Second Guessing and Tears Stressing

Chapter Nine

“Are we there yet?” I asked, again, pacing the room. We were supposed to be going to meet MCR and Bobbi Jo and Vyra at the airport, but it was taking forever. Texas sucked when it came to highways. Well, that’s what I was coming to the conclusion of anyhow.

“For the MILLIONTH time Korynn, NO WE’RE NOT THERE!!” Matt snapped. I sighed and sat down.

“Are we there now?” Syn asked, smirking at Matt. Matt glared daggers back, and that shut Syn right up. I sighed again, and stood up, going to the bunk area, where the others were sleeping. I opened Zacky’s curtain, to find him sound asleep, and peacefully. I smirked, and took advantage of the opportunity to get him back for hiding my cigarettes two days ago. I couldn’t even find them, and finally he confessed that he’d pitched them, claiming that I didn’t ‘need’ to smoke and I could quit anytime I wanted to, but now would be the time.
So I jumped on him, resulting in a big ‘Oomph!’ from him. “Korynn,” he moaned. “Whaddya want? And was that REALLY necessary?”

“Completely necessary,” I said happily. “And I’m bored.” He stayed quiet for a second, studying my features.

“You mean you’re nervous?” He finally clarified.

“No!” I said quickly. Too quickly. Zacky had always know how to read me, it was just like his natural ability. Today was no different. He knew that I was nervous, and chances are, he knew why. “Okay, so maybe a bit,” I shrugged. He smiled.

“Because…” he said, trailing off, gesturing with his hands. I sighed, I seemed to do that a lot.

“Because, I’m worried. Gerard’s a grown man, and smart for that matter, well, when he WANTS to be. But he has a tendency to think that he’s going to lose me to someone else. Not like, clingy tendency, but worrisome tendency, and he gets quiet, and cross. It’s hard to deal with sometimes, and I’m afraid he thinks that he’s losing me to you.”

“If he gets jealous, I’ll lay off, I swear,” he smiled.

“I know you would, you’re like th—“

“WHERE IS MR. BLUEBERRY???” Matt roared, and I bit my lip to keep from laughing, thinking about how I’d mailed Mr. Blueberry to Gerard last week, and he was on Gerard’s plane with him right now.

“I gotta hide,” I muttered, climbing out of Zacky’s bed. I started towards the tiny closet, then turned around. “Thank you Zacky,” I smiled. He smiled back.

“Welcome,” Footsteps were coming nearer, so he pretended to sleep, and I ran to the closet, hiding.

“WHERE IS SHE?” Matt shouted. I bit my lip to keep from laughing.

“Who?” Zacky asked.


“I don’t know what you mean,” he said, as honestly as he could. I had to try and stop trying not to laugh. I know, that made no sense.

“YES YOU DO!!” Matt cried.

“SHUT THE FU_K UP!!” Johnny screamed.

“MAKE ME!!!” Zacky screamed back. Oh no, they were at it again. Now it was going to be really hard not to laugh.

“I WILL IF YOU WANT ME TO!!” Johnny screamed.

“GO AHEAD YOU ARSE!!” Movements were made and I could tell they were wrestling.

“OW! Johnny that hurt!”

“DUDE, DON’T HIT ME THERE!!!” Johnny groaned. This sounded to weird. I giggled, and soon, there was silence.

“Who just giggled?” Rev asked. Syn must’ve come into the room, because that’s who I heard next.

“Wasn’t me,” he said.

“I know that giggled,” Matt said slowly, and I could tell he was coming nearer. All the sudden the door swung open. You know those shows where you’re hiding and all the sudden the door swings open, and you fall face flat on the ground, while everyone’s laughing. Imagine ME doing THAT.

“Oomph!” I groaned. “That—“

“WHERE DID YOU HIDE HIM??” Matt yelled. I bit my lip and made up another horrible lie.

“Well, he could be being Fed-Exed to my apartment right now.” He fell to the ground and tackled me. We began to fight like little kids, and as always, I won, while he sat on the couch with a black eye.

“We’re here,” our bus driver said.

“AGH!!” I screamed, running and jumping around. I finally got to see my best friends. Finally.

I will add more later, but Ice Cream is calling my name, and I cannot resist, sorry it’s so short. I’ll update tomorrow!