Status: Finished

The Dark Prince and Me...Wait, That's Not Right

Barbie And Ken

The very next day, Dracula took us back to my house. And left quickly.

"Welcome my Prince... and Vina." said Chelsea. I give her a fake smile."Your room is ready."

We head to the stairs.

"Oh and Vina, you have a guest in the's Manuel." said Chelsea emphasizing his name.

"Could you tell him I'll be right there?" I said to Chelsea.

"Who is Manuel?" asked Robin.

"Vina's boyfriend." said Pamela coming downstairs. I glare at her.

"Boyfriend?" said Robin.

"He is not my boyfriend, I've known him since I was five." I said through me teeth."My mother's room and former Pamela's room is the first on the right, Robin."

I left Robin and went towards the kitchen. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I think I want to meet this Manuel." said Robin. I look at him and sigh.

"Whatever..just don't say anything about vampires he doesn't know." I said. And we went through the door, and Manuel was sitting on the kitchen table. "Manuel!" I said and jogged towards him, he gets up and we hug.

"Agarre tu mensaje, estas bien?"(I got your messege are you okay?) asked Manuel.

"Estoy bien, pense que Chelsea me iba a matar pero me llevo a Disney Land para mi cumpleanos."(I'm fine I thought chelsea was going to kill me but she took me to disney land for my birthday) I lied.

"For real?" said Manuel, he knew my step-mom was a royal bitch.

"I know suprised me too, but it was fun..I guess." I said whispered the last part. The Manuel's eyes shifted from me to behind me.

"Uh..who's your friend?" asked Manuel.

"Oh! Right..this is my friend, Robin, um..he's a friend of the family." I lied. I saw manuel's eyes sigh in relief.

"Ooookay...I'm Manuel Cortez." said Manuel extending his hand to Robin, who shook it, a bit rough. When Robin let go, Manuel rubbed his shoulder. I chuckle. "Well see you tomorrow in school, V."

"See you, Manny." I said hugging him, and he gave a kiss on the cheek (mexican tradition), I got used to it. Manuel left through the kitchen door and Robin and I were left alone.

"Why did he kiss you? If he's not your boyfriend?" said Robin.


"His culture smart butt, in the mexican tradition, you greet people with a peck on the cheek and when you say good bye too. Theres no meaning behind it." I said grabbing a mango. I LOVE mangos. "Wanna see the room now that you know he's only a friend?"

"If you think he makes me jealous, you're dead wrong." said Robin.

"If you think that I care that you don't care, then you're dead wrong... wait you're already dead oops." I said shrugging my shoulders and walked out of the kitchen. I hear footsteps following me, I knew it was Robin so I didn't turn, I just went staright to my mom's room. And like Robin's dad said, everything was back in my mom room's. My old posters that were in the attic were now on the wall.

"Not bad." said Robin looking around. I lift my eyebrow.

"Not bad? This is the best room in the house, it was father died...well more like murdered." I said checking the drawers to see if my stuff were back and it was, even new stuff. And most of the clothes from the castle too. When I looked to my right, I saw Robin leaning on the cupboard. "Need anything?...a brain maybe... well you can't have mine, I actually use my brain."

"You listen to rock?" said Robin with a curious voice. I didn't answer, I got the mango from earlier and teared the skin with my mouth and put the peal that came off on the trash can.

"Why you ask?" I said and took a bite from the mango, and some juice slipped on the side of my mouth, and I cleaned it with my hand.

"I saw your collection of cd's, it's a good collection." said Robin. I give him a confused look.

"Yours isn't bad either... could use a little Metallica, though." I said. I took another bite and more juice came out and this time I cleaned it with my shirt.

"That's not lady like." said Robin pointing to my dirty shirt. I shrug my shoulders.

"Pshh, who cares?" I said.

"You don't care about what other people think of you?" said Robin.

"Why should I care what they think, they don't know me at all, so their opinion is of no matter." I said, and threw the rest of the mango.

"Ohhh Vina.." said Pamela from the door. Robin and I turn to her.

"Ohhh yes?" I said mocking her. She pouts.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to the Dark Prince?" said Pamela flashing her eyelashes.

"Robin this is Pamela aka Barbie she's also looking for her brain so you can help each other out." I said claping my hands together. "Yay! have fun Barbie and Ken." and I walked out of the room. I was half way down the stairs when someone grabs my shoulder and turns me half way around, to meet some light green eyes.

"Where are you going?" asked Robin.

"Out." I said and started to walk down the stairs again.

"Father told me not to let you out of my sight." said Robin.

"Look, I'm human not an animal--"

"What's the difference?" I heard him say. I glare at him and punch him in the stomach, he goes down to his knees in pain, groaning. As I head out the door, I hear Pamela's shriek.

"Omg! Your highness, what happened?"

I slam the door shut, and walk out to the street. It was sunny outside, which was a good feeling, for the last 2 days i felt like I was in the darkness.

The mall sounds like a good place to be.

Robin's p.o.v.

