Status: Finished

The Dark Prince and Me...Wait, That's Not Right



I stormed inside the castle and didn’t stop running until I was at Dracula’s office.

He was signing some papers.

“Did you kill Melissa?”

He didn’t answer me; he looked at me with almost a surprised look.

“Excuse me?”

This pissed me off. I went in until I was in front of his desk. My palms on the edge of the desk and I leaned in.

“Did.You.Kill.Melissa?” I said ever so slowly.

My eyes narrowed and dangerous.

Robin came into the room and sighed.

“You can’t be serious, Vina. How can you believe them?”

“Isn’t it a little convenient that Manuel’s perfect car just broke… no. Something happened and when Manuel didn’t turn up dead you used his coma for leverage. You fucking monster killed Melissa and tried to kill Manny!”

“You can’t accuse my father!” Robin stood in front of me with nostrils flaring.

“Fucking little daddy’s boy!” I spat and walked out of the office.

I slam the door behind me. I go to the bed and grab a pillow and cover it over my face and I scream. I scream again and again. I take the pillow off and take a deep breath. I felt so alone in this world. I couldn't talk to anyone about my true feelings, and I was pretending to be something I'm not. I couldn't act all fancy like it wasn't me.

The door to the room opened and Dracula entered with a sympathetic look.

“What the fuck do you want you murderer?” I hissed at him.

“To explain things, clear them up.”

“Why? I know you killed Melissa.”

“Where did you hear this?”

“None of your business.”

“It is my business because it involves me, dear.”

I wanted to punch him. He killed Melissa. A picture of her flashed through my brain, and it brought great pain in my heart. The memories and time made it really hard to forget. But I didn't want to forget. He comes closer to me, until he was only about 2 feet away.

I always felt weird around him. In his eyes I always saw lust, which creep me out very much. I clear my throat and stand from the bed and start to walk over to the closet. But he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me close to him. “LET ME GO!"

"No I won't, you see I want you." he said with the lust look again.

"Gross! No thank you. I'm not attracted to older people." I said fighting him, but he was really strong. Stronger than me. But he presses his lips against mine. Ew, gag. I open my mouth a bit and bite his bottom lip; I felt his blood coming out.

"Ouch!!!" he said. He slaps me across the face with his ring hand. I could feel the little blood on my face. I use my powers of telekinesis to move him across the room. I run to the balcony, and jump. I land on my feet and start to run. I run into the forest and the branches hit my face, but I don't care I keep running.

Then as I'm running when a white light blinds me. I stop running. My heart felt like it was going to come out of my chest. "Vina take my hand." said Tristan's voice. I didn't hesitate and I take his hand, and a warm feeling went all over my body. The cold ground was gone and now I felt warm. I instantly faint. Blacking out.

My eyes open slowly and adjust to the light in the room where I was. It was almost entirely white. The bed I was on was very comfortable. The sheets were soft and smelled really sweet.

I stay in the same position as I woke up and analyze what had happened. Dracula had killed my best friend, and then tried to rape me. It was clear that I would never go back. The door of the room opens, and in comes Tristan with a tray of food.

"Morning Vina. Wow you were out cold." said Tristan with a smile; it was nice not to see fangs, but just plain white teeth.

"How long?" I asked.

"About three days." said Tristan and he put the tray on my lap.

"How'd you know I was awake?" I asked curiously.

"It's one of my powers. Sense things before they happen." said Tristan.

"That’s awesome. Where are we anyways?" I asked.

"Earth." said Tristan. I put a big smile on my face.

"Earth?" I said moving the tray to my right and got out of bed.

Amazing how I didn't fall. I went to the nearest window and opened it and the sunlight shone through. At first it burned, since it had been a long time since I've seen daylight. I enjoy the heat.

“I’ll never say how much I hate the sun ever again."

"Looks like you're all better. You should come downstairs and join the rest for breakfast." said Tristan. I nod and start to walk out when I look at the counter with the mirror and see that I had different clothes on.

"Who changed me?" I asked.

"The maids." said Tristan.

'Whew' I thought.

We go out to the hall and make a left, there were many doors. At the end of the hallway we made a right that lead to the stairs. We walk down the stairs and make a left, and through the door was a table for about 6 people.

At the table was Manuel with some other people. More like werewolves.

"Vina! You're awake." said Manuel coming to me and gave me a hug. I hug him back but more tightly.

"I thought I would never see you again." I said with my voice breaking.

"I will always be there when you need, and you can count on that." said Manuel.

We separate and take a seat. The werewolf had a smile on his face, he looked so friendly.

"Morning my name is Eric." said Eric extending his hand to shake and I take it and we shake hands.

"I'm Vina Dra--Nightly." I said correcting myself.

"Yes, you've killed many of my men. Your name is now feared by the lycans." said Eric.

"Uh yeah sorry. I wasn't aware of the full facts. But now that I know who truly is the enemy. I will do everything in my power to help." I said.

"That’s what we need. Your power. Together we'll bring down Dracula." said Eric.

"Yes." said Manuel.

"So what’s the plan?" I asked.

"Well first step is already done." said Tristan.

"What was it?" I asked.

"You." said Tristan.

"Cool." I said. “So now what?"

"We have an arranged a battle." said Tristan.

"Arranged. Wait are you saying that you called Dracula and said ''?" I said joking.

"Yeah that’s how it was done in the Dark Ages." said Tristan.

"Really cuz I was just joking when I said about the calling thing?" I said in awe.

"That’s how it was really done." said Manuel. “I googled it."

"For cereal ( me and my friends say 'for cereal' but it means 'seriously'.)?" I said.

Manuel chuckles. "It's been a long time since I've heard that. Last time I heard it was in the car with Meli---never mind." said Manuel.

A sadness enters. Her memory haunted us both.

"Well the battle starts tomorrow in the Underworld at midnight." said Tristan.

"Tomorrow?" I said.

“Well it gives me time."

"For what?" Manuel asked.

"I want to go see Melissa's grave." I said.

"We'll go together. We'll get her some flowers for her grave." said Manuel.

"Orchids. She loved those flowers." I said.

"I'll bring the car." said Manuel. I jump to my feet. I first eat some eggs and then I hear a honk.

I run outside. And get inside the car.

We stopped by a flower shop and got some orchids. Wows are those flowers expensive. But Melissa was worth more. As we got nearer to the grave, more and more memories flashed.

"Who knew huh?" I said out of nowhere.

"Knew what?" asked Manuel.

"Ever since I could remember. I've always wanted my life to be more exciting. More action to it. And now I have too much action to handle." I said.

"I remember when you loved to play Shakespeare stories. Melissa always was the protagonist, and you were always the narrator." said Manuel.

"What? I hated to act I just loved to read out loud his beautiful work." I said.

"What kind of 10 year old wants to do that?" Manuel asked.

"A smart one." I said.