that. And did I mention her HUGE crush on Rev? Well, yeah. And Bobbi Jo has a big one on Syn.

"Sorry Vy," I sigh. "I miss you guys."

"I miss you too," they chorus, and I can tell they're on speakerphone. "When does MCR's tour start?" Asks Bobbi Jo.

"uh, next month," i said, thinking to when we planned it. "I dunno, three way Gee." I said, shrugging, taking a sip of my mocha. Matt waved me over to the bus.

"We're going to Mikey D's," he said. "Who're you talking to?"

"Friends," I said.

"WHO?" Syn asked, screaming.

"Owww," Someone whined on the phone, and I recognized Gerard's voice.

"Oh, Hey Gee," I said, happily.

"HI GERARD!!" Syn shouted.

"Is that..." Bobbi Jo trailed off, starstruck.

"Um, Syn, could you tone it down?" I asked, interrupting her. He shook his head.

"NOOO!!!" He wailed. "I CAN'T LOSE TO YOU!!" He screamed. I just stared at him.

"Lose to me?" I asked, blankly.

"Yes," he said. "I can't let you order me around." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Gee, when's your tour?" I turn my attention to the phone.

"uh, three weeks," he said, and I can tell he's studying the calender.

"Gee?" I asked, in my pretend sweet voice.

"Oh god," he muttered. "What girlie?" He asked in his pretend sweet voice.

"Can Bobbi Jo and Vyra PLEASE come? I REALLY miss them, and they wanna meet A7X. PLEASE?" He sighed.

"How much do you love me?" He asked, beginning to tease.

"Well," I said. "You don't make me sleep on the top bunk, you don't make me watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre, don't tackle me, or pass out from seeing me, so I love you MORE THAN THE WORLD!" I said, all this time, glaring at Matt and Syn.


"Mr. Blueberry?" Bobbi Jo asked.

"Looonnngg story," I said, smiling at the thought of Mr. Blueberry going out the window.

"I'll ask on tour," she said.

"Nobody said you were coming," Gerard said slyly.

"PLEASE!!" Was the chorus of us girls.

"PLEASE!!!" Shouts Syn.

"Do you even know what you're pleasing about?" I asked, blinking at him.

"Nope," he said, happily, lighting a cigarette.

"Moron," I muttered. "PLease Gee?"

"Okay," he said laughing. "We'll pick you girls up on our way."