"Robin, this is Pamela aka Barbie, she's also looking for her brain, so you can help each other out." said Vina and clapped her hands together, with a fake suprise look. She's so funny.."Yay! Have fun barbie and ken." and she walks out the room. I stand there with a confused look, and holding back a laugh from Vina's joke. Then Pamela walks over to me trying to be sexy.

Don't get me wrong, she's hot, but she's not the kind of girl I usually notice. I notice the girls who sort of stand out in the crowd, like the girl wearing black while the other girls are wearing pink.

"So..your highness.."

"I'll be back." I said passing her and went out the room, I heard someone going down the stairs, I jog half way down, and grab Vina's shoulder and turn her to face her face to face. I had never noticed her hazel eyes(sorry if I changed the eye color), they were beautiful and full of life. "Where are you going?"

"Out." she said with a what-does-it-look-like-I-am-doing-look.

"Father told me to not let you out of my sight." I lied, it was just en excuse not to say alone with Pamela.

"Look I'm human not an animal.."

"Whats the difference?" the moment those words came out my mouth I regreted ever opening my mouth. She glares at me. And punched me in the stomach. I fall to my knees, I wasn't expecting it to hurt so much. She didn't look like a strong girl. Then I hear, the worst voice I heard in my life.

"OMG! your highness what happened?" said Pamela coming down the stairs. I hear the door slam shut and I knew Vina was gone. Pamela helped me up. "What did she do?"

"She punched did she get so strong?" I thought out loud.

"Cleaning, I guess." said Pamela, with the dumb blonde look(no offense to any blondes.)

I roll my eyes, and head for the couch.

"Where did you think she went?" I asked after about an hour of regaining my energy.

"The mall, she and her..friends have this spot on the mall..well more like a store where they all hang out." said Pamela messing with her hair."but who cares about a mortal like Vina...when you have me." she came next to me and leaned for a kiss, I back away.

I had to think quick for an excuse. "Care to show me the mall?" She looks at me and giggles.

"Totally." she said and pulled my hand.

We walked to the mall. I think it was the longest walk in my life, Pamela wouldn't shut her mouth. It was like a broken record or something, all she talked about was how boys asked her out and she rejected them. But that was all I got, most of the time, i was wondering what Vina was doing. Was I the Dark Prince falling for a mere mortal girl? No. I told myself. Not again.

"We're here!" said Pamela waking me from my thoughts.

"Oh." was all I said. Pamela got my hand, and interlocked our fingers. I didn't want to be rude so I didn't pull out. "Where is this store where Vina hangs out?"

"Don't worry we have to pass by there to get to my friends, don't worry they're vampires too." said Pamela.

"Other vampires go to mortal school?" I asked suprised by the news. Why didn't Vina tell me?

"Of course, I mean whats the point of living enternally and no fun, and trust me high school, is fun." said Pamela with a smirk. As I look around, I could see people separate themselves depending on their taste of music. I saw the rappers, the nortenos, jazz, pop,and finally rock. The store was called Hot Topics. From afar I saw Vina, trying some belts on, with her friends.

She was laughing, and smiling, but sincerely. She looked..happy. I laugh when someone hits her on the butt with the belt. She rubbs her butt, and goes after he friend who had hit her.

"Come, meet the others." said Pamela pulling me, but I was too strong for her.

"Wait, I wanna say hi to Vina." I said with an evil smile on my face.

VINA's p.o.v.

When I got to the mall, I went straight to Hot Topics. The first people I saw, was Manny, he was talking to some girls.

"Hey couldn't get away from me?" said Manny.

"I couldn't, you're just to irresistable." I said and licked my lips and we laughed.

"Where's your friend?" asked Manny.

"Friend, what friend?" said Melissa my other friend.

"He's a friend of the family." I said making it sound like it was nothing. "But you'll meet him tomorrow, he's going to school with us..unfortunately."

"What? Is he ugly?" said Melissa.

"God, no!" I said, and I was suprised by my own reaction."I mean, no, he's not." Manny gives me a confused look."I don't want to talk about it, let's just have fun...while I can." I knew that after the wedding(stomach wants to hurl) I would never see my friends again. Just the thought of never seeing Manny again made me angry and sad.

"Estas bien(you okay?), you look a bit, down." said manny lifting my chin up to look into his light brown eyes.

"I'm fine." I said.

For the next our we just hanged out and talked about how this year was going to be different. Juniors, in high school. When I was trying out some belts on, melissa slaps me with one.

"Owww!! Pinche Melissa, WTF? eso dolio (that hurt) I'm so gonna get you back." I said, running after her through the store. Melissa and I are laughing, when I turn to the right, I bump into someone."Damn I'm sorry.." I said and looked up and it was...Robin."Oh its you." my face went from happy to a big frown.

"Need help?" said Robin offering his hand. But then Manny comes.

"Whatcha doing on the floor V?" said Manny offering his hand, and I took Manny's.

"Bumped into an old friend." I said as Manny helped me up. I clean my hands on my jeans.

"Robin! Come meet my friends." said Pamela coming into the store.

"Pamela, wrong store, the brain factory is around the corner, and they're on sale, I'm sure you can find one your size, not sure they make it that small, but who knows?" I said.